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/lit/ - Literature

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2758886 No.2758886 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?

Picture related.

>> No.2758889
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>> No.2758888

lol ballsack

>> No.2758894

What do you red then, faggot?

>> No.2758897

I'm really liking the tension in here over a wordplay joke.
It's got my heart racing.

>> No.2758898

Heart of Darkness. Liking it so far.

>> No.2758912

The Histories of Herodotus.
It is surprisingly captivating. Though I know it's a criticism leveled against him, I like that he includes the supernatural as a matter of course. I think it serves to display the world of the people as they saw it. It's really, really interesting.

>> No.2758916

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

A friend gave me it so now I feel like I have to read it.125 pages in It's not bad but the narrator is clearly autistic and nobody seems to mention it.

>> No.2758917

Brave New World, bored as hell, feels like homework

>> No.2758921


>> No.2758929
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pic related

>> No.2758934

no shit sherlock

>> No.2758955

Nice find.

Didn't know he wrote this.


>> No.2758956
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Women in Love - D.H. Lawrence

It's so good.

>> No.2758974

Do I need to read The Rainbow prior to this?

>> No.2758980

Perdido Street Station-China Miéville
(only a 130 or so pages in, liking it so far, its getting better)
Snow Country-Yasunari Kawabata
(almost finished. Really thought provoking and beautiful in its simplicity)
Balthazar-Lawrence Durrell
(literally like only a few pages in. I just started. But I loved Justine, so I think I should enjoy this.)

The Arms of Krupp-William Manchester
Master and Margarita-Mikhail Bulgakov
Claudius the God-Robert Graves
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality-Brian Greene
City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled The Seas-Roger Crowley
The Moor's Last Sigh-Salman Rushdie
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion-Yukio Mishima

And lots of others.

>> No.2758983

Nope. While they were written as one novel together, the characters are very different from The Rainbow to Women in Love.

>> No.2758984

Would you recommend reading one prior to the other though?

>> No.2759003

I wouldn't say I recommend reading one over the other first, but go ahead and read The Rainbow.

>> No.2759045
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Looking forward to the Odyssey

>> No.2759050

Don Quixote
(About 200 pages in and loving it)
Eyeless in Gaza
(Started out great but is really starting to drag)

>> No.2759055

Mentor dies

>> No.2759059
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>> No.2759064

>not Fagles' translation

>> No.2759070

The Portrait of a Lady - Henry Jerms
The Sexual Life of Catherine M. - Catherine Millet
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - Saramago
Little, Big - John Crowley

To read:
The Inferno - D. Alighieri
Sentimental Education - Flaubert
Everything by Sebald
Philosophical Investigations - Wittgenstein

>> No.2759074

American Psycho
Just started it, how many brands will this motherfucker list?

>> No.2759088
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It only took 20 years of my Father insisting I read the series, but I'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.2759103

Just about done with Sound & The ury. You can decide what I read next.

Paradise Lost
World War Z
Sophocle's complete plays
Infinite Jest
An Invitation to a beheading

>> No.2759126
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So far I'm enjoying it.

>> No.2759230
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Read the first book so far, enjoying it. Socrates fucking owns Thrasymachus!

>> No.2759273

Wuthering Heights
It's pretty good

>> No.2759276

About 150 pages in, it moves really slowly but I'm enjoying it overall, just wish it was more succinct. I read Red Rabbit before this and it was about the same: Very long with little plot action. I understand that's Clancy's writing style, but this will probably be the last book I read by him.

>> No.2759278

DFW don't be a pussy

>> No.2759282
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Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.2760087


>> No.2760101

What are you reading then?

>> No.2760106

You should be. It's better.

>> No.2760116

Tom Clancy should write a sequel. This time hunting a North Korean sub. The Cold War ain't over yet.

>> No.2760123
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It's like he's writing in the syntax of thought itself. Tremendous.

>> No.2760128
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borrowed it from a friend, so far so good.

>> No.2760147
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Currently reading up on holocaust revisionism.

>> No.2760168


>> No.2760178

I can only read up until 1950

Lots of Holocaust stuff written in those few years...

>> No.2760211
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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Really, really great look at the stuff they do to break the prisoners down and the subtle things they do to keep themselves.

Almost done and then on to The Master and Margarita

>> No.2760218

I love this book, hope you enjoy the rest of it

>> No.2760297

The Great Gatsby, nigger same as yesterday, same as tomorrow

>> No.2760310

Inherent Vice by Pynchon.

first one, wanted to see what the hype was about Currently pretty amusing.

>> No.2760311


>> No.2760329


Nice, I just finished this. It's great fun, probably the work of his with the most mainstream appeal.

I'm reading The Trial by Kafka right now.

>> No.2760333
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Aldous Huxley The Doors of Perception Heaven and Hell

>> No.2760339

Nice. Have you tried mescaline or any other hallucinogen before?

>> No.2760564
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>> No.2760578

I just started Infinite Jest, I'm up to the part where Hal is with the professional conversationalist.

Before that I read Falling Man.

>> No.2760591
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oblomov by goncharov.

struggling to pick my next book. either something philosophical, or catch-22, or possibly good old neon.

i try to read and alternate english with russian one by one. what woudl be a good next english book after i finished ape and essence and fathers and sons?????

>> No.2760595
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Flash for Freedom

One of the funniest things I have ever read. RIP GMF.

>> No.2760600

Is this as pessimistic as A Farewell to Arms?

>> No.2760609

It's not really pessimistic, but neither is "A Farewell to Arms," in my opinion.

It's not about war. It's about some American tourists drinking wine and fishing and going to bullfights. The female among them is a skank who cheats on a Jew with a matador. It's good fun, if not wholly embarrassing from an "Ugly American" standpoint.

>> No.2760610

The Kite Runner

I'm halfway through and I'm enjoying it a lot

>> No.2760611
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Leaflet of a novel. I'm already 80 pages in and I started this morning.

>> No.2760615
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Just about finished with it but damn, I've had a great experience reading this. I've been having thunder and rain storms for the past couple days and that was a wonderful atmosphere to read to.

>> No.2760623

Not a blisteringly, disorientingly hot sun? For shame.

>> No.2760720
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yeahhh buddy

>> No.2760745

I'm on a 'depressive' literature cycle at the moment, having just finished Ask the Dust by Fante, which was pretty shit. Fucking how did this even get published?

Moving on to some real shit now, Bridge on the Drina by Andric.

"No better introduction to the study of Balkan & Ottoman history exists, nor do I know of any work of fiction that more persuasively introduces the reader to a civilization other than our own. It is an intellectual & emotional adventure to encounter the Ottoman world through Andric's pages in its grandiose beginning & at its tottering finale. It is, in short, a marvelous work, a masterpiece & very much sui generis... Andric's sensitive portrait of social change in distant Bosnia has revelatory force."--William H. McNeill

Capsguy's back mother-fuckers. Intense reading schedules are a-go!

>> No.2760750

fuck off

>> No.2760752

I will shortly, just waiting for a friend to come over before we go out drinking.

You bang before you go out. Then you start the night on a great note.

>> No.2762824


>> No.2763039

The Great Short Novels of Henry James. I've only just finished the first one, Madame de Mauves, but I'm enjoying it so far. All the French phrases are making me wish I'd taken French instead of Spanish.
How is it? I just read I, Claudius last week.

>> No.2763046
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>> No.2763055

Comic books and Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

>> No.2763082

Just Finished Anna Karenina. Really liking Russian literature.

>> No.2763092
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>> No.2763093
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Another fantastic eye-opener. Should be made available to schools along with Thomas Paine's work.

>> No.2764435

Jesus' Son.