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/lit/ - Literature

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2768113 No.2768113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Haha, what's wrong with you Anon? You always say you like books but you're not interested in Fifty Shades of Grey? Are you just trying to look smart?"

>> No.2768115

>thanks y-you too

>> No.2768119

Hi OP, can you talk to me? I'm very lonely and sad.

>> No.2768118

Never heard of it until earlier today. Please tell me this isn't some kind of shitty teen fad like the hunger games going around

>> No.2768120


>> No.2768122

What am I doing here? I must have gotten lost on my way to the park. Excuse me ladies, there is hard literature to be read. Plebeians.

>> No.2768124

This is weird. I went to chapters today to buy a few books and I passed by a few shelves with Fifty Shades of Grey on them. For some reason it was the one that stuck out to me.

I didn't buy it or pick it up, but it's odd that I see this now.

What is it about? Opinions from people who read it?

>> No.2768126

I doesn't bother me that chicks read bodice-rippers with Fabio pirates on the covers, so I don't reall care that they read 50 Shades of Grey. Same difference.

>> No.2768129

Someone pretty much said that to me once, except with Hunger Games instead of Fifty Shades.

>> No.2768139



>> No.2768144

>lol that guy has chicken legs

>> No.2768153
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I've never heard of that book, is it an American author? I'm not familiar with literature from your country but if you share me yours I would read it, we could go drink a bottle of wine every each other chapter and talk about it, when I finish reading it and knowing you, I could give you my insight of your literature and culture.

>> No.2768189

Lol, does your friend over here even lift? Look at his weak ass chicken legs. Fucking curlbro..

>> No.2768238

Women read terrible sex fiction, men watch online porn. If they have a go for not reading it, ask them why they watch "the Notebook" but wont watch a filthy porno. Same medium, same difference. In the end bitches be crazy.

>> No.2768339

believe me if either The Notebook had more explicit sexual content or online porn was of the same level of craft as The Notebook I'm sure there would be a much more equal viewing of either.
Otherwise the two things are very different.

>> No.2768352

That guy chose a bad example. A good example would be 99% of the "romance" fiction women read which accounts for as much as half of all the books sold.

Norm MacDonald once famously described it as Spinster Porn.

>> No.2768353
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>> No.2768354
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Let's make a deal, ladies.

>> No.2768378

As Schopenhauer said: "Great minds appeal to other great minds". I believe the opposite is true as well.

>> No.2768385
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, horsesex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe the opposite is true as well

>> No.2768396


It's Twilight BDSM porn with names changed.

>> No.2768398

I think it contains erotic stories for women.

>> No.2768404

>However, The Telegraph criticised the book as "treacly cliché" but also wrote that the sexual politics in Fifty Shades of Grey will have female readers "discussing it for years to come."

>> No.2768411

>this book will inevitably end up on the syllabus of some English Lit class

Who will be first to do it? I have fifty bucks on NYU.

>> No.2768418


>implying there isn't a thread about it on the frontpage everytime you visit /lit/

>> No.2768447

“Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in his viselike grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his lips … His other hand grabs my hair and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine … My tongue tentatively strokes his and joins his in a slow, erotic dance … His erection is against my belly.” (Page 78)

>this is being sold as literary genius

>> No.2768462


>> No.2768476


>His erection is against my belly.

>> No.2768562

Well, at least it's not as bad as the descriptions in FATAL.

>> No.2768580


A parody in 10 days makes some guy a massive book deal. Incredible.

>> No.2768596

Okay, so this girl signs a contract with this billionaire that says she has to be his slave.
Said contract includes a non-disclosure agreement, because he has a massive boner for BDSM.
And the reason he has a boner for BDSM is because he was abused as a chid.
So this bitch, using the same logic I last encountered in highschool freshmen, thinks "Oh, I can change him, unlike the other women he's had."

Is this about right?

>> No.2768602

Sounds a lot like Pretty Woman

>> No.2768682

Narcissism of small differences

>> No.2768690

I'm not trying to troll, but nowadays whenever I come to /lit/ I feel like I'm on /b/ or /v/, just with a topic of literature.

This board has really lost its way in the past year.

>> No.2768696

I know that feel. Half of the threads here make /lit/ just live a themed /b/.