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2746929 No.2746929 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, I'm scared of being alone, I'm scared I'm gonna loose a grip on myself and there will be noone to talk me back. How do you know you are depressed?

>> No.2746930


>> No.2746934

lol chill little babby

>> No.2746941

do some exercise

>> No.2746943


might do that later

>> No.2746965

should I go with my mom or should I risk being alone. I'm 21 actually and this has just started happening, it's not like I've never been alone before

>> No.2747030

Bro, think of it like this. All the shit makes you stronger. Don't go live with your mum, live on your own. You will become more independent, you will learn you don't need to rely on other people.

Just remember, feeling bad is natural, for there to be happiness, there has to be the opposite.

This shit all makes you stronger, if you lived a life of care free happiness, you wouldn't be half the person you would be if you went through tough times, tough times show you who you really are. Get introspective.

Also, exercise, eat lots of fruit and veg and water, try cut out lots of junk food. Food has a massive impact on our minds, it's a drug by definition.

>> No.2747035

Aloneless is the natural state of existence, bro. We born alone, and die alone.

>> No.2747044

Take it to /soc/

>> No.2747158

When you finally stop giving a fuck about anything you're either enlightened or depressed.

>> No.2747188


Oh look we're so casual all of the sudden, calling people bro. Bro, bro, bro. God fuck off.

>> No.2747196

you know you're depressed when you feel your world suddenly starting to shrink around you. it's like a feeling of omnipresent powerlessness, as if you are being forced down into a hole and have no way to get out of it.

don't worry though, psychjologists have been working on depression for years and there are plenty of things you can do about it. You will find lots of helpful suggestions just be looking online. As someone else has already said, exercise is important, as is doing lots of little chores. as in, if you see something that needs doing, no matter how small, sort it out straight away. these are all textbook things you can do to combat depression.

>> No.2747211

Hard to tell. I had it pretty mild, and I didn't even know until I was diagnosed with it. I just kept assuming I was having a bad day. Over and over and over again. Reading is also pretty much out of the question, too. Which only made it worse.

But being afraid of being alone is pretty normal, I think. If you have friends, call them regularly. But I have complexes, so I don't know how objective I am.

The problem with parents is that they're parents, and don't count. I mean, meeting up with them is good, but you really need a third party or you'll just get agitated over the fact that your mother is the only person you can call when you're sad. Trust me, it feels bad, man.

Focus on the small things. For example. right now I'm drinking vanilla milk so good it tastes like ice-cream, and it's keeping me from wondering what the fuck I'm doing home at 3pm on a saturday.

>> No.2747223

Lonely is a story. I am lonely.
Alone is a fact. I am alone.

You can be alone without being lonely.
Read 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle.

>> No.2747235

I hope you fix your petty attitude in the future, bro. I was trying to help the guy out and you criticize me for saying bro.

Goodluck op

>> No.2747251

When you say "bro" you sound like a fratboy douche, and no one takes you seriously. Petty or not, that's reality.

>> No.2747264

I took him seriously. Maybe you mean you didn't take him seriously?

>> No.2747828

>it's keeping me from wondering what the fuck I'm doing home at 3pm on a saturday.

You know, most people are at home or work at 3pm, they don't go out till later in the evening.

>> No.2747843

>How do you know you are depressed?
Posting a thread on the wrong board is the first sign of depression.

>> No.2747852 [DELETED] 

>How do you know you are depressed?

I'm assuming it's like stress or anxiety and when i'm either of those things i feel as if the arteries in my chest are tied in a knot, there's a lead weight in my intestines and i feel happy, or even to act happy with any enthusiastic inflection in my voice.