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/lit/ - Literature

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2759778 No.2759778 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I am a poster here now. I look forward to working with you all.

>> No.2759787


>> No.2759788

Hiya. I'm the Hairy Hat Man.

>> No.2759792

You will not be a good one.

>> No.2759795

You can't possibly posses that knowledge. Would you like to try again?

>> No.2759797

You would know.
You are an expert on making
bad posts and threads.

Also, you will be a terrible poster considering this your idea of a good thread.

All tripfags on /lit/ are horrible people.

>> No.2759801

Welcome to our community, sir.

>> No.2759800

I did not claim this was a good thread. Try and avoid baseless assumptions, my friend.

>> No.2759803

What's your code name?

>> No.2759807

Thank you very much.

I do not posses a code name, but if I did it would likely be something unnecessarily bombastic.

>> No.2759810
File: 68 KB, 555x545, 1340756640563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these shitty new trips

>> No.2759815

Don't worry, mine isn't going to last long. And I mostly use it to troll /sci/ with philosophy.

>> No.2759816

As I have hypothesized, you are not a good poster.

Your reaction will file the paper work to establish
your place in STAGE 1: DENIAL. Thank you.

>> No.2759817

Time is a construct.

>> No.2759826


>> No.2759827

Whence do you come, WildTangent?

>> No.2759825

I smell like poo.

>> No.2759822

You know what else is a construct? The Hagia Sofia.

>> No.2759821

>You can't possibly posses that knowledge
>starts a thread to introduce himself, instead of just posting
>types posses

Ugh... uses "possess" instead of "have" to sound intelligent, but can't spell it right. It'd sound insufferable enough with correct spelling.

I hate you already OP, I'm sorry.

>> No.2759823

>mfw space-time

>> No.2759830

You seem unreasonably upset. Would you like to discuss it further?

>> No.2759831

STAGE 1: DENIAL papers have been filed

Enjoy purgatory at your leisure.

>> No.2759832

I was born in Tanzania.

>> No.2759833

Alrighty. Thanks for easing my transition.

>> No.2759840

I was in purgatory once - it was horrible! You sure don't seem all that upset.

>> No.2759848

I was raped by Hemingway as a child.

>> No.2759854

You are of no consequence.

I'm the greatest.
There is a duality in me which is perpetually neglected. Though I masturbate to my own hateful charm, there is also the fact that I am a closet humanist at heart. By many arbitrary standards I guess I'm a horrible person... but at the same time I am here trying to inspire you people to lift yourselves out of the sedentary shithole which you call "a life worth living". Im setting the example, providing the alternative...i am the fucking messiah you gelatinous pulsating larvae, you depressed bunch of eunuchs... .
no life for the victim with no life of a nigger nigger death nigger nigger death nigger death nigger death death
no life for the victim worth living life is not worth being a victim worth living the life of a victim trying to live. livingly tropes of my being and living extending into a life worth living as i aim my rational gaze and destroy the victim with no life worth living

>> No.2759861

>you are of no consequence

I came to terms with that a long time ago.

As for the rest of your magniloquent rabble: I found it very enjoyable, thank you.

>> No.2759870


I've decided based on this, all people who use "magniloquent" are Truman Capote.

>> No.2759872


>> No.2759873

Hi Stan.

>> No.2759878

disregard that i suck cocks

>> No.2759882


Disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.2759893

It's like dat weeeeedeater. nigga how u neva used a weeeedeata befo? i told dat nigga "ay you spose to prime dat shit firs breh" told dat bitch to die "howl up, uhh, ma man uhhh if ya wood, if ya if ya wood,Heh, if ya wood, if ya if ya wood"

>> No.2759895

>having an accent

>> No.2759898


>> No.2759917

Oh, hey, look! I'm in there!

>> No.2759963

We need more threads like this yo

>> No.2759965

What are your favourite things about it?

>> No.2759978
File: 19 KB, 412x360, 1340802933819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Um, so far it’s an “A” in French and a “B-“in Econ.
>Oh, and what about Chemistry.
>Uh, I'm not sure, but midterms are in a few days so it could go up.
>Uh, so what's it at now?
>The grade?
>Uh, yeah.
>Uh, I'm not sure.
>But you just said it could go up?
>It just uh, I meant generally.
>You wouldn't be lying to me, would you Isaac?
>Then tell me the grade.
>I just told you, I-I don't know.
>Do you wanna take this little conversation, downstairs? No? Then tell me the grade son.
>Dad, the semester is only half over.
>There's plenty of time-!
>It-ts a “D”.
>Oh, it’s a “D”, uh, I'm not angry, you know I'm gonna have to find a way to punish you though, right? I have my responsibilities as a parent, we'll start with something simple, like, uh... tell you what, you do the dishes and clean up the kitchen, alright?
>Good. Because I-I'd really like to see this place spotless. (Cup is thrown to the ground and shatters) Know what I’m saying? You know I wanna see this entire kitchen, ABSOLUTELY (throws glass at Isaac) SPOTLESS! (Isaac looks horrified at his wound) Well that was your fault.
>Shut up! It’s a scratch! It’s hardly even- (Isaac runs out of his house, grabs his bike and rides away.) Isaac?! ISAAC!!

>> No.2759982

i saw no untamed tangents roaming the landscape of my electronic tome as your name implied op so whats the deal

>> No.2759984

much better

>> No.2759991


and so it begins.

>> No.2759992

I came

>> No.2759995

I saw.

>> No.2760009

I find it very poetic that by the worst writers and literary analysts on this board are the only posters that adopt trip codes.

>> No.2760016

I think you should avoid displaying your tenuous grasp of the English language unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.2760021

Can you guys tell me if the person I'm arguing with here is as retarded as I think he is?

>> No.2760022


I conquered.

>> No.2760026

Fortunately I agree with this sentiment and find myself guilty as will. I am not a petty human being and will admit to my misgivings, for I am but a man.

>> No.2760032
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Who's Will and why is he guilty?

>> No.2760035

What's in a name?

>> No.2760038

I can't be bothered reading all of that- can you summarize it in 6 words or less?

>> No.2760046

Man, I don't even fucking know. Just scroll to the bottom. This person thinks that qualia is magical and that art and culture are inexplicable and transcendent. Put that into retarded verbiage and you have his argument.

>> No.2760049

Just explain the difference between ineffability and transcendence to him

>> No.2760053
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I think I'm just going to leave 4chan for a few days. I can't do it anymore. Too many fools. Trolls I can handle, but not fools.

When I come back I won't be tripping, probably.

Time for vodka.

>> No.2760058

If it genuinely upsets you, you've probably got bigger concerns than winning an internet argument.

>> No.2760070

Nobody does dialectics anymore. Everyone has dug himself into a trench of ideology, and lobs dirt into other trenches with their shovels, entrenching himself further and further. Nobody bothers to look up from the shoveling, and if they did they would only see the dirt walls of their preconceptions.

That's what upsets me.

>> No.2760072

no...don't, uh, go....

>> No.2760092

What does someone with the name fnietzsche and such a post think about Stirner?

>> No.2760111

I don't understand why Stirnerists even bother to communicate their ideas to others. It's fine to be an egoist -- even a solipsist -- but they bring nothing of value to a discussion whose preconditions they deny, and I don't know why they feel the need to participate in it.

Having said that, I have a copy of The Ego and His Own from the library and I'll have a more informed opinion when I manage to read it.

>> No.2760141

Also, it wouldn't be fair to Nietzsche to assume that he and I are philosophically identical or even very similar.

>> No.2760150

Mhm, i like stirner, and i don't participate in those discussions, i don't get anything out of it. But why wouldn't one do that, if he likes too? Maybe he hopes for a smarter person, with an insight that changes or even only corrects his point of view.

>Do I write out of love to men? No, I write because I want to procure for my thoughts an existence in the world; and, even if I foresaw that these thoughts would deprive you of your rest and your peace, even if I saw the bloodiest wars and the fall of many generations springing up from this seed of thought — I would nevertheless scatter it. Do with it what you will and can, that is your affair and does not trouble me. You will perhaps have only trouble, combat, and death from it, very few will draw joy from it.

>> No.2760160

Ok, i was just curious, the connection between Nietzsche and Stirner is intriguing.

>> No.2760169
File: 7 KB, 240x200, ICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is w/ closet racist tripfags doing terrible black speak impersonations like that big faggot satan

nigga you couldn't jive turkey at the disco hall, fuck outta here charron-ass white boy, nerd bird-ass, posh ritz-ass cracka

>> No.2760182

That one likes to is a good reason for an egoist to argue. But I feel like this
>Maybe he hopes for a smarter person, with an insight that changes or even only corrects his point of view.
isn't something a Stirnerist would readily do. Cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable for the ego, and 'correctness' in the external would probably be seen as less important than internal fulfillment.

My heuristic approach against egoism is just that I am not so special.
