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2744554 No.2744554 [Reply] [Original]

Yo, is Henry James a duster?

I've got The Portrait of a Lady, good place to start?

Does James "get women?"

Tree of Life unrelated (it's a mediocre film hiding behind excellent cinematography)

>> No.2744561

original post unrelated, it's a poor troll hiding behind henry james

>> No.2744564

>Tree of Life

So deep and edgy, you know

>> No.2744565

Go read The Abasement of the Northmores right quick.

Excellent shit.

>> No.2745474

oh you better believe im bumping

>> No.2745526

y'all fags even read?

>> No.2745534


I haven't read any James, but Terrence Malick is God, even if his work since The Thin Red Line is mid-high-tier at best. Mediocre's a little strong.

>> No.2745536

Just skip ahead to late James and behold the penultimate writer in all his glory.
The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl are YHWH tier literature.

>> No.2745537


Late Malick is the antithesis of Late James.
Shame on you for wasting your time on that drivel.

>> No.2745540


If we're talking about The New World, then sure, that was pretty much complete shit.

But The Thin Red Line, come on, man. Fuckin' beautiful. And The Tree Of Life's a solid 7

>> No.2745545

OP here. You're a boring tripfag, with shit taste. Malick is mediocre at best.

Late James is that good? I hear a lot of preference given to A Portrait of a Lady.

>> No.2745546


You didn't like Badlands or Days of Heaven?

>> No.2745557

whats a duster?

>> No.2745558

> penultimate writer
pretty sure there were plenty of writers after him

>> No.2745559

His best (but still not good) Badlands, Thin Red Line, some of The New World (3hr cut), his most incredibly overrated: Days of Heaven, Tree of Life.

>> No.2745568

What's good?

>> No.2745570


Badlands and The Thin Red Line are his best, I agree, but I think Days of Heaven is close behind. Aside from a few brilliantly-put-together scenes, The New World didn't really do it for me.

>> No.2745572

this please

>> No.2745573

Dust jacket worthy

>> No.2745581

source? ive never heard it used like this

>> No.2745589

Malick can't do anything other than poorly edit together some gorgeous but irrelevant cinematography.

That's literally how he works.
1. Be Malick.
2. Have vague ass idea about a movie.
3. Pitch to to producers, walk across the desert begging to producers on cellphone for money
4. Commence production
5. Get amazing cinematography, just film tons of shit still have no clue where you're going with this
6. Post-production. Spend years editing frantically. Have no clue what's going on. Push release date further behind. OH FUCK WE'RE ADDING SOME NARRATION, BOYS!
7. Release film
9. Win applause of all viewers and critics too insecure to honestly say that the film is empty as fuck.

More empty than Fellini, even.

>> No.2745594

>More empty than Fellini, even.

>> No.2745597


I like your style anon what do you think of Nolan.

>> No.2745602

I've never been able to enjoy Henry James. As a pain-in-the-ass "this beloved female character is a 2-d intellectual RealDoll" woman, he's never offended me on a feminist level before he's offended me on whatever level hosts the conflict between my desire to read carved-in-stone English-language classics recommended by my favorite gay boy hipster TAS and my aversion to BORING SHIT THAT BORES ME

>> No.2745604


James is the penultimate writer in the sense that he is before the ultimate writer Shakespeare.
Before you ask Borges is the antepenultimate writer.

>> No.2745606


Your pretty much spot-on as to how he works, but I don't think it necessarily follows that his films are completely empty, at his best his stuff is incredibly poetic, although, granted, it's often largely driven by cinematography (which is the crux of the works themselves). His stories are often vague and loose and tangential, but I don't think this takes away from their quality. They're certainly not very 'deep' films, but they're very beautiful

>> No.2745614



fuck's sake

>> No.2745617

He's entertaining enough. Inception is a re-mark of Fellini's 8 1/2 plus some heist films thrown in.

Memento was clever. Dark Knight a bit too fast. But Nolan doesn't have any pretention. It's better that people flock to Nolan's at least well made pulp than that Matthew McConaughey movie that is always getting rereleased.

Go watch Baraka if you want beautiful cinematography.

>> No.2745626

who is the preantepenultimate writer?

>> No.2745659

The only criticisms I see of Nolan are autists on the internet saying his movies are pseudo-intellectual pretention

>> No.2745660

The camera cuts in TDK's action scenes are bad and disorienting

>> No.2745667
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This gentleman.

>> No.2745690

OP here.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of mainly when I said "too fast." But I go see that "hella drunk" knee-deep in "biddies" so I can let it glide by.

More people need to watch 8 1/2 and Inception back to back.