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/lit/ - Literature

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2752213 No.2752213 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a bleak/depressing literature thread?

Human suffering, isolation, you know.

Picture somewhat related. Anyone here read it?

>> No.2752215



>> No.2752216

Infinite Jest

>> No.2752271

Read both, got more?

>> No.2752278
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>> No.2752279

WG Sebald's The Rings of Saturn
The Emigrants

>> No.2752283


>> No.2752286

Depressing Literature. Pretty sure it's the only list with a Dutch book on it.

>> No.2752305

Nooteboom's on the contemporary novellas one too.

We could make a Dutch lit chart if you want to help with it.

>> No.2752314

That you Raven?

Scanned that Russian novella by any chance?

>> No.2752318

I have it scanned! Not done with the proofreading yet though. I think I'll probably have it by tomorrow sometime. But I'll make a thread when I finish.

>> No.2752344

El Astillero. El Túnel.

>> No.2752369
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Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy

And The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

Both should be obvious choices on the "depressing lit" list.

A pall of depression should be expected. But I can offer an antidote. (The antidote is a LazyTown marathon on television.)

>> No.2752397


I would fucking love that, I'm a dutchfag but I haven't read any dutch authors since high school.

>> No.2752402

Read Siamese by Stig Sæterbakken. Guaranteed to make you feel like shit.


>> No.2752404

Sure, I'm up for that!

>> No.2752430

basically anything by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.2752479
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Made a little start.

>> No.2752487

I've read plenty of his work, loved the books and their style. anything else you'd recommend which is similar to him and his writing style?

>> No.2752519
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>> No.2752524


>> No.2752528


How is Celiné and Gontsjarow depressing?

One of the books I can't read without becoming depressed is Nausea by Sartre. I haven't finished it once because my gf hated me when I was reading it.

>> No.2752533

You don't know whether to cry by laughter or sadness when reading Celine.

Perhaps that's why it was included.

>> No.2752543


Theo Thijssen - Kees de Jonge is also a great read. And you should add the collected work of Belcampo, the best short story writer from The Netherlands.

>> No.2752609


>> No.2752639

A Farewell to Arms

"walked back to the hotel in the rain."


>> No.2752642


>> No.2752646

last line of the book. shit's sad if you know the context

>> No.2752648

I read it when I was 14, not exactly fresh in memory.

>> No.2752655

catherine and the baby died and shit, yo, henry was all like "lol what hahahaa" and den he was like "kk brb" and wen to do hotel for crying

>> No.2753593

Usually we do the recommendations lists with English translations, seeing as 4chan is an English site and most people here are reading books in that language. But if you do a Dutch language version I'll try to do an English one, and we can have both on the wiki. Here's my list so far:

Lucifer by Joost van den Vondel
The Waning of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga
A Posthumous Confession by Marcellus Emants
Max Havelaar by Multatuli
The Ten Thousand Things by Maria Dermout
Amsterdam Stories by Nescio
Chapel Road by Louis Paul Boon
Omega Minor by Paul Verhaeghen
Cheese by Willem Elsschot
The Twin by Gerbrand Bakker
Beyond Sleep by Willem Frederik Hermans
Character by Ferdinand Bordewijk
Eline Vere by Louis Couperuls
Turkish Delight by Jan Wolkers
I Dreamed in the Cities at Night by Remco Campert
Parents Worry by Gerard Reve
In a Dark Wood Wandering by Hella S. Haasse
The Discovery of Heaven by Harry Mulisch
Wonder by Hugo Claus
Tomorrow Pamplona by Jan van Mersbergen

>> No.2753595
File: 73 KB, 270x400, JMCoetzee_Disgrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee is very depressing. Got the kid a Nobel, too.

>> No.2753639

Basically anything by Charles Bukowski, esp. Post Office, and Women.

Vonnegut's stuff is pretty depressing too, even if it does have some lighter moments.