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/lit/ - Literature

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2763938 No.2763938 [Reply] [Original]

Definite success with last time's description thread, changing the rules a little though:

ITT: write 1-3 paragraphs about the person in another poster's picture.

Can be anything from descriptions to particular events.

>> No.2763948

Her face was decidedly asymmetrical. Only slightly, yet when I noticed it I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomache.
"I think I need a drink" this had shaken my nerves. As I looked around, the world began to blur. All that was left was her face, grinning at me childishly.
The Cheshire cat.

>> No.2763968
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>> No.2763975

Lisa was, first of all, a smile. It was the smile that you noticed first, it was the smile that she pushed ahead of herself. When she entered the room it was the smile that entered, and as she exited it was the smile that left so that she had the effect of being already gone the second her face passed through the door-frame.
She had no weight she had no bearing, her posture was irrelevant because what Lisa was in reality, was a smile pulling a person behind it. Sometimes, even against her will.

>> No.2763990


Shannon smiled as I removed her from the box. Her cropped boyish hair and blue eyes were precisely what I had wanted; albeit drunkenly at 4am. I removed a styrofoam peanut from her nose and sat her on the bed, propping her against the wall with a pillow. The power lead wasn't long enough so I had to go to the lounge and take the extension lead from the television. Cautiously I plugged her in. She looked convincingly human apart from the brand that read 'Realdoll - made in China'. She vibrated when I turned her on and opened her mouth to speak.

"Top of the morning to you, sir"

What the fuck? Why is she Irish.. 'Shannon'.. Oh, for fucks sake. I should have realised. I began to undress her, starting with her blue shirt and salivated when her breasts popped out from her bra. I gave them a squeeze as I unbuttoned her trousers and slid them down to her knees. When I pulled her knickers aside I stared horrified at the ginger bush before me, the orange hair curling around my fingers.

I put Shannon back in her box.

>> No.2764046

you'd best not fuck this up /lit/

guy who held up a lackluster team last thread

>> No.2764064

It was the eyes that were his problem, his face was great, he had since childhood been able to flex it into all sorts of comical expressions, but his eyes were giving him away, under his white, weed-patch hair his eyes were the whistle-blowers. No matter how silly he attempted to look they would reveal just how completely bored he was with everything, and everyone.

>> No.2764399

John was ready. The match of his life. Despite his age he didn't lack concentration, neither did he care what his expressions did to other's impressions. One thing was wrong though; his racket was missplaced.

>> No.2764431
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>John was ready

Is the unrelated story intentional, or do you really not know that the blonde haired buffoon in that photo is the Mayor of London?

>> No.2764442
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>> No.2764460


John yawned. While his career as a Boris Johnson impersonator was booming, the job itself still bored him to death.

Death. Sweet release. John waxed nostalgic for a second, then remembered his tennis passion. Maybe there were tennis courts in hell, but maybe there weren't.

He decided to play it safe. As some gawkers approached him, he reached up to frazzle his hair in a manner he hoped would seem charming and muttered "mmmyes, quite, Latin grammar, Routemasters, mumble grumble".

>> No.2764461

When he wasn't recalled for the next season of Star Trek, Jamal panicked. He began taking copious amounts of LSD and listening to prince, (or the artist formerly known as). His brother, Will I am, had become a huge success, achieving mainstream radio play with his atrocious music; even winning a music award with a song that used one chord. Jamal, confronted by his own inadequacies decided to stand on street corners and be the best damn cocksucker he could be.

>> No.2764477

Intentional. Writing about an already known person seems boring to me, only makes reason for comparison between the real deal and my interpretation.

>> No.2764507
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>> No.2764524


As it happened, on that day the only other person in the laundromat was small black man dressed in wraparound sunglasses and a many-pocketed chromatic jacket, below which he wore strikingly ordinary slacks. His hair stood proudly above his in a tightly curled symmetrical mound. Truth be told, Peter harbored—'as most white people do,' his father had once told him—a natural distrust of African-Americans. However, he found this man and his jacket to be so preposterous in appearance that he, cripplingly shy Peter, decided that he would attempt to a conversation. Eric walked forward, willing himself to be social. He smiled at the man, whose eyes he could not see through the futuristic glasses, and affected a nervous little laugh, which came out nearly silent and half-choked.
“It's laundry day,” the bejacketed man said before Peter could begin. “This is all I had to wear.” Peter found this rather difficult to believe, but he nodded and smiled again and tried to lean casually on one of the machines.

>> No.2765087
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>> No.2765108
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>> No.2765109
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>> No.2765126

"How do you like your hat?"
"I love it. Thank you so much. You're too kind to me."
"Well you know how much I love you babe."
"I know. That's why I brought all my favorite presents."
"So, are you going to have a present for me later tonight?"
"Yeah. I know what you like."
"Thank you for being so kind."
"You know I'm the only one for you."
"I love you."
"I know, babe."

>> No.2765137
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>> No.2765146
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>> No.2765164


"Me? I'm from the future."

The man was oddly calm. African-American. Brazilian, he said. His beard hung from his chin, as if it had recently condensed from the cold. His wrap-around visor was indeed futuristic, entirely obscuring his eyes. Joe hardly noticed it, however: his eyes were instantly attracted to the outrageous, multicolored, and utterly flamboyant jacket he toted. The jacket faded between orange, green and yellow as it reflected light. On its reptilian surface, thick black zippers crisscrossed at impractical angles. Joe was vaguely reminded of a gay parade he had seen on CNN a few days ago.

"How you livin'?" the man said, noticing Joe's incredulous stare."

Before he could even utter a sound, the man interrupted.

"Me? I got a chip in my brain and three titties to boot. So what you thinkin'?"


"Prolly 'bout sex wit me. Prolly. Bein' next to me."

As he turned away out of a combination of shyness and fear, Joe felt angered at his inability to face the strange man. Why did such people exist?

>> No.2765176


Abruptly, Mitsubishi stood up, displacing his yellow bathrobe in his haste. To the shock of his aides and the onlookers in the sauna, he wore a women's cooking apron underneath, white and dotted with blue flowers.

"Enough!" he roared.

"Master!" the taller aide said.

Mitsubishi turned to face his interrupter. As his bathrobes swished around him, they revealed his thick, well-developed thighs, scarred from countless battles.

>> No.2765250
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Chloe snapped on her bikini, grabbed her sombrero and raced outside to great the beautiful day. "Wow! What a beautiful day!" Chloe shouted gleefully. It was perfect weather for a beach outing. Chloe gathered her other various maritime recreational thingamajigs, got in her Mitsubishi and headed for the ocean. She tuned the radio to her favorite frequency, and the chorus to "Rock Lobster" by the B52's began blaring from the stereo. The sun beat down upon the road, creating little mirage puddles that only aroused Chloe's thirst for salt water even more. "I'm going to be the sexiest, Mexiest mermaid baby on the whole beach," she said aloud "Those blood thirsty sea-lions won't be able to keep their flippers off me!"

>> No.2765259
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She pulled up at the parking lot near the dock leading to the most sea-lion populated point on the entirety of the beach. "Yoohoo! Booooys, I'm heeeeeere!" she called. She grabbed her inflatable killer-whale and rushed out onto the dock. The entire place was crawling with buff, tanned sea-lions. "Yahoooooo!" she screamed, but all the sea-lions looked at her, annoyed. "Oh," Chloe whispered, deciding to play it cool.... Sexy cool. She busted out her bottle of sun-tan lotion and began sensually massaging it into her luscious skin. She stretched out her bikini bottom and squirted a quart of lotion down there too. "Mmmmmmmmm..." she said, snapping it back with a loud "SPLURSCH" and looked around to see if any of the sea-lions were watching. They were all to busy feeling each others' muscles. "I wonder if I'm at THAT kind of beach," Cloe though. Then a disturbing reality, which raped and crushed her fantasies of finding a manly sea-lion to make sexy with, came crashing into Chloe's perception. She lived in the middle of Wyoming, how could she be at the beach.... in Wyoming. Then, as quickly as it had manifested, the ocean, and all the sea-lions dissipated into to thin air, just like the mirages on the road.

>> No.2765267
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That night, while Chloe was burying her face into the pillow on her bed and sobbing, a familiar, two-note score by John Williams began playing outside her apartment door. She sniffled, and calmed her voice enough to speak. "Who is it?" she inquired. Silence. Chloe was confused. "Hello?" she called, standing in front of the door. A small, shrill voice spoke. "Telegram" it said. "Telegram?" asked Chloe "I thought people stopped using telegrams to communicate with friends after the dawn of the modern telephone, which has also been outmoded by cellular technology and the internet, b-baka!" but then she stopped, realizing that she didn't have any friends. How would she know how they communicated. "Not interested." she said, and went back to her bed. "Candygram," the small voice said a few moments later. "I'm not interested in sucking on your candy," she responded. "Unless," Chloe gasped "Unless you happen to be one of those nefariously sexy sea-lions!" Chloe's nipples began to harden. "I-i'm a sea-lion, mam," the voice said softly. Chloe was getting really hot and bothered. "Really?" she asked excitedly. She reached for the doorknob. Her nipples were hard enough to cut glass and her panties were as soaked as the seven seas. The door opened wide and Chloe found herself staring down the throat of a very hungry LAND SHARK, which began mauling her. "Ehh, close enough," Chloe said as the shark's mouth closed on her and its teeth sank deep into her intestines.

>> No.2766422

The perfect mix of masculine and feminine made Jenn

>> No.2766628
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>> No.2766632



Just what the fuck is this?

>> No.2766684
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>> No.2767141


>> No.2768468
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This thread has potential, bumping with new person

>> No.2768555

Hair in the colour of autumn the young, almost illegal-looking young girl wore a slutty shorts and a smile few could resist.

>> No.2768567
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>> No.2769308
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>> No.2769452

A pixie haircut suggested great boyishness, but a delicate brow and bright blue eyes indicated a malicious mischievousness unfounded in boys past the age of sixteen. Add onto this a pointed chin, taut cheeks and hints of crow's feet and one could assume [character] had done more things in her own interest than that of even her closest friends and family. She was someone to look at, not someone to be attracted towards, and this undoubtedly caused her great distress throughout life.

>> No.2770430
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