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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 1777x2244, 2012 visual book list online version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2759475 No.2759475 [Reply] [Original]

Read - 12 (see pic).
Reread - about 15.

Although I wish I'd read a lot more books so far this year, my rereading was a lot of fun. Hopefully I'll get plenty more soon (or not). What have been your favourite and least favourite books so far, /lit/?

>> No.2759498

Oh fuck me autism awareness thread!!!
how you been buddy?
I see you're slacking on the reading this year...be careful though if you keep it up you might actually develop something called a life...

>> No.2759508



Not much danger of that. I haven't had a life in several years.

>> No.2759515

acquire one; you will be happier.

>> No.2759520

14. Most were pulpy fantasy, however (The Black Company).

Could anyone recommend a good starting point for delving deeper into actual literature? Not fucking Ulysses, but something to get me started. The Starting Strength of literature, if you will.

>> No.2759531


damn...at least you dont pretend to have one like that vaginal wart D&E. you're all right sunhawk...
listen dude, if things keep not working out, join the peacecore or something. even if you get stationed in Azerbaijan or some other shithole, breaking free of the insularity of american culture might do you good.

>> No.2759539

Shut up Stan.

>> No.2759552
File: 1.81 MB, 2334x2100, read in 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eighty-one new books this year, but no complete re-reads. I'm reading at pretty much the same pace as last year.

I like to think I have a pretty decent mix of stuff - eighteen non-fiction, some Czech, Japanese, Polish and French lit. I read more contemporary American literature and I'm diving into Middle Eastern/Central Asian lit recently. Nearly all of them are very short.

Favorites - Log of the S.S. the Mrs. Unguentine by Stanley Crawford, On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger, House of Day, House of Night by Olga Tokarczuk and The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz.

Least favorite - The Finishing School by Muriel Spark (but I've loved other Spark) and The Amorous Exploits of a Young Rakehell by Guillaume Apollinaire (decent for erotica though).

>> No.2759561


lol at this faggot posting without his trip hoping that his little nickname will catch on...

>> No.2759577

I've only read 8, but i'm only a casual reader

>> No.2759583

Get a bunch of penguin classics, the great gatsby, lolita, that sorta stuff.

>> No.2759608


Some interesting reading going on, even if I don't recognise most of it.

>> No.2759617

>mfw Stan. hhahhaa Stan

>> No.2759629

>breaking free of the insularity of american culture might do you good

what a fucking newfag jesus christ

>> No.2759626


That guy should have a brick wall behind him.

>> No.2759649


>insulting someone for not being on a website 24/7

lol dude you're such a fucking loser.

>> No.2759651


I am indeed, British. But don't think British people aren't completely stuck in American culture.

>> No.2759681

I bet sunhawk claps at the end of books.

>> No.2759698

You never got round to Catch-22, then?

>> No.2759713

reminder that Sunhawk is 28 years old

>> No.2759719


I don't think you understand. Newfag is an insult because we don't think that being here 24/7 constitutes being a loser, or that if it does, we are fine with it. Why do you even post here?

>> No.2759724

I don't believe you. He seems so... Slow. Does he have 'learning difficulties?'

>> No.2759726
File: 267 KB, 1227x670, what i've read this year-bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read quite a bit this year. No re-reads. May read The Republic or Socrate's trail again later this year.

Excuse how terrible my image is as it was somewhat rushed.

>> No.2759730

stop bullying sunhawk you cunts.

>> No.2759731

Reminder that Sunhawk thinks GameFAQs forums are the best in the world and is his primary posting place. Everything here is just reposts from there. He just needs attention from multiple places.

>> No.2759734

Tripfagging is a choice.
If it weren't for that, it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.2759738


>or that if it does, we are fine with it.

Lol yeah dude i know that youre all a bunch of losers. thats precisely why i post here.
I post here because i like to fuck you people (the literature thing is secondary)
because i can have such an effect that fucking faggots like deepthroat get so obsessed with me that they start stalking me and making pictures about me. plus the general contrast between my superb lifestyle and the pathetic level of subhuman here gets me off...its orgasmic.

>> No.2759741

At least you are honest about it.

>> No.2759743

Not tripfagging is a choice.

>> No.2759744
File: 25 KB, 253x400, book+cover+of+The+Rules+of+Attraction+byBret+Easton+Ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules of Attraction and The Magus are two of my favorites. What did you think of them?

>> No.2759745

don't mention gamefaqs in sunhawk's threads he gets real sore over it

>> No.2759756
File: 76 KB, 1204x207, 1316538685079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to how you get sore over #ddets278A?

>> No.2759760


What a shit person. GO D&E GO!

>> No.2759761
File: 11 KB, 804x83, 1309854901009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying D&E is any different.

>> No.2759779

Not many. Probably 4-5 whole books.

>> No.2759789

27, which is slightly less than I'd hoped to have read by this point, but in fairness a few of them were big ones (Infinite Jest, 2666, Moby-Dick, The Brothers Karamazov).

>> No.2759804

when do i get sore over #ddets278A

>> No.2759808
File: 22 KB, 618x134, Word play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call changing your tripcode and changing your name (D'Averc). You were even using it with the secure one you use now.

Oh, I remember the celebrations we had when we thought that D&E was finally vanquished by /sci/ and satan

>> No.2759813

Le Huge?

Is this a reddit thing?

>> No.2759860

Does anyone else remember "Night of 1000 Deep and Edgys"

>> No.2759867

Sunhawk, you're queer? http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/585066-sector-alpha/53446512

>> No.2759877

- I am bisexual.

>- Most of my friends from my childhood were middle-class. Most of my friends in my adulthood have been working class.
I'm sad now.

>> No.2759879

>What do you call changing your tripcode and changing your name (D'Averc)

>> No.2759884

Sunhawk, post some excerpts from your novels.

>> No.2759888

You're half right.

>> No.2759890

Which as we all know causes the majority of problems.
Yet you insist.

>> No.2759900

You scared him away.

>> No.2759953

>i remember the celebrations

haha he hasnt been the same since that night.
what you see now is the afterbirth.
he only posts out of mere habit now. the cramps are getting worse and he has run out of midol. plus everyone has taken notice to all the blood and foul smell.

>> No.2759962

SUNHAWK you motherfuckrer