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2763346 No.2763346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so anons tell me about all those great story ideas you have in your head.

>> No.2763348

I dislike people who field for story ideas on 4chan. Especially "writers" who are looking for a premise to steal.

>> No.2763347


>> No.2763350

shadow realm overlord i summon you!

tell us the storys of your easymode child hood

>> No.2763351
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>> No.2763353

was waiting for this thread: i've got a cool idea. it's almost like .. an idea of an idea really, it's a story for the idea not the actual characters but it needs a character in place for reference. so we make a character; teenage, depressed, no ambition (they're usually the most interesting i think), base it in a country that has a welfare system, like england or australia. a teenager has to be doing something in life to be able to stay on welfare, but this teenager is too depressed to work or to study, so he applies for a special welfare assistance that requires depression or an illness/disease. the boy has been on medications before and none really worked for him so he doesn't care at all about taking his pills, he's in a perpetual state of life where he can deal but he still barely cares for life. the assistance deal gives him a certain amount of money a week and the chance to earn a certain amount of money on top of that and while on this assistance he doesn't have to study or work. he can do whatever he wants. it's evil i know, just an idea though, feedback? inb4 bad feedback: cool.

>> No.2763357

Not sure if troll or just weak premise.

>> No.2763363

wat? u decide.

>> No.2763372

this guy is a high school chemistry that gets inoperable lung cancer and becomes a meth cooker. hilarity ensues as him and his meth head partner tear up arizona

>> No.2763416
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Arizona huh...

>> No.2763569
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Want to write a story about clones.

How they struggle against oppressive fundamentalist religions and are view as disposable people by the world at large. Over time they become discontent with the status quo and rebel against 'first birthers'

The story would explore the notions of what it means to be a mass produced person and whether or not they are people with a soul.

>> No.2763577

The protag (who remains anonymous) is enslaved in a digital dungeon by the Evil Lord Moot, where he is forced to verbally duel with other people stripped of names. There are many creatures there to prevent Anon from winning the ultimate battle of the wits; Trollface - who constantly challenges anon to a debate he can't win, Sunhawk; the horrendously deformed jailer, and after winning the epic debate, Anon ultimately realizes that he can never escape.

>> No.2763581

I had an idea for story where vampires exist, but rather than being supernatural creatures they're a mammalian species that shares a common ancestor with bats. They resemble humans due to convergent evolution, but have a number of grotesque physical traits that they keep hidden when in public. I'm not sure how they'll relate to humanity, perhaps they'll have their own distinct culture, their isolation keeping others from guessing their true nature.

>> No.2763604

I have 4 great ideas for a story with one of them being fledged out.

I'm not sharing it with you fags though.

>> No.2763605
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Thanks for telling us you have great ideas that no one will ever see...

>> No.2763606


I thought of the exact same story idea. It's not something I really want to explore though.

>> No.2763608
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>Implying you won't see them when I publish them and become famous off them

>> No.2763611
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>> No.2763612

A modern day update of Catch-22 but from a junior sergeant's perspective and with less overt silliness. The plot would mostly be office politics reminiscent of The Wire with the different section superintendents spending more time fighting each other for resources than the enemy. The protagonist is caught between being responsible for the fuckups of the younger airmen he's in charge of, the increasingly impossible demands of the officers above him, and his steadily deteriorating personal life. Despite being a military novel, there'd be little to no action aside from an occasional barfight or flightline accident.

Has something like this already been written? I can't think of any novels like it despite it describing the experience of 90% of the military.

>> No.2763613

I'm proud of you son.

>> No.2763621

Sounds like Never Let Me Go with more explicit sci fi elements.

>> No.2763622

Alright, here's one that i've been tossing back in forth with in my head.

There's this couple, one boy and one girl, and they're walking to school. The girl asks the boy "Baby, will you love me for ever?" The boy contemplates this question before answering with a "No".

The girl is of course distraught and runs across the road. The green man was signaled onto the crossing sign and a bus hits her. The boy bursts into treats and went to pick up her body.

She was dead. He whispered to her corpse "I meant to say I will love you FIVE ever"

>> No.2763624
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>> No.2763627

Never actually heard of that one before now.


>> No.2763628

A story about AI and concsiousness. The moral of the story is that whenever machines are getting intelligent enough, they will also gain concsiousness.
inb4 scientific definition etc.
What happens is that the AI machines actually improves the society and its a shitty idea i go to bed now

>> No.2763631


You should make it that the AI improves society as a whole but makes human beings feel inadequate.

I could add more to it but i'd be basically writing the plot summary for you.

>> No.2763633


Yeah that is exactly what I want. I'm usually pretty fond of writing on here but I'm so hungover I can't feel my brain.

>> No.2763634


Watch "Generation Kill". It's a mini-series created by David Simon who also created The Wire. It deals with incompetence and many similar themes that were prevalent in The Wire such as the little man getting fucked over by people in high positions.

>> No.2763635

I want to write an epic adventure story about a hobbyist who fell into a fantasy world, where he befriended a catgirl and then went on to save a bunch of princesses. But all the princesses kept falling for him (because of his intelligence, even though he's sorta fat), so in the end he had to choose and it was really tough. Ultimately he decided to choose the one real-world girl who rejected him earlier, though, who fell madly in love with her when she found out he was a hero of his own world. He kept the princesses as a harem though, but he only loved his only true wife and had unprotected sex only with her.

>> No.2763636

Right now I'm writing a story about a guy who has to come to terms with the fact that his girlfriend went batfuck. It's pretty intense.

>> No.2763637

What, she cuckolded him with a bat?

>> No.2763638


What made his girlfriend go crazy?

>> No.2763641

I've always had this idea about writing a story about a superhero with NPD who is completely indifferent to anyones well being except his own but who's actions lead to people being saved. Kind of a super-powered Mr.Magoo.

>> No.2763647

Nothing. She's just one of those chicks that seem completely normal, until they fuck up a murder-suicide.

>> No.2763649

I started writing something similar as a short story.

A young girl ends up accompanying her father to his workplace for the day. He works at a research facility that deals with AI and has government approval to experiment on criminals. The idea is that you can create an exact copy of human neural networks using what's regarded as 'silicon neurons'; the artificial brains work more like a PC with three dimensional processors and solid state silicon drives, but can run a perfect simulation of a human brain. They have humans rigged up in one room and the sensory inputs linked to the AIs in another room and exposed them to the same stimuli, finding that they behaved exactly the same (free will is explored)

The scientist got called into work while stuck with his daughter during a messy divorce with his neurotic wife. His daughter ends up finding a man strapped down to a bed, who talks her into releasing him. He refuses to accept that his brain has been replaced with a silicon copy interacting with his nervous system and uses the daughter as a hostage to escape the building, steals a car and flees with her. The guy was also facing death row for the rape and murder of 7 children...

I never finished it though. I was going to have the guy getting caught and fighting for his freedom under the claim that a Computer can't be charged with a crime, but it just seemed like a shitty story and I abandoned it for something else.

>> No.2763654

>A story about AI and concsiousness. The moral of the story is that whenever machines are getting intelligent enough, they will also gain concsiousness.
How original.

>> No.2763678



>> No.2763682

FOREVER. Literally forever. Where do you think the term "Ghost in the Machine" comes from?

>> No.2763688


I am a caveman. I never read. I just wanted to know.
But the "ghost in the machine" is exdactly the opposite of what my idea is - it is that there is no "ghost". It is to prove that consciousness arises from complexity in the brain or in artificial intelligence and that it is a sort of "racism" and prejudice that makes the human hate the AI's even though they are more kind, loving, benevolent etc.

>> No.2763696

>But the "ghost in the machine" is exdactly the opposite of what my idea is - it is that there is no "ghost". It is to prove that consciousness arises from complexity in the brain or in artificial intelligence and that it is a sort of "racism" and prejudice that makes the human hate the AI's even though they are more kind, loving, benevolent etc.
It's about as rare and interesting a message as "family is important" or "unity is strength".

Even if the story is good, the very concept is going to be detrimental to enjoyment due to sheer overuse.

>> No.2763702



>> No.2763705


It's not as if I'm going to write it. Just wanted to share it.

>> No.2763711

>Where do you think the term "Ghost in the Machine" comes from?
Horace's Ars Poetica. Nothing to do with AI.

Not that you're wrong other than that.

>> No.2763719

>It's not as if I'm going to write it.
Good. Because thousands of people are definitely writing it just as we speak.

>> No.2763724


My plan is to write books for children when I'm 60, so I don't take myself too seriously just yet.

>> No.2763729

the anime ghost in the shell

>> No.2763744


Didn't the philosophical sense of "ghost in the machine" come more from Cartesian zombies or whatever? Deus ex machina referred to actors in Greek drama who portrayed gods coming down from the skies and saving everyone; they were speaking of literal machinery, I thought.

>> No.2763788

I thought it was the theoretical term for the idea that a machine could become self conscious, thereby gaining a "soul".

>> No.2763794

I also thought it had something to do with Jesus and the revival or something, but that might just be me.

>> No.2763800

The latter, not the former.

If the term is in latin, odds are it was coined before anyone imagined a machine that could think.

>> No.2763815

Didn't say I was right.

Wasn't a machine just a functioning system in general, before it was applied to, well, you know, machines?

>> No.2763823

Machine meant the hoisting mechanism used to lower the actor, so presumably the origin of the term was Deus Ex Machina in the literary sense rather than the philosophical. AI and zombies only becoming related recently.

>> No.2763952


Confer "machinations" e.g. "supernatural machinery." Incidentally, "engine" is derived from "ingenious" and referred to any sort of contrivance or trick until the cotton gin and the industrial revolution.

>> No.2763953
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A fetus that solves crimes!

>> No.2764008

how did this happen? this was supposed to be a secret thread that lasted no more than five minutes. we tried to use 4chan as a secret chat and then all of you fags come along thinking is real and just fuck with it. ultimate troll status, you didn't even have a clue. everyone is getting trolled up in here. peace, niggz.

i'm not going, i just said that to a black guy once and i remembered it and laughed while i was writing it.

>> No.2764012
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A crime that solves fetuses!

>> No.2764023
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Back ally abortions!

>> No.2764042

a news anchor goes through a mid-life crisis