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File: 54 KB, 425x431, chuckpalahniuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2767216 No.2767216 [Reply] [Original]

So is he universally hated on this board? And for what reasons?

I quite like him, he's 'minimalist' style can get a bit meh but I enjoy his works of which I've read.

>> No.2767217

not universally. i think most people dislike him because of the irony and the edginess, and of course, the number once reason for disliking something: because of the fanbase.

>> No.2767218

I don't think he's hated. He's seen as mediocre more than anything else. I'm guessing it's the teenage fans that really get /lit/izens riled up.

>> No.2767221

didn't mean to sage.

>> No.2767232

I know its probably what I've noticed but he seems to arise in threads of bad prose or quoted in threads where they hate on 'sham' authors. Maybe I'm reading too deep into it.

>> No.2767238


name please? sorry, just don't recognize him

>> No.2767245


>> No.2767246

it's chuck palahniuk, it's in the filename

>> No.2767258

As a matter of interest, does he actually have any other "good" books besides Fight Club? Besides that gorn Guts.

>> No.2767278

>he's 'minimalist' style

lol, calling Palahniuk minimalist is an insult to books like WWTAWTAL.

But Palahniuk is fine for the first couple of his books you read. Then you realise it's the same old stuff over and over again and you stop caring.

>> No.2767301


I liked Survivor and Choke, I'd avoid Lullaby (it's decent but there are better), Snuff and Pygmy though. I haven't read the others.

>> No.2767317

Rant is decent sci-fi

But you don't find out until like halfway through the book

It's a good Chuck Palahniuk book because halfway through it decides it no longer wants to be a Chuck Palahniuk book

>> No.2767636


I liked Pygmy, though the stream-of-consciousness writing took getting used to - I thought it made the novel better in the end

>> No.2767649

I just finished that. It's the only Palahniuk I've ever read. I thought it was pretty good. I guess some people mind the fixation on sex and violence? It was just a passing amusement, really. The second half saved it.

>> No.2767767

Its good, just not great.

It is like comparing Donnie Darko to There Will Be Blood. Donnie Darko is an entertaining watch, but lol-so-edgy teenagers blow it up to ridiculous proportions, and it just doesn't compare to a real film like There WIll Be Blood.