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/lit/ - Literature

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2748218 No.2748218 [Reply] [Original]

You should ALL be reading right now.
Post the name of the book from which you're spending time. Then go read it!

>> No.2748228

Kenzaburo Oe - Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness

>> No.2748242

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.2748245

The Beach - Alex Garland

>> No.2748253

Middlemarch by George Eliot

>> No.2748259

The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction

>> No.2748280

Game of Thrones. It's hard to read a book when you already know what's going to happen ;_;

>> No.2748283

Mother - Gorky

Granted, I did just wake up

>> No.2748286

The Magus - John Fowles

>> No.2748298

Just finished reading Song Of Roland. Think I will read the rest of the second part of Sound & The Fury then sleep.

>> No.2748302

Kazuo Ishiguro - The Unconsoled

>> No.2748311

Generation X - Douglas Coupland

>> No.2748352


Finished it this week. I don't know what you think so far, but it was so good, I though. Definitely my favorite of his and I really loved his other stuff before. The Unconsoled is kind of as if Murakami instead of becoming more positive and concerned about society and all that post-1995 stuff, had lost his wife, and turned into a depressed, alcoholic nihilist ... but still, at heart, stayed the warm-hearted guy we know ... Fucking ticks me off it was deemed to not make any sense by a lot of critics despite Ishiguro fucking spelling out what the point of it all was in the last part, during the description of Brodsky's conduction. The mood in the movements even corresponds to the ones of the novel's parts.

Reading DFW's The Broom of the System now, but I'm beginning to suspect I didn't really need a one-book-break from Jane Austen. Sort of missing it already. Still digging Broom so far though, even if it feels slightly less natural than his later writing, but that might just be me imaging things ...

Going to read now :I

>> No.2748390

A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole.

>> No.2748509

The Sun Also Rises. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do

>> No.2748527

Lopate's Against Joie de Vivre

>> No.2748532

A Game of Thrones. (Shamefully.)

I'm plowing through that and then reading Ender's Game, Dune, or Gatsby.

>> No.2748535

siddartha. so far it's like a glorified version of the alchemist, with a buddhist gimmick and a teleological carpe diem bullshit.

>> No.2748545
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>> No.2748601
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I tried to get that thread started twice.

>> No.2748604

Silmarillion just gonna crack it open tonight but keep silly dallying cuz I'm high

>> No.2748607

Dune!!! I'm on book six finally. Oh Lawdy its so good!!! book two was full on dreamy dreamscape constantly I didn't like that but still good. They are super classic!!

>> No.2748609

Oh yeah I remember you.
I'm still reading it (obviously). I find the author to be too apologetic towards the Obama Administration, but the rest so far is pretty enlightening.

>> No.2748618

joseph heller's catch-22. then for golden bough and then off to sleep i guess.

>> No.2748624

Being and Time. Just made it to Division II. Fuck yeah.

>> No.2749091

The Prodigal Son(Dean Koontz's Frankenstein)

>> No.2749098
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>> No.2749102

Salinger's Nine Stories

>> No.2749119

Weird. I am currently alternating between these two.

I am also a renowned tripcode(going casual).

>> No.2749124


>implying there are renowned tripfags

>> No.2749133

I believe you are quite jello at my rags-to-riches story?

Give you a hint, its to do with the costumes. ;-)

>> No.2749137

The Brothers Karamazov
and Vineland

how's inherent vice guys?

>> No.2749138

Suck my dick.

>> No.2749142


I just started it tonight, I'm only a few pages in. I'll have to let you know in a couple days


I'm at a loss, no guesses.

>> No.2749143

>implying there aren't
Go to bed Quentin.

>> No.2749141

Wicked by Gregory Maguire, and the audiobook of Neuromancer by William Gibson while I'm at work

>> No.2749145
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>> No.2749149

Oh you fool, the simplest answer is always a taunt.

Another Hint: My gamb¡t's to flaunt. ;-)

>> No.2749154

I'm just such a high level reader

>> No.2749155

Mein Kampf

>> No.2749160

Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott

>> No.2749166

fucking love this book. before you read the final couple chapters, make sure you don't have any social commitments/work/obligations that day. you're welcome in advance.

>> No.2749170

Bet you had no trouble with that last bit. Nerd.

>> No.2749173
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takes one to know one.

>> No.2749190

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M. Pirsig, and What Is Life? by Erwin Schroedinger.

>> No.2749194

Something Wicked This Way Comes.

Started it the week Bradbury died, and got a little way into it before I realized I'd read it some years ago. Don't know what's next on my list yet.

>> No.2749210 [DELETED] 
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I like it, but looking at a 100 page wall of text makes my head hurt ;_;

>> No.2749216

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.2749248

Stephen R. Donaldson - Lord Foul's Bane

>> No.2749257

Jacob's Room by Woolf
Vineland by Pynchon

After this, I've got about half of Ficciones I never got around to because I've been saving it for when I have more time and then it's Absalom, Absalom.

>> No.2749260

just finished a couple chapters of animal farm - george orwell. i'm on ch8 i think. closed it for a bit to check the web (i don't know why - i always do this and it's always the same)

gonna get back to it now...

>> No.2749268

"La Infana Raso." There's an English translation online, but I really don't like it. And I doubt anyone but me (here, at least) is down for reading it in the original. At any rate, I'm enjoying it. I was going to translate the first three lines for /lit/ out of fun, but I accidentally 1/4 of the first chapter:

Salutations, mason, my grandfather Ruben,
who throughout life climbed up and down,
chiseling gargoyles and angels onto churches!

And you, O descendant of Ruben, who hoisted
caravel sails, and pirated upon the sea,
and courted the second daughter of a bartender
and left her pregnant, and disappeared totally
to the ocean depths --yes, dear one, I sing you salutation!

(And especially you, O bartender's daughter,
my great grandmother, to whose soft breast
clung that child, who in later life
dedicated himself to robbery, murder, and lechery,
and ten bastards fathered, of whom one went
in war to Poland, and there was vastly a man, to
the flow of his seed opened wide canals,
to me bequeathing Polish cousins by the thousands!)

>> No.2749269

Lolita. This would be the first work of literature I've treated outside of school, and the sorts of emotions and insights I'm getting out of it are just incredible! Where should I go after I'm done with Lolita?

>> No.2749296

I was reading Aurelius, only a few pages from Meditations left.
But I have this crippling 'nihilism' feeling that it's a waste of time.

So I stopped reading months ago and just play video games.

I'm not sure if it's depression and I should get meds.
But my life overall is like this, I don't care about anything anymore.
When I was a kid I thought reading and becoming wise was the ultimate goal.
But in the real world... It feels like trying to be a knife in a box of pastels.

Society doesn't need wisdom, it is fueled by selfishness.

>> No.2749315


>> No.2749331

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K Dick

Good stuff