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2754004 No.2754004 [Reply] [Original]

>Dat feel when Amazon recommends you The Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey "based on recent purchases"

But, seriously, how the fuck do they recommend that off me purchasing Leaves of Grass by Whitman, and an essay anthology by Thoreau?

>> No.2754007

You ordered books.

>> No.2754009

They didn't say they were your recent purchases specifically.

>> No.2754011

They were under "related to browsing history"

>> No.2754012

>Thinks "based on recent purchases" actually means based on recent purchases not based on what is statistically most likely to sell.

>> No.2754013

it's called saturation marketing. At a certain point, they throw away their algorithm and just market what's already successful to reduce risk.

>> No.2754016
File: 97 KB, 1039x259, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Checked mine just out of curiousity.

I got two bird watching books, an Electrodyanmics book, a book about understand the bible, a UFC fighters biography, and a book on Jewish thinking.

The only one that I can somewhat see is the Electrodynamics book, because I recently purchased a vector calculus textbook and a linear algebra textbook. The rest I have no clue about. Bird watching...

>> No.2754019

Fifty Shades is bad, but what's wrong with the Hunger Games?

>> No.2754020

Ornithology is like the broiest hobby ever created. Can you fathom the existence of a bird-watcher who isn't a nice guy?

>> No.2754022

>Hunger Games

>Fifty Shades of Grey

Ok, that one is a big stretch. Honestly it is probably more like
>Here buy these best sellers!

>> No.2754025

There's nothing wrong with it. It's just YA fiction. The gap between Thoreau and Whitman and the Hunger Games is a pretty large one though.

>> No.2754055
File: 593 KB, 1574x858, rec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas jelly of my recommendations.

Enjoy your harry potter and erotic novels for soccer moms.

>> No.2754123
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>> No.2754163
File: 72 KB, 999x999, 1329681913294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made the mistake of getting the ASOIF boxed set a year back, and the only reason I even found out Fifty Shades of Shit is because it appeared in my recommendations. The bestsellers started popping up again after my recent Watchmen paperback purchase.

>> No.2754169

you think thas an adequate counter to the argument?maybe the bookmshould be recommened to you

>> No.2754255
File: 758 KB, 1900x1200, 1328082097246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby likes his collectivism
Are these "adequate" counter-arguments?

>> No.2754562

People buy amazing classics books for class that they don't care about, bundle in shit fiction they actually want to read.
Mystery solved.

>> No.2754579
File: 217 KB, 685x755, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: amazon accurately portrays the reality of your intellectual subject material, and this makes you angry because of an inflated sense of self-worth (probs cuz of insecurity)

inb4 poster is a drunk asshole spouting barstool psychology

>> No.2756897

poster is a drunk asshole spouting barstool psychology

>> No.2756901

I bought a Chris Jericho book months ago and it has recommended me nothing but wrestling books ever since

>> No.2756907

That feel when 50 Shades and Hunger Games are both topping the Amazon best sellers charts.