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2762024 No.2762024 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hide your Marxism from others?

>> No.2762032

I don't know what it is or how it works.

>> No.2762031


>> No.2762034

I had mine cut off when I was a child.

>> No.2762056

I dismembered mine and buried it in a forest several years ago.

>> No.2762064

I keep it chained in the backyard.

>> No.2762065

Whenever I can, but sometimes it leaks out of my fanny pack if I'm not careful.

>> No.2762084

>mfw americans cut their babies' marxism

>> No.2762098

>marxists still pretending that they aren't the status quo because it makes them feel cooler

>> No.2762102

Suddenly I realized all the ideas and ideology in my college have their roots on Marxism and now I feel I'm trapped in it I can't discern what is Marxist and what is not Marxist, or if there are non-marxist ideas. And this whole shit is frustrating me the same way a small child gets frustrated by his inability to understand complex concepts.

>> No.2762108


>> No.2762129

>still associating political philosophies with being ''cool''

>> No.2762130

This is when you become a national socialist.

>> No.2762134

tell it to the marxists and nietzschians and that one stirnerian

>> No.2762137

Mine evolved into something else, but I still had that.

>> No.2762156

If you were talking to me and i would have killed you.

>> No.2762154

Well, obviously.

>talking to friend
>well, see, I consider myself a Marxist in the sense that-


>> No.2762160


>> No.2762167
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Oh you silly, With Marxism everybody gets an ipod and coke.

>> No.2762169

So many people butthurt by the fact that Marx was the only founding father of sociology whose models had predictive (rather than only descriptive) value.

>> No.2762171

Join the nationalist multiculturalist distributist alliance.
We invite people from all corners of the earth, then sit around a table cutting up farmland and serving it up with a side of cultural pride.

>> No.2762172

>Marx was the only founding father of sociology whose models had predictive (rather than only descriptive) value.

I think you'll find that was L. Ron Hubbard

>> No.2762177

You can flee from Marxism,
But you can't flee from Postmarxism and Cultural Marxism, the western society is full of it
even Republicans and rightist parties are cultural marxist and Post-Marxists without even knowing it.

>> No.2762180

>predictive models


>> No.2762276


Not that aspect, the rendering redundant of many jobs via technology causing periodic recessions and depressions.


>> No.2762282


What exactly has Marx predicted?

If you mean the eventual "crash" of the Capitalis system, then a) it hasn't happend and b) never wrote any predictions about that.

>> No.2762283

>go to /lit/
>even this board is full of fags talking about "cultural marxism"

>> No.2762287

That sounds rad bro.

>> No.2762293

We're just talking about normal Marxism it seems. Not that it's not off-topic shit-posting all the same.

>> No.2762326

>even this board
/lit/ has always been the only board where the subject of Marxism is not received with hostility.

>> No.2762351


I think he was talking about cultural marxism à la Breivik, the /pol/ kind. See:


>> No.2762360

no, not really. I explain my positions when I get into debates but then again I don't just outright say "WELL I'M A MARXIST AND I THINK"; I just skip to the "I think".

My father is a lifelong gun-toting catholic republican and he knows I'm more or less a communist (as well as a vegan, though I don't think he knows I'm pansexual). We are on very good terms, get lunch every know and then and chat amicably, sometimes about politics. Honesty is refreshing, /lit/, why would anyone hide their ideology?

>> No.2762372
File: 65 KB, 448x690, 1340918178543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm more or less a communist (as well as a vegan, though I don't think he knows I'm pansexual)

I feel sorry for your Father for spawning a freak like you.

>> No.2762374

Are you a 16 years old girl?

>> No.2762376

my father is an honorable man and we have come to accept each other for who we are. I feel sorry for your family for having to deal with an insufferable cunt

>> No.2762377

>as well as vegan and pansexual
5/10 almost got me

>> No.2762383
File: 78 KB, 388x284, dean_craig_pelton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so...

>> No.2762381

>believing in meta-narratives

>> No.2762389
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Pretty much this.

>> No.2762392

Most of my friends are Marxists or Trotskysts, and Im Anarchist, so we discuss a lot.

>> No.2762395

Of course it is.
Too bad so few people actually follow it politically. Distributism is a great economic model, and I personally think that multiculturalism and small amounts of nationalism go hand-in-hand with eachother.

>> No.2762397
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>> No.2762398

Don't worry, 9th grade will be better

>> No.2762400

But I don't want an iPod and a coke...

>> No.2762403

>right wing
>grown people

you filthy pig

>> No.2762411
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 4 legs good 2 legs better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u mad

>> No.2762417


Not at all OP on the contrary I hide the fact that I'm not sincerely a Marxist but do so just to fit in with my peers and get bitches.

>> No.2762427
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, anewlookatmoralityandsexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating lunch at the leftist table

When school starts up again, you should really ditch those nerds and come hang with the cool kids.
Pic related, you might even lose your virginity before college.

>> No.2762431


>> No.2762433

but we are the cool kids.

>> No.2762434

I'm not a Marxist, I am a market socialist.

>> No.2762440




The law of diminishing returns predicted the occurrence of Black Tuesday in 1929 and the crash of 2008.

>> No.2762450


Can you say "cop-out" kiddies?

>> No.2762458


Like the History of Madness isn't itself a metanarrative.

>> No.2762466
File: 37 KB, 288x331, lyotard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fragmentary narrative, not a meta-narrative, brah.

>> No.2762474

>thinking your cool

Come back to me when you've held up a cavern of travelers then rapped the guards in front of the passengers, kiddo

>> No.2762477


Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man.

>> No.2762478
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>> No.2762480

In what sense do you consider yourself a Marxist? I'm interested.

>> No.2762482

Y'all are just jealous that Karl was more handsome than all of you!

>> No.2762487

Get a load of this fucking nerd.
Have you ever been to a virgin deflowering party? I think not.

>> No.2762495

Why would there be a party for that?
>inb4 purity myth

>> No.2762525

>Not getting the reference

In 120 days they talk about a party where they would get together a bunch of virgin girls from the ages of 6-15 (I think, I cant remember the exact age) and rape them all.
>purity myth
Yet another reason why you should hang with the cool kids

>> No.2762529

Not that same guy. I've been meaning to get my filthy hands on some of the Marquis' work.

>> No.2762544

I'm pretty sure you can find it all online, if you don't mind reading it off the screen.

>> No.2762568

Marquis is shit. He makes his point in the first 50 pages then the rest is just masturbatory fantasies that are get boring quickly

At least that was my experience.

>> No.2762569

Yes but mostly because political discussions tend to get heated and uncomfortable so I only get into them when drunk. Also, what board is this? Too blue to be /pol/, and yet, here's a /pol/ thread. So strange.

Global revolution comes after globalized capitalism, and the world is currently undergoing globalization, so be patient

>> No.2762575

I'm not even sure I'm a marxist

and obviously you can't go around spreading that without a goal in mind. It'll just get you on a red watchlist by one of the internal security agencies or worse

>> No.2762613

I don't really consider myself marxist but I am anti-late capitalist.

Shit's disgusting, totali tarian, encourages stupidity, greed and destruction.

>> No.2762629

Yeah, because I'm not knowledgeable enough about economics yet. Need to read a lot more before I start saying things.

Unfortunately most of the world population who would care apparently skip this step.

>> No.2762660

"that are get boring quickly"

>> No.2762663

I'm not a Marxist, I'm a social democrat, so, yeah, not much to hide except the genealogy. We left Marx and his crew behind a long time ago.

>> No.2762664

Last semester I started sleeping with a woman who is one class away from getting a BA in sociology. She told me she's a socialist.

>mfw she tells me Ayn Rand is her favorite philosopher.

>> No.2762683
File: 74 KB, 700x665, 1326260972614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what I imagine your face was