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/lit/ - Literature

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2756040 No.2756040 [Reply] [Original]


You man/lit/s know any quality erotic novels? Every girl I know loves this piece of shit, but I know a few of them just like it because they don't know anything else.
Does a critically acclaimed erotic novel even exist?

>> No.2756046

Venus in Furs. Go read it now.

>> No.2756047

Is every girl you know your mother and your aunt?

>> No.2756050

>Does a critically acclaimed erotic novel even exist?

Ever hear of Henry Miller? Anaïs Nin? D. H. Lawrence?

>> No.2756049

we've been over this a million times

james joyce's fart letters.

>> No.2756052

right because everyone on 4chan is a loser shut in
Yeah but that's femdom

>> No.2756061
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>> No.2756065

welcome to every other board on 4chan

>> No.2756068

Gabriel's Inferno and Gabriel's Rapture are meant to be excellent erotic novels.
Beautiful disaster is another, or pretty much anything written by Z. Stefani depending on how much you're into the kinky stuff...

>> No.2756082

anyone who so much as makes a thread complaining about this book is marketing it.
I hope you realise that.
It's the same way that 'friday friday' girl got famous.

>> No.2756085

dude snl did a skit about it I'm pretty sure it's mainstream as it is.
and the tosh.0 blog made friday famous

>> No.2756092

yeah, all by ridiculing. and you are doing the same thing. of course you don't have the same impact on pop culture as snl or tosh.o but you're still doing th same thing.

>> No.2756095

are you serious? a thread on one of 4chan's slowest boards doesn't mean shit. who cares either make a suggestion of something actually worthwhile or get the fuck out

>> No.2756096
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>> No.2756099

Story of O?

>> No.2756114

That actually looks pretty good.

>> No.2756127

mate are you fucking thick? I just said yes these threads will have a negligible impact. but the point is you're doing the same fucking thing as the popular sources who criticise and end up promoting the item. if you dont like it, dont waste your time with it.

>> No.2756141

one of the few good S&M books.

>> No.2756145

are you thick as fuck? if the effect is negligible than why would it fucking matter? THIS IS 4CHAN /lit/ I'M PRETTY SURE YOU ARE ALL FAMILIAR WITH THIS PIECE OF TRASH

>> No.2756176

I'd also like to point out I was looking for suggestions for women I know that do like this book, which means I'd have to bring it up in the first place.

>> No.2756186

>why would it fucking matter?
i already said. learn to fucking read.
it's because you are doing precisely the same thing as the guys who do matter and I don't care for what they are doing. fucking hell. have a sage, you stupid cunt

>> No.2756197

no you
just fuck off

>> No.2756233
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>> No.2756277

My Secret Life by Victorian Anonymous
120 Days of Sodo by Marquis de Sade
Something more contemporary:
Season of Infidelity: BDSM Tales from the Classic Master by Oniroku Dan

>> No.2756283

excellent rebuttal, spazface

>> No.2757021

Can someone defend 120 Days? I mean it looks like a pretty good novel despite never being finished but I honestly don't see how it qualifies as erotica. I mean, it's EROTICA all right, but are people really going to tell me they're turned on by it? Like they want it for the literature and the excitement?

>> No.2757039

I haven't read the book, but I knocked one out while watching the film.

>> No.2757049

>quality erotic novels

no such thing.

erotic literature is bottom of the barrel stuff.

>> No.2757078


The movie's amazing, I prefer it to the book, more concise, to the point, and most of all finished. It's just great.

>> No.2757102

>Lolita is an erotic novel

Nope. It's a great book but a big reason it was labeled erotic was because of its original french publisher's reputation for printing seedy lit porn

>> No.2757114


I hate women and children and get turned on visualising them getting whipped.and being forced to eat shit.

>> No.2757141


The original erotic bestseller.

>> No.2757171

Tropic of Cancer?