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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 300x420, Twilight-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2757086 No.2757086 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you like this book again?

>> No.2757093

/lit/ hates apples.

>> No.2757099

those damn apples... they fucking ruin everything

>> No.2757104

Because the characters are shallow husks of people, the plot is barely pubescent and it's managed to overshadow all other books that came out at the time. Also, it's fans are the most annoying little shrieking bitches you will come across outside out of a Tokyo Hotel concert, 4 years ago.

>> No.2757110
File: 170 KB, 298x448, AdamEveAppleSerpent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty apples...

>> No.2757112


A little bit of all that. But mostly apples. I just can't fucking stand them.

>> No.2757119

... They are rather offensive...

>> No.2757134

Did you even read the book?

>> No.2757135

is like pineapple pizza


>> No.2757136

>trying to make a deep love story with metafor about humans, vampires and wolfs


>trying to show adolescent/young woman feeling

fuck fuck fuck fail

>use the media to increase readers

proved to sellshit

>> No.2757146

I don't hate it. I've just never read it or seen the movie.

>> No.2757152

By far the most retarded post I've ever seen. You know absolutely nothing about Stephenie Meyer's motives.

>> No.2757161
File: 128 KB, 476x476, bill-kaulitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, it's fans are the most annoying little shrieking bitches you will come across outside out of a Tokyo Hotel concert, 4 years ago.

But Bill Kaulitz was so dreamy

>> No.2757172


hahahahah motives

is that one person have when go to work even if its a suky job

or something that make a person go to the end of the world to find something

or even trying to figure out something for comprehend something better

or a woman in despair for help his family

hahhahahaha wolfs and vampires sure are better motives

>> No.2757174

Sage & report.

>> No.2757177

>how you dare attack Stephenie Meyer! her great and glorious motives are far beyond your understanding

>> No.2757223

That doesn't change the fact that his fans were annoying as shit. I actually saw a reportage on them once, briefly, and they were actually a group of nice, optimistic young boys. But their fans made you want to take an ax to their faces.

It makes me sad that he's become this awkward, bulimic Edward Scissorhands like creature.

>> No.2757222

I haven't read the books, but I watched most of the movies with a friend of mine. The story isn't great, it's pretty much what you'd expect from a romance aimed at teenaged girls, so it is a bit ridiculous that it gets as much attention and hate as it does.

>> No.2757258

1. I tried to read it and didn't enjoy it.
2. From the plot synopses I've read, the male lead is an emotionally abusive piece of shit.
3. Grammar problems everywhere.
4. There is a difference between a prologue and a foreword, Stephenie Meyer.

>> No.2757269

The female lead is also pretty terrible, I may be biased because the girl who plays her is difficult to like and only seems capable of one facial expression.

>> No.2757304


Funny fact, Robert Patinson is actually a pretty good actor. When he read the script, he thought "This Edward guy seems like a self loathing piece of work. I mean, he's a hundred year-old virgin. Something's going on there." So he played them as emotionally abusive, self loathing, etc., and got the part. He's also referred to the sound of the screaming girls at the premier as "like something you might hear if you put your ear up to the gates of hell."

As far as I'm concerned, he seems like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2757311

Didn't he also call Twilight "an overweight cougar's creepy jailbait fantasy?"

>> No.2757334

I'm just mad that he started this "creepy pale guy with really big cheekbones and eyebrows" thing.
There is at least one of these decidedly unattractive men heading the protagonists in any show from Twilight on out.
I'll get over it, and judge him on his acting and person, not his role as Edward Cullen, but not just yet.

>> No.2757351

In teenage girls.

He inspired that taste in teenage girls.

>> No.2757360

Because the movie UP made a better love story in the first 4 minutes than Twilight made in 4 books.

>> No.2757362

its shit

>> No.2757372
File: 85 KB, 400x576, connery_thunderball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know who inspired my tastes as a girl?

Harrison Ford. When I was six.

>> No.2757381

Same here, as it should be.

>> No.2757395

That's hilarious, did you get it from Tumblr or Reddit?

>> No.2757401
File: 467 KB, 276x208, NOD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2757419
File: 481 KB, 141x141, 1339261850075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2757426

Bi guy here. Question for femanons. My biggest male crush is Robert Downey Jr.

How's my taste?

>> No.2757424

This new thing called my brain.

>> No.2757428

>dat goatee.

>> No.2757430

Too young.

>> No.2757437

What? He's 47, I'm 25. He's a bit old for me.

>> No.2757445
File: 36 KB, 450x691, harrylockhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine. I have mind blowing crush on his Harry Lockhart. He's fucking adorable.

>> No.2757460

Oh pssh. All of the actors I'd bang are at the very least 30 years older than me. Except the girls. Mmmm. Michelle Rodriguez... Besides. This is theoretical, anyway.

>> No.2757462
File: 57 KB, 608x457, pixar-is-better-than-twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's just a coincidence that this and similar images have been posted all over the place for several months? This site is all about reusing jokes in creative ways, at least admit to being unoriginal.

>> No.2757468

Who holds an apple like that anyway?

>> No.2757470

Mormon Jesus/

>> No.2757471

Stephanie Meyer Is Bella. She wrote those pieces of garbage as an extension for her own sexual fantasies.

Guy pressures her into marriage.
she is the one that ones to fuck but because he is the perfect man he wants to wait until marriage.

>> No.2757474

Link. Right before he puts it above his head and it rotates and doodooDOO DOOOO!

>> No.2757479

Another bi guy reporting in, and I'd fuck Robert Downy Jr. I think it might be the junkie in him. I love either junkie rockstar type guys, or really effeminate boys. With girls I don't really care about appearance, mind and mentality are much more important.

>> No.2757480

Anyone whose ever been unfortunate enough to read a self-insert or mary-sue knows this.


>> No.2757485

My Immortal is an avant-garde masterpiece.

>> No.2757490

I wanted to read it. I had to deflect to an online reading of it because I kept cramping up. I am literally incapable of reading something like that.

>> No.2757493

That's my point. Twilight is as bad as fan fiction.

>> No.2757498 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 500x368, 600full-iggy-pop-jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love either junkie rockstar type guys,

A young Iggy Pop?

>> No.2757505

AT least you can read My immortal and have a good time laughing.

Twilight on the other hand ....

I have this college mentor. He is a respected P.h. D guy in bioelectronics field. He thinks Twilight is some kind of underrated master piece. really he said you get attached to the story and the romance is good. I used to admire the guy. What did you do to him Stephanie? you are going to pay for this I swear.

>> No.2757521

Watch the movies with someone of similar tastes, it's pretty fun.

>> No.2757564

Well, I don't see a point in creating another thread considering there's already a topic on this. ( though I might, because I can't tell if this is a troll topic) Summer vacation is here and I would love to start reading again, and I was thinking of reading twilight. I mainly want to read it because I want to see if it is as bad as everyone says. Some people hate it and have reasons, but a lot of people I know have hated it without seeing the films or reading the books. Normally I would just read a book, but once I get into a series I can't put it down until I'm finished. I don't want to waste my time with something terrible. Is it even mediocre? I want your honest opinions /lit/. Also, sorry for any spelling/grammar issues, on my iPod.

>> No.2757571

>I want to read something to see if it's terrible
>Will only read if it's not terrible

>> No.2757579

Search "nerimon reads twilight"

And this is a guy that gave mlp a chance and decided he liked it.

>> No.2757600

Well, if it's so unbelievably bad that I start vomiting, then fling my books into the sun, I don't want to read it.

>> No.2757645

I'm the sort of person who enjoys reading something bad, then picking apart every flaw and coming up with absurd theories involving mental disorders to make it more interesting. That is why I'm listening to the Twilight audiobook, not spending money on something bad.

>> No.2757656

This is hilarious.

>> No.2758160

Edward Cullen is what you get when Dracula and Tinkerbell hook up. Vampires are not supposed to sparkle. Enough said!

>> No.2758487

my sister was all like "Did you even read it before you passed your judgment?"

So I read it. It was all like "Edward this.. Edward that.. Edward didn't even look at me.. boo fucking hoo..."

No wonder teen girls love it so much. It's full of whining and complaints...

>> No.2758499

Rumor has it she is single. Would you like a brother in law? I am literate and a good human being. Please give me her contact information.