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/lit/ - Literature

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2765241 No.2765241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walking around in barnes and noble today
>come across this table
>rage mode off the scale

The second I saw it all I could think was 'this is going to make such a great /lit/ thread'.

>> No.2765248
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>Barnes and Noble
>selling popular books
The fucking horror
>thinking about 4chan when not on 4chan

>> No.2765280

I'm with you, OP. I'm gonna boycott my local hardware store because they sell all those screwdriver sets that seem quite popular.

>> No.2765295

You guys got me all wrong, I'm not mad that Barnes and Noble is selling them, I'm mad that there is so much demand for them that they honestly require an entire table, there are no other books there that were displayed in such vast quantities.

I'm mad at society for being so stupid.

>> No.2765323

chill out bro at least thei reading

>> No.2765339


Reading porno fanfiction does not count as reading.

>> No.2765345

Good thing society just changed and isn't the same conglomerate of people that can be exploited as easily as in any other point in history

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.2765350

I hate this argument, what are the chances they're going to go, "Wow you know what else seems good? The Brothers Karamazov."

>> No.2765352

>I'm mad at society for being so stupid.

Its not society, it's the people pirating books. They have forced publishing houses to aggressively market books just to generate enough profit to keep afloat. They need to pay the minor writers, the proof readers, cover artists, printing and production costs, advertising, a huge team of staff...

>> No.2765355

I used to rage then I realized people aren't necessarily becoming more ignorant over time. It's just far easier to see examples of it these days. People were always idiots. Granted, reality tv may prove to really take down the next generation as time goes on. The things I see and hear daily at my job..

>> No.2765357

They have machines that will specifically print books at the order, technology has changed an industry, and it needs to adjust, that's not the customer's problem

>> No.2765360

I would bet 6,000 years ago people were almost infinitely more ignorant

>> No.2765366

Oh no, a business is profiting from idiots!

>> No.2765375

Publishers would probably go for that, since often Chainstores force agreements where they don't face loss for shrinkage (so if you steal a book from B&N, they just won't pay Penguin or whoever for that book at all). This kind of Just in Time inventory management would help stop this shrinkage.

>> No.2765384
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I want you to know that I literally laughed out loud. +10 internets to you.

>> No.2765386

They should start putting that book in the Mystery/Thriller section to see what happens.

>> No.2765427


That would be funny, I always want to move/mix good books over by the shitty ones to try and encourage good reading.

>> No.2765439

OP's jimmy status:

Unrustled [ ]
Rustled [ ]
Do the Rustle [ ]
Every Day I'm Rustlin' [X]

>> No.2765485

I have not been to /lit/ in a billion years, nor am I familiar with this book. what's the deelio with it again?

>> No.2765486

Oh god that pisses me off

>> No.2765712


It is a twilight bondage fanfiction with all bella and edward references removed, which has become a runaway bestseller.

>> No.2765741

My B&N has sold over 800 copies.
Since April.
Also, in the last year, we've sold 1,003 copies of the Hunger Games, just the first one, only counting paperback.

Newsflash, guys: people like shit books. Shit books sell really well.
Stores want to make money. They sell a lot of shit books.

>> No.2765780

Just think, all those throngs of customers coming into the store to buy Ulysses will be waylaid by those big tables and so will buy that instead.

>> No.2765794

I find it much more offensive that they sell toys.

>> No.2765804

Funny story...the bookstore I work at banned fifty shades of grey for "over-sexuality"...

>> No.2765812

Why the fuck do you care what people read, OP? Are you so insecure that you have to insult and demean just to make yourself feel a little better? Stop wasting your time whining over this when you can't do anything about it.
Also, why would you think of 4chan IRL? And this doesn't make a great thread, it's an awful one.

>> No.2765822

The one I go to has ten percent of its profit coming from that single book.
My sides. Few people want to challenge themselves. Pushing your limits makes you recognize your limits, which makes people feel stupid.

>> No.2765828

I'll go buy another copy of TBK if somebody does that.

>> No.2765832

My coworker's gf works at B&N and she said that they sell 500 copies each month.

>> No.2765855

I wouldn't be surprised. The store I work at is the third smallest in the country, so, of course, we sell less than everybody else (except the first and second smallest stores). But we still sell a shitload.

>> No.2765861


When I said 'will make a great thread' I really meant to say was 'this thread is guaranteed over 100+ replies'.

>> No.2765878

It doesn't make me rage when people enjoy books like this or twilight. Hey, I occasionally read painfully shitty and generic sci-fi/fantasy novels. Why would I care what people do to entertain themselves?
What bothers me is that this has occurred several times:
>Hey Anon, you're into books, right?
>I read a lot, yeah. Why?
>Have you read Twilight yet?
>...I have not.
>You totally should! It's a beautiful piece of literature!
>Er... I'll get right on that.
>Here's where I want to claw her eyes out, you see.

>> No.2765902


I don't understand this argument.

Enjoying Fantasy/Sci-fi is not comparable at all to enjoying shitty popular fiction/YA/whatever.

That is like saying "Hey I can understand the Adam Sandler and Will Farrell fans, I mean I watch old shitty 80's sci fi B-movies all the time."

Your comparison just doesn't make sense.

>> No.2765906

Mother of God.
This man is a capitalist genius.

>> No.2765914

Don't worry.
Just like the shitty cable shows fund the obscure documentary channel, the sales of these books will fund the publishing of works of literary merit.

>> No.2765923


Only it won't, it will simply fund more shitty porn.

I don't have a problem even with books like twilight, but this is literally just erotica, why can't it be like before when popular books were stuff like Da Vinci Code, where at least you have something relatively intellectually decent to pedal to morons.

But pedaling porn? Come on.

>> No.2765931

And yet the prices won't change, despite the fact that most of said books aren't even in copyright

>> No.2765933
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>> No.2765935

either youre jealous of the author's success or you are a smug asshole who thinks he knows whats best for culture. or both

>> No.2765942

4 books of equal quality

>> No.2765948
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its interesting that in the world of entertainment there are a tiny number of major big time winners and the rest barely sell eskimos to refridgerators

>> No.2765961

you used the eskimo metaphor innapropriately there

>> No.2765965

Your faces when Bradbury sold fewer books in his entire lifetime than 50 shades has sold. I mean, I'm not a huge Bradbury fan, but this still makes my insides sad.
But it's just millions of lonely housewives and the elderly buying it anyway.

>> No.2765968
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so what dork, you spelt inappropriately wrong

>> No.2765971

I sell it to more young women than I do older.
Like late-teens to early-twenties young.

>> No.2765976

Young impressionable minds.

>> No.2765980

They wanted to fuck.

>> No.2765981

hard to type on iphone while drunk

>> No.2765983

>so what dork, you spelt inappropriately wrong

So what, dork. You spelt inappropriately wrong.

>> No.2765998

also mistakes of grammar are less egregous than mistakes of style

>> No.2766018
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well you would say that having spelt egregious wrong

>> No.2766030

I think Thoreau said it best when he wrote:

>I think that having learned our letters we should read the best that is in literature, and not be forever repeating our a-b-abs, and words of one syllable, in the fourth or fifth classes, sitting on the lowest and foremost form all our lives. Most men are satisfied if they read or hear read, and perchance have been convicted by the wisdom of one good book, the Bible, and for the rest of their lives vegetate and dissipate their faculties in what is called easy reading. There is a work in several volumes in our Circulating Library entitled "Little Reading," which I thought referred to a town of that name which I had not been to. There are those who, like cormorants and ostriches, can digest all sorts of this, even after the fullest dinner of meats and vegetables, for they suffer nothing to be wasted. If others are the machines to provide this provender, they are the machines to read it. They read the nine thousandth tale about Zebulon and Sophronia, and how they loved as none had ever loved before, and neither did the course of their true love run smooth- at any rate, how it did run and stumble, and get up again and go on! how some poor unfortunate got up on to a steeple, who had better never have gone up as far as the belfry; and then, having needlessly got him up there, the happy novelist rings the bell for all the world to come together and hear, O dear! how he did get down again!

>> No.2766034
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>'this is going to make such a great /lit/ thread'
There has not been a single great thread in the entire short history of this miserable board.

People who consistently read great literature do so alone and keep it to themselves. People who love to fawn over authors like rock stars and advertise their current horrible taste in reading material are uniformly despicable, unlikable human beings.

In other words, this board was doomed from the beginning. And would it kill some of you chubby librarians to flash a little cleavage from time to time? Christ.

>> No.2766036

>For my part, I think that they had better metamorphose all such aspiring heroes of universal noveldom into man weather-cocks, as they used to put heroes among the constellations, and let them swing round there till they are rusty, and not come down at all to bother honest men with their pranks. The next time the novelist rings the bell I will not stir though the meeting-house burn down. "The Skip of the Tip-Toe-Hop, a Romance of the Middle Ages, by the celebrated author of 'Tittle-Tol-Tan,' to appear in monthly parts; a great rush; don't all come together." All this they read with saucer eyes, and erect and primitive curiosity, and with unwearied gizzard, whose corrugations even yet need no sharpening, just as some little four-year-old bencher his two-cent gilt-covered edition of inderella- without any improvement, that I can see, in the pronunciation, or accent, or emphasis, or any more skill in extracting or inserting the moral. The result is dulness of sight, a stagnation of the vital circulations, and a general deliquium and sloughing off of all the intellectual faculties. This sort of gingerbread is baked daily and more sedulously than pure wheat or rye-and-Indian in almost every oven, and finds a surer market.

>> No.2766041

OP, people are terrible. Just terrible. Learn to accept it, and move on.

>> No.2766049

you sound like my kindergarten teacher

>> No.2766065


>>Davinci Code
>>Intellectually decent

I chuckled thanks anon

>> No.2766067


>>/lit/: books and tits

Please, please, please, please...

>> No.2766086

Literature fans have always been a small group. It is better this way. We aren't necessarily better than other people, but we are different.

Every artform will have its mass audience. Learn the difference between a book and literature and stop being mad.

>> No.2766089



When you are comparing Da Vinci Code to something like 50 shades of grey, it is practically a masterpiece.

>> No.2766099

Objection, we had that pretty cool 'picking up girls in libraries and bookstores' thread a few times.

As it stands, /fit/ and /k/ are the only funny boards left, /diy/ is the only useful one, and /po/ is the only board to retain the fucking messed up depraved sickness that 4chan became known for. It should be illegal on tor. Those sick fucks.

>> No.2766105

>/diy/ is the only useful one
/trv/'s good

>> No.2766110

/trv/ could be good if it wasn't the same four guys talking about the same thing every day. They don't even need tripcodes, it's like a gathering place for them. I don't even think they talk about travel.

/adv/ has the very rare useful thread amongst all the >tfw no gf threads.

>> No.2766116


>> No.2766151

Do any of you people who work at bookstores ever see guys buying 50 Shades or is it exclusively women?

>> No.2766228


I doubt even gays would touch that shit.

>> No.2766237

Anyone seen that 50 shades of gray voiced by Gilbert Gottfried video? I'd buy an audiobook by him if it existed.

>> No.2766296

Have any of you guys actually looked at the content of the book yet or are you just mindlessly hating on it for no reason?

>> No.2766301

I just don't get why people are reading it. Aren't there perfectly good copies of "The Story of O." Hell, that's a one handed read that gushing with color language, climaxing with complicated character development, and spewing high intellectualism on every page

>> No.2766329

If you're not hating on it, it's because you haven't read any excerpts.

>> No.2767156


Why don't you post some for us.

>> No.2767160

I saw the same in Waterstones today. Quite disappointing.

>> No.2767162

I went into one the other day and it wasn't as bad. My friend had to go buy it for his girlfriend, the second one I think. What's happening right now is the second one is supposedly out of stock everywhere because as people are reading through them theyre buying them out each book at a time.

>> No.2767164

How did your friend feel doing that?

>> No.2767167
File: 205 KB, 400x533, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second I saw this pic all I could think was 'this is going to make such a great /lit/ post'.

>> No.2767171

We were unsuccessful and we even went into Ann Summers to try and find it.

He really hates films and books so taking him in there or to HMV for the cheap book offers was Hell. I love the guy, he's my bro, but he's so ignorant of books.

>> No.2767205


ALl of my friends are like that bro, I know that feel.

>> No.2767234
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>>hey guys im into bondage now XD! so kinky lol such a nerd!

>> No.2767244


>'this is going to make such a great /lit/ thread'.

ANd now that you know you were wrong, what now?

>> No.2767368


OP here, like I said before, I meant it would be good in that it would cause lots of anger. Not great as in great content. My literal thought was 'this will piss /lit/ off'

>> No.2767740

Yalls a bunch of oopma loompas for reading dat gay shit.

>> No.2767794


pure wisdom.

and to this, i shall hang up my /lit hat.

thank you, kind sir: i always wanted to leave this wretched place after one actual good post, and i think you might have just done it.

you strike me as someone who does not know, but understands. keep it up.

>> No.2767799

>Ifs and Butts


>> No.2767808

you've probably been lurking for 2 days

>> No.2767814

one of my co-workers at my pool reads this shamelessly in public while on shift. Its taken everything in my power not to tell her how terrible a human being she is.

worst part: it's taken her more than a week and a half to read it. She's been reading it for like, 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week, and that's only from what I've seen on the job.

>> No.2767835

Sometimes men buy it. They usually tell me that it's for their wife/girlfriend/mother/etc. though, because they know that I'm mentally mocking them.
My co-workers and I flip through it on our breaks and read it aloud to each other. It's funny as shit, too.

>> No.2767836


seriously? do you see what i mean?

thank you for proving my point

>> No.2767853

You write in a disgusting faux-classy way, and your manner of thinking is comparable to an occidental buddhist.

>> No.2768079


She reads it at the pool while looking at all the studs and imagining her in those bondage situations with them.

>> No.2768085

She's not actually reading, she's staring at a page and daydreaming herself into the novel.

>> No.2768092

ill take 50

>> No.2768106

I'm a fucking hack writer too, but at least I have the decency to be ashamed.

>> No.2768337
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>> No.2768440

“Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in his viselike grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his lips … His other hand grabs my hair and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine … My tongue tentatively strokes his and joins his in a slow, erotic dance … His erection is against my belly.” (Page 78)

>this is being sold as literary genius

>> No.2768445

This, it's important to look at her eyes, to see if they're actually moving.

>> No.2768450

>>That pic...

Why has God forsaken us?????

>> No.2768453

>My tongue tentatively strokes his and joins his in a slow, erotic dance
>not: His tongue attacks mine, like an ancient Greek wrestler would a young boy
Is she even trying?

>> No.2768456

lol'd heartily. I wish there was more pedophile similes, then the book could be sold as a comedy.

>> No.2768465

Could any UKfag tell me if this book is as popular in UK bookshops? I'm british but haven't left my house in a couple of weeks and I haven't visited a bookstore in longer.

>> No.2768479


I'm a dutchfag and it's popular here(even already have a goddamn translation), pretty sure that applies to the UK even more.

>> No.2768483

your pulsing raw muscle screamed En Guarde as i tried to breach your swollen lips, one-twice-again and again i am repelled from your slick warm cavern and now she is dead, worn out from your passion
your fat fat cock is resting against my belly button with it's head tickling my chin PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS ANON 2768453

>> No.2768966


Sadly it is, I've had several non reading work mates tell me they have bought it and I should read it because it's awesome.

>> No.2768969


Aren't you Europeans supposed to hate our dumb American entertainment? What's up with that.

>> No.2768982


No we are just as guilty, it's just that unlike you we know better, we just do it anyway.

>> No.2768983

I'm still unsure what this book is, exactly. Where did it come from? How long has it been popular? All of a sudden people were just talking about. But it still doesn't seem as popular as Twilight or Hunger Games or some shit.

>> No.2768995

Only aggressive hipsters hate American entertainment because it's American.

I only have a problem with 2 aspects with American television and movies, and it doesn't keep me from watching them.

There are much better reasons to hate America.

>> No.2769005

You're forgetting that we have our fair share of dumb people too. Reality tv trash is just as popular with the masses in Europe as it is in America.


Yeah it's popular here. Doesn't get entire tables devoted to it like the OP, but it's still popular. Number 1 in paperback chart last time I was in Waterstones. Got the train back from university, girl sitting next to me was reading it (again appallingly slowly, and the page she was on was only email extracts).

Overheard girls talking about it almost every time I've gone down the city. Never heard anyone talk about it at university because, like I said, we have our fair share of dumb people too and they're the ones reading it.

>> No.2769013


I think it originally was some Twilight fan fiction which had the character names changed and was cashed in on.

>> No.2769019

What I learned from not reading the book,. lurking in threads and what i heard people talking around the office: Women like to be forced and almost raped.

>> No.2769133

Sounds like an Ayn Rand novel!

>> No.2769159


>> No.2769334

The Fifty Shades of Gray display at my Waterstones isn't too bad. Kind of by the stairs, maybe a few dozen of each book, but not huge or in your face. Still, fucking FSOG.

>> No.2769343

Then you made a great thread, I hope you're happy about that and your dubs.

>> No.2769486

>Originally titled Master of the Universe
>Twilight Fan Fiction
>Snowqueens Icedragon

I thought you guys were fucking with me...

Is it at least better than Twilight? That would be hilarious.

>> No.2769490

It's not.

>> No.2769506
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>> No.2770054


I fucking hate you roach slayer, you make such useless posts

>> No.2770515

Women will buy anything, they don't know no better.

>> No.2770518
File: 21 KB, 460x337, a woman hating virgin on my hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men will buy anything, they don't know no better.

>> No.2770525

Economics have changed. People either need to evolve with it or get out. There is a printing press in almost every home. Next we'll have 3D printers. Watch what happens when physical goods can no longer be sold. This is a warning shot that things are changing, they will not ever go back.

>> No.2770526

Lol tis not the Roach-Slayer...I am the true Roach-Slayer, and when I asked you guys if you wanted me back, you told me to go away...

But it seems like I have 1 imitator (who is out to flatter me perhaps?)

>> No.2770529

>Next we'll have 3D printers
you obviously have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
here's a tip, stop reading futurists.

>> No.2770548

Reprap. Come at me bro.

>> No.2770550

Not that guy, but we already have 3d printers.

>> No.2770553

i can't tell who the trolls are anymore.
either way this must be refuted.

>> No.2770554

They already print buildings. Relevant links if I didn't think you could handle Google.

>> No.2770557


Not in the way he is describing.
that wont happen for a long time and also it is not going to be allowed to happen for even longer.

>> No.2770563

Because laws stopped piracy cold? Doesn't matter if it's legal. Electronics printing is not far away and once you can push a button for the newest circuit board...

>> No.2770571

>Electronics printing is not far away and once you can push a button for the newest circuit board...

You have no idea about what you are talking about. It wont happen in your lifetime.

melodramatic fuck

>> No.2770575

If it doesn't happen in my lifetime I'll eat my hat. Computers did what in 40 years? What makes you think that research into the next foray will be any slower?

>> No.2770576

Biomedical is using 3d printing techniques today to shape organs for our future. This isn't futurism. This is research being perfected now.

>> No.2770644

Come back when you can screw up the ECONOMY and be able to pirate and print a car.
cunt, you still have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.2770743


This, seriously you are fucking retarded, biomedical printing doesn't work that way. It isn't actual printing.