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/lit/ - Literature

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2762170 No.2762170 [Reply] [Original]

Need book recommendations. Everything I can think of bores me to death. I'm gonna list out some favorites... maybe you can help me out?

blood meridian - mccarthy cormac
my revolting life - penny rimbaud
deer hunting with jesus - Joe Bageant
lunar park - brett ee
just kids - patti smith
please kill me - I forget

help out an illiterate idiot

>> No.2762190

go to the sticky thread

we have a lot of links and book lists there

good luck and have fun

>> No.2762299


Only gayboys read the sticky. It's shit.

>> No.2762304

>not going to the wiki
Categorised lists of books. What more do you want?

>> No.2762415


The Wiki is for women.

>> No.2762425

You're the third person I've seen today who made a thread asking for recommendations and refusing to go to the sticky.
What the hell is wrong with you people? That's the exact purpose the sticky is there for.

>> No.2762456


I didn't make the thread, I'm merely commenting. The sticky is a piece of shit, written by the worst tripfag we ever had (present company excepted), and the wiki is a waste of time.

In summary, go suck your dad's cock.

>> No.2762479

>sticky is a piece of shit
>has all the answers OP is looking for
>all in one easily-accessible place
>piece of shit
I keep forgetting that it's summer. Good thing you guys are here to remind me.

>> No.2762501

ok kid, now go play

>> No.2762523
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I've been here a fuck sight longer than you. Who the fuck are you anyway? You seem to have been here for about 25 minutes.

and it hasn't been a good 25 minutes

At least I know which particular shitstain is responsible for the sticky you love so fucking much.

>arguing with tripcunts

>> No.2762531

other primates can laugh too