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File: 280 KB, 418x908, creative writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2766259 No.2766259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Conservative Patriots Of America in charge of creative writing

>> No.2766262
File: 90 KB, 1047x838, 1340942525441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its one way to get money for writing

>> No.2766265

Jesus. What a waste of mammary cells. I'd paper bag that ho fo sho tho.

>> No.2766269

>Conservative Idiots of America

Fixed that for you

>> No.2766270

Those are fucking disgusting

>> No.2766268

The joke is that "filthy drug addict rapist criminals" are only created as a response to Capitalist oppression.

>> No.2766273

explain yourselves

>> No.2766275

>817 people like this

>> No.2766277

I laughed.
Can't you tell that its satire?

>> No.2766283

but it's not


>> No.2766295

I lost brain cells reading that

>> No.2766298

Am I the only one BOTHERED by the fact that the girl in the picture beneath the writing is armed with a pair of Walther P99s? I mean....they're solid handguns but they certainly aren't the most American of pistols.

>> No.2766330
File: 132 KB, 316x2236, engrish-funny-scotus-upholds-obamacare-enraged-and-ultra-super-offended-americans-moving-to-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like that are the same saying that they are moving to canada if Obamacare passes. And they don't even know that canada has socialistic healthcare.

Pic completely related.

>> No.2766334
File: 14 KB, 233x270, 1332295186445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2766337

cant tell if troll

please stop posting

>> No.2766342

yo nigga racist

>> No.2766355

>more than most likely

>> No.2766361

i'm black

>> No.2766403

>leftist posts inane story about how guns are responsible for people dying

>conservative posts inane story about how guns are responsible for saving people's lives.

>> No.2766407

I'd like to see how many made good that promise in a year.

>> No.2766411

It's like Blue State all over again.

Guess it's time to make its spiritual sequel, Red State.

>> No.2766419

OHH god, that voice over and voice over dialouge

>"But sometimes falling in love...means crossing a line"

my sides

>> No.2766426

I was hoping the response to Obamacare would have been more like Canadian Bacon:

>Canada have terrorised us for the last time with their socialist influence

>> No.2766443

democrats are big faggots, naturally their style's more palatable to those stuck in the filthy nwo kyke multi-culturalization paradigm

>> No.2766450

Hey guys! My name is Carrie! I'm the Conservative Patriots' head of creative writing. I'm such a free-spirited conservative individual. In one of my stories I'm suddenly attacked by filthy drug addict criminal rapists! But then my beautiful pretty eyes saved the day and I tell them to follow their savior God!

;-) ;-)
NOBAMA 2012! ;-) Hey check out my sexy tits!

>> No.2766490

>blue eyes

>> No.2766748

Prove it.
>I'm such a nerd xDDD

>> No.2766766

>Dual Wielding
>Turning guns sideways
>Fingers on triggers
0/10 would not shoot

>> No.2766810

Could you imagine if every writer used quotes to point every time they used a work jokingly?

>> No.2766888

killing criminals is something wrong in your europoor shitholes?

i guess she should have just brought lube instead?

>> No.2766908

>equating "not killing people" to "rolling over and letting them fuck you"
You're so American, I'm vomiting red, right and blue.

>> No.2767007

Beccaria and 18th century philosophers are crying in their graves.

>> No.2767046
File: 54 KB, 371x363, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No really- conservatives are massive fucktards and just rightly be exterminated. This is proven fact, accepted by the UN"

>> No.2767051

>I'll just give the criminal everything i own and hopefully he won't bother me.... after all he deserves it because he must have had a hard life.....

fucking liberals

>> No.2767064
File: 429 KB, 468x339, Woahthere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, here I am, spreading my gay, liberal agenda by not advocating murder. Have some more.

>> No.2767066

>the front door had been violently busted down by a gang of filthy drug addict rapist criminals, who came to rob the house & more than most likely hurt Carrie, too!!
>more than most likely
>implying probability beyond the scope of human reason

why won't conservatives let God rape them? Xenia is dead I'm moving to Turkey

>> No.2767067

>dolled up
>see through corset

Is this what Conservative "Patriots" Of America do when they're "going out with their girls"?

>> No.2767071

>defending criminals
>making self-defense illegal

You are a blatant traitor, like all liberals.

>> No.2767078

>Implying self-defense and killing people are the same thing.
Have fun in prison.

>> No.2767082
File: 600 KB, 1920x1080, u srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't warmly receive home invaders, lecturing them on anarchism and sending them off with a cheery, "Remember, the passion for destruction is also a creative passion!"

or are you beta

>> No.2767083

lel do you even live in america? Ever heard of Stand Your Ground?

Enjoy being imprisoned because a judge disagrees with "reasonable force", or when they arrest and charge you with "racial hatred" because you defended yourself against a non-white.


>> No.2767086

They're not, but they do overlap just a tiny little bit.

>> No.2767088

No, thank god almighty, our judges actually have to justify their rulings and can't pull bullshit out of their hat depending on their mood.

I don't want to be bias against America, but they make it so fucking hard.

>> No.2767098

u wot m8
You live in a socialist shithole, where self-defense is literally illegal, don't think you can be pretending to be better then amerka.

>> No.2767099
File: 65 KB, 355x328, 1244037734510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has literally no idea how any other first world country works.
>Proud to be an American.

>> No.2767102

You are required to use "reasonable force", which is an entirely subjective thing, also you are legally required to flee, you cannot act in defense of anyone else, you cannot defend your property, etc.

You have no freedom.

>> No.2767115

>you are legally required to flee, you cannot act in defense of anyone else, you cannot defend your property
The Daily Mail is not a good source of information.

>> No.2767116

You have to blame juries to a point, too. There are a lot of cases now where people in SUVs are being idiots on their phone while driving, then hit smaller cars and give their drivers neck injuries and stuff, and the juries don't consider "aches and pains" to be anything worth compensating (even if you had to have medical treatment for it). It's like proles being run over by carriages all over again.

>> No.2767117

You just said that 'you are required to use "reasonable force"' while also being "legally required to flee". You have no idea what you are talking about, and being that you're proud to be a gun-toting Amurritard, seem proud to showcase that.

I'm canadian, I've never had a home invasion, but a rich friend has (Manor Park rich). Was a couple years ago, was up late at night when someone broke in, he broke the guy's leg with a baseball bat and waited until the cops came. Nothing stolen, not charged with anything.

Just the other day a new bill (Lucky Moose BIll) was passed allowing shopkeepers to chase down and tackle shoplifters without fear of being charged. Meanwhile, our non-gang-related guncrime is incredibly lower than yours.

>> No.2767122

To clarify, I meant that my friend received no charges. The asshole that broke in was on probation at the time and ended up back in jail.

>> No.2767132

I'm canadian too you fagbot.

And a rich person got away with breaking a home intruders leg in his own home is hardly evidence of "decent self-defense laws".

There are so many things wrong with your bullshit, can a elderly person or a woman beat a male home invader? Of course not. If your friend had used a knife, or god forbid a gun, it would have been an entirely different situation.

Suppose it had been two home invaders? suppose it had been someone with a gun or with a knife or a more determined and capable person? Then your friend could have done nothing with his stupid fucking baseball bat.

We are talking about basic freedoms here that used to exist under the magna carta but have been stolen from us because of statist vermin like yourself who consider a criminal more important then the law abiding.

So essentially your thinking is that only males exist, that criminals are universally physically weak, and that gun crime is the only real form of crime.