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/lit/ - Literature

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2767972 No.2767972 [Reply] [Original]

tried reading this, couldn't make it past halfway, how was this so popular, it feels like the twilight of science fiction.

>> No.2767977

It's meant for very young teenagers. You probably won't enjoy it as an adult if you don't have the nostalgia glasses of having read it as a little kid.

>> No.2767980

That shit is meant for little kids bro.
Only a retard couldn't see the end coming.
The subplot about his siblings is also stupid dumb.

>> No.2767997

>The subplot about his siblings is also stupid dumb.
Hey, taking over the world by blogging is completely believable.

>> No.2768000
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Best post of the week.

>> No.2768001



It was actually worse than that.
It was closer to taking over the world by tripfagging, samefagging, and shitposting.
Just let that sink in.

>> No.2768009

>implying that's not already happening
>implying that 98% of all tripfags/anons on 4chan are all the same person

>> No.2768013

>aren't* all the same person

>> No.2769499

>reading sci-fi book written by american republican redneck

You seem surprised.

>> No.2769513

Yeah I quit about half-way. The whole "special snowflake" thing at the beginning where kids with high IQs were saying how they thought the book was about them really annoyed me too.

>> No.2769519

Why isn't there a book called Gender's Aim?

>> No.2769514

+One million

>> No.2769542

I was insulted when my ex-gf gave this book to me as a birthday present.

>> No.2769562

>it feels like the twilight of science fiction.

It is.

In the end ender becomes hitler even though he REALLY didn't want to, and his siblings LITERALLY achieve world domination by tripfagging on /pol/. I couldn't make this shit up.

>> No.2769677


>stupid dumb.

This is my new favourite thing.

>> No.2769701


>dumb and stupid
For some reason people find it hilarious when I say this in real life.

I never read this book when I was younger (AP classes didn't have us read it, and I read fantasy only when I was younger), and have been meaning to read it now... but am afraid because of this thread.

>> No.2769715
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You are afraid of reading a novel widely regarded as a scifi masterpiece by reputable critics everywhere because of a couple pedantic teens with superiority complexes on 4chan?

>> No.2769871

It's short.

>> No.2769884

It's a fast read. You'll have it finished in a weekend or less, depending on your free time. Worth the read, just burn it afterwards so nobody knows.

>> No.2769934


>> No.2770427

Well yes, the siblings subplot is kind of dumb but it serves as a motivational hyperbolic message for smart kids, so that they won't be embarassed of their capabilities and won't be afraid to use them.

By the way I subscribe to Toaster's theory. I believe with all my heart that he is both nietzche and D&E and even Benny

>> No.2770459

This was a great book. Granted I read it when I was 14. Don't be afraid to read it.