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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 640x480, zxXdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2743568 No.2743568 [Reply] [Original]

Have you plebs read gatsby yet

>> No.2743569


>> No.2743570

0/10. hide and move on, kids

>> No.2743571

you look like a dork

>> No.2743576

No, you are only one who has uncovered this underground hard-to-find novel.

>> No.2743579

+9 -- points for hair

-5 -- points for face

-7 -- points for that facial hair

-2 -- for mediocre sunglasses



>> No.2743582

Actually nevermind, I just noticed the side of your hair/hairline makes you look like a cancer patient.

+4 for hair*



>> No.2743583

the whole patrician thing is like pretending to be a member of the british royal family, which is to say, pathetic.

>> No.2743587
File: 276 KB, 622x474, Screen shot 2012-06-22 at 6.35.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. have you read Ishmael yet?

>> No.2743589
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post a pic of urself fatty cant wait to see that neckbear

>> No.2743595
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>the whole patrician thing is like pretending to be a member of the british royal family
>british royal family

>> No.2743617

Dude, those fingernails are fucking disgusting.

>> No.2743622

>Posts with a picture of the famous Canadian actor, William Shatner.

>> No.2743624

You pluck your eyebrows.

You are not a real man.

Gtfo and go back to /fa/

>> No.2743632

Capsguy's my sweetheart camwhore of /lit/

>> No.2743649

heard it was cool, ill just watch the movie though

>> No.2743664

The video game is better.
Epic boss battle at the end.

>> No.2743667

Yes, we are already past high school.

>> No.2743676

You passed high school, but evidently didn't learn much. Were you schooled in Arizona, by chance?

>> No.2743683

Look who's back. Did you have fun getting raped in jail Quentin?

>> No.2743691

Hello Stag

>> No.2743707
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>> No.2743714

Just finished it the other day, the only assigned book I enjoyed in High School.

What I got was a man who found the Dream and gave to a girl. But he latched on to the girl instead of really following it.
At least he gave it his all.

>> No.2743719


>> No.2743727


>> No.2744274

yes, british. it doesn't matter whether people are pretending to be from the house of windsor or one of the roman families. it's equally ridiculous and akin to cosplaying.

>> No.2744284


But that's not how the British royal family works. It's pretty legitimate...

At any rate I see you can't ascertain that the patrician/plebeian thing is not literal and you are very dumb.

OP is also very dumb.

>> No.2744306

you need to learn reading comprehension. of course i'm not being literal. did you not see i used the word "pretending"? it's just a bad as people dressing up like a character from final fantasy.

>> No.2744317

You're both idiots shut the fuck up.

>> No.2744335

10/10 would bang

>> No.2744344

Wasn't he in a tv show?

>> No.2744759

cum on step it up

>> No.2744782

I probably read it before you were born little one.

>> No.2744790

Hey /lit/ help me, should I read it before the movie comes out or just see the movie. The book seems boring..

>> No.2744820

read the fucking book you pleb

>> No.2744826

Just go hammer some nails or something.

>> No.2744835


>look mom im trolling people on the internet

fucking summerfags

>> No.2745450

what a beautiful book, read it for school and loved it then, need to read it again.

>> No.2745458

Read it in high school english just like everyone else.

>> No.2745483
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Full on pleb

>> No.2746491
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>> No.2746496


>> No.2746502


Yeah....in seventh grade....

>> No.2746509

So is this the fabled Quentin i've heard so much about? You're finally back to troll us all into indolence? Where the fuck have you been, man? What the fuck is even going on I don't even know...

>> No.2746540
File: 159 KB, 640x360, 1314843910158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof OP is Quentin.
Notice the poster of the guy in the background to the left.
Also, the same sunglasses.

>> No.2746549
File: 440 KB, 1000x1000, 1313917036845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally a primer on Quentin written by Quentin for all the summerfriends.

>> No.2746558
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1307392132359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I do drink Great Gatsbeer.

>> No.2746562

that macro is wrong, it's not Popplagio

it's Pooplagio

>> No.2746566


Quentin started ISHYGDDT?

I remain a fervent skeptic.

>> No.2746592

I've been playing DaS with Quentin for a while. I was hoping he would get Dragon's Dogma so I could use his loli pawn, but no ;_;

>> No.2746593

>Quentin talking about how great he is

Sounds legit, but the information is totally bullshit.

>> No.2746598

I hate to admit it, but yes he did. The abbreviation and Constanza.jpg came from /sp/ though.

>> No.2746610

It's his Swedish brother Maury silly.

>> No.2746606


Fuck, then he's truly a legend, despite his fabled trollness. I'm (somewhat) glad he's back.

>> No.2746611
File: 20 KB, 491x210, 1311746553332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part? It's all true, though exaggerated.
It's just spiteful not to give credit where credit is due.

>> No.2746614


I guess he wasn't well loved then?

>> No.2746615
File: 140 KB, 470x353, calle borjesson5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2746620

Well, as far as I am aware and I'm not entirely sure about this, but pics were posted of it, a group of people e-mailed his high school and convinced them he was about to go on a shooting spree. So his youtube channel went dark and he went to ground, disappearing from the internet.

Don't know how true that is though.

>> No.2746621


Fuck, my newfaggery shows again. Will the fabled Quentin ever grace us again?

>> No.2746626
File: 6 KB, 184x184, Quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibly homosexual

>> No.2746630

Though, while I don't care whether he returns. He should really drop the trip and attention whoring. As far as I can tell, though I don't pay much attention much anymore, /lit/ has finally been released from the grips of the circlejerk of prominent tripfags.

So fuck you Benny Profane and all you stand for.


>> No.2746628


Also, please stop feeding him, you don't know how irritating it is when newfriends fall for his obvious trolls again and again.

>> No.2746633


I know he's a troll, I've been around here long enough to know at least that much. But starting 'ISHYGDDT' is worthy of some praise, whatever the case might be.

>> No.2746635

>guy in the background to the left

That's David Bowie you fucking pleb

>> No.2746637

Also Benny, I'm reading V. right now and my perception of the the protagonist has been severely tarnished because of you.

>> No.2746638


I stand for nothing apart from the enjoyment of literature in its myriad and indefinable forms.

I went anon for a while, but shit got boring. What can I say?

>> No.2746639

what's funny is /lit/ wasn't around in 2010

cool fake bullshit pleb

>> No.2746641


That's bad form. nigga.

Ignore my plebeian and scant-informed-self when reading damn good literature. I'm not worth enough to tarnish your conception of Pynchon.

>> No.2746646

no, he didn't

it was invented on /tv/ before /lit/ even existed

>> No.2746647

Actually, /lit/ was added in Jan 2010.

>> No.2746649
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>> No.2746652


Good to know.

>> No.2746655


Anonymous Wed Mar 10 14:29:51 2010 No.407872

First indexed post. Board was up months earlier though.

It's so silly when people don't think facts exist and can say whatever they want.

>> No.2746659

Even if it was first on /tv/, doesn't mean it wasn't Quentin.

>> No.2746667

WELP, I searched through several board archives and here's the earliest I've been able to find.

Apr 02 05:38:16 2011

Possibly different phrasing by him earlier.
Go ahead find something older.

PROTIP: Stagolee is Quentin.

>> No.2746668

Didn't Quentin kill himself or some shit?

>> No.2746678

This is what he's been up to.

>> No.2746688
File: 76 KB, 640x480, calle borjesson aka quentin far right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your favorite My Chemical Romance song, "Maury"?

>> No.2746697

I'd do his mom.

>> No.2746696
File: 1.69 MB, 685x1674, simian warfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2746706

Is the one on the right his brother oor sister? I don't even..

>> No.2746717

Typical swede.

>> No.2746722
File: 253 KB, 1000x1000, Stoners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am glad he's back
pic related

>> No.2746731

Yeah but pot isn't illegal everywhere. So many flaws in his own fucking arguments

>> No.2746738

The more obvious flaws are there in a troll image, the more rage it induces.

>> No.2746737


10/10 couldnt even finish half a short story

>> No.2746750
File: 402 KB, 1000x1000, 1239000932910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2746753

pot unmoderated would give a user a "stoner" honorific title
rape in moderation would be aggressive wooing or perhaps a bit of non consensual groping
as murder would be perhaps aggravated assualt or even battery

bestowing upon the conductors the honorific title of rapists or murderers

logic disproved

>> No.2746764

You misspelled hilarity.

>> No.2746770

Not to mention the fact that all the crimes mentioned involve inflicting damage upon another individual, whereas the latter is abuse of the self and therefore should not be allowed to be banned by government.
Quentin makes a terrible Objectivist.

>> No.2746771
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>> No.2746783

Stop stealing my fucking jokes you faggot. Riding on my tail gets you nowhere kid.

>> No.2746803

I'm not that guy, but who the fuck are you?

>> No.2747705

Quentin have you not read any other fucking books in the last year?