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File: 69 KB, 273x240, 317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2748187 No.2748187 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over my need to own books physically? I can't seem to go full digital although it would be very practical.

>> No.2748206

You don't.


>> No.2748343

Some people just do prefer the physical thing, especially if you've been getting physical copies for a long time already.

I'm kind of the same with music
I know, I know
> buying music
But if there's an album I actually want, I would rather have the physical version then go get it on iTunes

If you really want to move towards digital OP, just compare the prices between eBooks and physical copies. Shockingly, the eBook isn't always cheaper, so just go for whatever version is a better value for money.

>> No.2748351

Real books are better. Don't become one of those ebook faggots.

>> No.2748360

I've been reading a lot of books on my kindle lately, all pirated, some of them I am probably going to buy a physical copy because I'd like to read them again and write down my notes and thoughts and shit like that. It just doesn't work so well on a kindle.

I find that the kindle is great for "easy" reads though, I blazed through discworld novels when I was on vacation and it was so much easier and less cumbersome on the kindle.

>> No.2748365


OP, for once don't be a faggot.

>> No.2748366

Who the fuck lets him write in that font?

>> No.2748378
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pirate the books you want to read, buy the ones you love..Gee, that was hard right ?

>> No.2748391

This, same with music and movies and vidya gaems. If they don't release a demo, then it is your illegal right to try before you buy.

>> No.2748393

>buy the books I love after reading them once on my Kindle
>they sit on my shelf, untouched.
>have an ever expanding list of books to read before I die
>can't be bothered to reread books

>> No.2748396

Any valid argument that person could have had no longer matters because of that font.

>> No.2748403

>If they don't release a demo

Physical bookstore browsing
Online bookstore previews

>> No.2748420

I've got a similar feeling, OP. There are authors who I only started reading after I got my ereader, and so the only copies I have of their books are digital ones. Something in me feels like I should own some of their physical books as well, but the main reason why I bought the ereader was because I was running out of space for physical books.

>> No.2748441

No way. Stick to physical books. E-books are DRM-ridden trash and those devices you buy allow for remote deletion. Secondly, you do not own those E-books so there's no resale nor is there legal transfer. Hell, some E-book licenses prohibit you from reading aloud let alone borrowing it. You can legally be punished for reading it aloud. I shit you not!

Fuck E-books. Fuck their DRM. Fuck those backdoor readers (Kindle, I'm looking at you) and fuck all the spying.

>> No.2748450

Just like smoking, think of all the cool shit you could buy with the money saved.

>> No.2748455

Calm down son. There are options without DRM and spying.

>> No.2748461

>In the end, it comes down to this: eBooks are just alienating, for all the above reasons, and more. eBooks do not become part of your living space like real books do. When your bookshelves become too burdened with the weight of all of your books, you buy new bookcases for them, or you pile them onto the floors and tables. Either way, the sight of book-laden cases, or books piled onto floors and tables is a delightful one. It adds to the personal decor of your space. And when your friends come over and browse your bookshelves and note commonalities in your literary tastes, or divergences between them, this deepens the connection between you. Your friends may even borrow a book or two. What's the incentive in borrowing an eBook? Just get your own fucking eBook that stores 10,000 tomes! You see, it just makes us even more narcissistic.

I can get past the font if the arguments is as good as that one.

>> No.2748469

All I hear is nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia.

>> No.2748467

You can use en e-reader without buying any books at all.

>> No.2748480

I know it will never be the same experience, but software will come close to replicating all of this and adding new experiences you haven't even thought of yet.

>> No.2748483

So? Nostalgia can be good. There are too many pads and pods nowadays. Buying a gadget for reading is not something I want to do. I still have the pleasure to have people coming to my place, seeing some titles on my bookshelves, and finding topics for hours of conversation. I want to keep that. Nostalgia? Yes. And proud of it.

But to each his own.

>> No.2748486

Ok. When e-readers allow me to connect myself to the Matrix I will consider getting one.

>> No.2748503

>You can use en e-reader without buying any books at all.

I'll forgive you if you buy a Nook and promptly root it.

>> No.2748514

All of the stuff she says will stop mattering once we get Augmented and Virtual Realities.

>> No.2748533

Everything will stop mattering when that happens.

>> No.2748537

The singularity is near.

>> No.2748544

Depends on how it's handled and integrated into our everyday life.

>> No.2748548

OK, settle the fuck down Kurzweil.

>> No.2748559

This. God I detest digital books. Sure, you can have a library in your pocket, but who the Fuck really wants that?? I'd rather have a library in my home, its so disgusting to actually 'make the switch' as far as I'm concerned... Real books are so much a part of your love for reading aren't they??? We are human. Fuck digital copies that don't feel good papery and have that weight cover art texture.and glorious smell. I hope Kindle burns in its android hell.

>> No.2748568

books smell gross.

>> No.2748579

I have like 400 physical books and of course, I haven't read them all.

If I had an e-book I'm sure I would pirate 10.000 books and I would read 1% of them before pirating another 10 k set,

Do I want to turn books into MP3's?

Fuck no.

>> No.2748583

you smell gross

>> No.2748586

Switching to digital music enabled me to figure out exactly what my tastes were. Sure at first I downloaded more than I needed, but now I have a great collection because of it. The same thing is happening now with ebooks. Avalibility trumps physicality in my book.

>> No.2748595
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>Sure, you can have a library in your pocket, but who the Fuck really wants that??

>> No.2748599

You can listen to a 40 minutes album and decide that it's good or it's crap. Can't do that with a book.

>> No.2748617

I am beautiful no matter what they say. Words can't bring me down. seriously though a library is intended to wrap around YOU to be a beautiful place with ladders and aisles and rows and rows of shelves to explore. NOT a tablet piece from Satan fitting neatly in your pocket. Please proceed to android hello

>> No.2748622

kill yourself

>> No.2748667
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It already stops mattering at the point when you grow a penis. It's typical female reasoning. Females, who buy things with the consise purpose of putting them in places so that other people might find them nice to look at. It's a shitty approach to aesthetics. Decoration betrays a lack of proper creation.

Also, the very idea of needing a bunch of shit laying around to facilitate the bonding process is horrible.

>> No.2748817

I just read pleb genre books on Kindle and buy classy books so chicks think i'm intelligent.

>> No.2748826
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They're the last outpost of modernity that I don't see myself eventually embracing. Perhaps that's nostalgic, I can't exactly say; either way, I can honestly say that amongst the people I know, e-readers haven't facilitated better taste or even really boosted reading.

>> No.2748900

You not only spelled "concise" wrong, you used it in a completely incomprehensible way.

>> No.2748916

Why try to get over it?

Digital and physical books are the shit, have both

>> No.2748959
File: 120 KB, 610x769, 10-worst-book-covers-in-the-history-of-literature-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in the near future no one will judge a book by its cover

>> No.2748960
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>implying ebooks will ever replace having wonderful books in your house

>> No.2748967
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dat feel

>> No.2748981
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Why do you have to choose one or the other?

>> No.2748990

Because you have to choose each time you buy a book.

>> No.2749000

If you have enough money to buy every book you read, then this is not a big issue for you. I read books any way I can, be it libraries or friends. Be happy you have the choice at all.

>> No.2749008

Nice trips. I do have enough money, that's why I don't see any reason to get an e-book. The only advantage it has over physical books is the price. And that's not an issue for me. With 30 bucks a month I have more than enough to read.

>> No.2749011

And BTW, I don't know a single person that owns an e-book that doesn't have 30 bucks to spend in books every month.

>> No.2749030
File: 286 KB, 819x913, historyfolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm past physical - hell, my history folder on my nfs drive alone is like 20 gigs. Having a full-on, university-scale library at home is groovy.

>> No.2749042

By attaining a need to read books regardless of the medium. A simple craving for the thing that matters most, and less emphasis on the other bullshit.

>> No.2749434

I have the same problem OP.

It feels fucking weird reading a from a screen instead of the real thing, but then again if I were to get a kindle and use pirated books, I'd have thousands of books right in my pocket for free.


>> No.2749442

>Having a full-on, university-scale library at home is groovy.

People need to start thinking about it like that, and realize how years ago people would have killed for this shit. We're pretty lucky to have such a wealth of information so easily available.

>> No.2749607

This. I hope people take advantage of this wealth of information for its educational merit and not merely entertainment.

>> No.2750673

>reading books to acquire joy and pleasure
>reading books for educational merit in order to have the knowledge be beneficial sometime in order to eventually bring about joy and pleasure

Push-pin and poetry, gentlemen.

>> No.2750685

Educating yourself is a form of entertainment.

>> No.2750693

I take a lot of notes on my Kindle. I never did on physical books.
Because now I don't have to get a pen or paper or anything.
I just start typing and it makes a note. Neato.
And I can browse them conveniently.

>> No.2750697

>That feel when I don't even read anymore, just hoarding masses of books


>> No.2750703
File: 49 KB, 315x480, 1226497478098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I know that feel very well.

>> No.2750704

It is a shitty argument.

>> No.2750709

>Silly faggots hoarding paper to impress people who will never see them

>> No.2750721

>Implying I don't buy books out of a compulsion.
Don't project.