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2747071 No.2747071 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Waterstones
>Everyone in the queue has 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.2747075

If I die and have a personal heaven and there are bookstores there then everyone will always be buying the best books and waiting in line and they'd always be ready for great discussion.

It would be glorious. They would have their Pessoa, Grossman, Pancake, and Bernhard. All the people in line would always be ready to introduce you to a new and amazing author. oh book heaven, I wish you existed.

>> No.2747077

Yeah, yeah. Last month, everyone had "Hunger Games"

The month before that everyone had Harry Potter or something.

Stop worrying about other people, and worry about yourself.

>> No.2747443

I have to say, in all honesty, that those books, regardless of any misgivings I have about them--I can at least understand the interest they have generated. They at least have some modicum of dignity.
50 Shades of Grey, however...what the fuck. Absolute shit.

>> No.2747455

>mouthbreathers buy it due to popularity
>only read it during commercial breaks
>takes months to slog through it
>think of themselves as cultured for having read a book

>> No.2747456

If you think that's bad, try buying yaoi manga. I dare you. Just one. Bonus points if you can actually look the cashier in the eye.

>> No.2747458

people are sheep

>> No.2747470

>hurr durr porn is so bad men should never watch it ever hurr
>50 shades of grey comes out
>omg woman are entitled to their porn as well if men are hurr

>> No.2747492

oh god OP please tell me you're joking or exaggerating

>> No.2747503

do those books actually spark a more general interest in literature? i seem to know a lot of adults where the only books they've read in the past 15 years or so, are Harry Potter & Hunger Games. (that is, among fiction; they've read plenty of books by journalists, with their arms folded across the cover).

that's interesting; oftentimes Waterstones' selection is cited in nationalist shitposting threads as evidence that the U.K. is a more literary culture than the U.S.—perhaps true, but i dunno if that can be seen in comparing Waterstones to Barnes & Noble.

>> No.2747507

>using 'hurr durr'


>> No.2747519

Why do you get so upset about this? Just write a masterpiece and do some fucking promotion.

Jesus Christ, the thing that is wrong with today's society is that those who has the ambition lack the ability and vice versa.

>> No.2747532

I don't mind Hunger Games being a big success, I don't mind Twilight even or the Da Vinci code even despite their shitness. Yet the popularity of 50 shades of Grey pisses me off.

>> No.2747538
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>implying I haven't done that already

>> No.2747547

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.2747549
File: 32 KB, 402x306, 1327997852398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work in bookstore

>We sell out of these within minutes come the new boxes of stock for them

>See a kid flicking through it in the queue

>Parent not taking notice

Hopefully she was just glaring at the pages because she could. But she did look 11 at least.

>> No.2747618

Better written porn then "50 shades" and at least openly it know to be porn, or just a weird love story

>> No.2747625

I got rage quited on by a gay man "for my liberal agenda" when I fucked around and said "the fan base of fifty shades of grey is killing feminism" lol

I never seen such rage quitting over a retarded opinion in my life. He went a rant a rant that I horrible to judge these for not reading the book in full ect ect

>> No.2747624

flavor of the month diamond dozen pop fiction. don't be a pre-madonna about it.

>> No.2747635


>> No.2747641

Are you drunk?

>> No.2747642

Eh. It depends. Mostly it's just really tedious teenage love stories. With maybe sex at the end.
One of my favorites is 50% sex and 50% kicking people in the face with guns. It's awesome.

>> No.2747646
File: 498 KB, 400x225, give a fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told that tumblr bloggers write better porn. Anyways, yeah, not touching that.

>> No.2747654

>books by Journalists
Why are supposedly real stories so popular these days, anyway? It's perplexing how people will flaunt any given book or movie just because it is "based on a true story".

Why does anyone care about that? The moment an event is put down on paper it becomes fiction, no matter how good the investigation behind it was.

>> No.2747659

Wish I was, no I just horribled typoed.
Wish the rage quitting story was me being drunk too, alas it's not

>> No.2747667

Your superpower is incoherency, isn't it?

>> No.2747674


Not buying books at the superior Blackwells.

>> No.2747687

Not buying books at the superior local second-hand bookstores

>> No.2747698

Are you this nigger? >>2747519
You have that signature directionless cynicism.

>> No.2747709

>going to Waterstones
Do you enjoy overpaying?

>> No.2747714

Waterstones varies greatly between shops I know of one which is brilliant and several which are crap around my area

>> No.2747720

Do you enjoy not having enough money to throw at crisp, fresh, unread books?

>> No.2747721

Yes because Waterstones is the sole distributor of books in the world, also
>implying the books in 'Stones don't get manhandled daily

>> No.2747735

>Implying I don't have a team of Polish immigrants disinfecting and gently ironing the pages of my overpriced books before I read them.

>> No.2747862


I would if I could find one in my town that isn't complete shit.

>> No.2749474

I can get similar quality books for much less on amazon.