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/lit/ - Literature

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2742788 No.2742788 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys currently reading?

Right now, I'm piling through this book. It's absolutely fantastic.

>> No.2742795

>trolling with your trip on

>> No.2742799

Heard all kinds of weird things about that book.

Currently reading 2312. Only like 50 pages in but the story is starting to pick up and get interesting. Really like his descriptions of the logistics of the living on Mars with its slow rotation and proximity to the Sun and everything.

>> No.2742807
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Forgot pic

>> No.2742813


I hope you are trolling

I am simultaneously reading Nausea, Notes from the Underground, The Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory, and the Archaeology of Knowledge.

>> No.2742829

Oh god, that fucking book. The only thing I know about it is some reviewer left me in stitches over it.

"By meymoon
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy (Paperback)
I really don't like writing bad reviews. I admire people who have the courage to put pen to paper and expose themselves to the whole world, especially those writing erotica. Having just finished this book, however, I feel compelled to write a review.

About half way through the book, I looked up the author to see if she was a teenager. I really did because the characters are out of a 16 year old's fantasy. The main male character is a billionaire (not a millionaire but a billionaire) who speaks fluent French, is basically a concert level pianist, is a fully trained pilot, is athletic, drop dead gorgeous, tall, built perfectly with an enormous penis, and the best lover on the planet. In addition, he's not only self made but is using his money to combat world hunger. Oh yeah, and all of this at the ripe old age of 26! And on top of that, he's never working. Every second is spent having sex or texting and emailing the female character. His billions seem to have just come about by magic. It seriously feels like 2 teenage girls got together and decided to create their "dream man" and came up with Christian Grey.

Then come the sex scenes. The first one is tolerable but as she goes on, they become so unbelievable that it becomes more laughable than erotic. She orgasms at the drop of a hat. He says her name and she orgasms. He simply touches her and she orgasms. It seems that she's climaxing on every page."

>> No.2742831

part 2

"Then there's the writing. If you take out the parts where the female character is blushing or chewing her lips, the book will be down to about 50 pages. Almost on every single page, there is a whole section devoted to her blushing, chewing her lips or wondering "Jeez" about something or another. Then there's the use of "shades of". He's "fifty shades of @#$%% up," "she turned 7 shades of crimson," "he's ten shades of x,y, and z." Seriously?

The writing is just not up to par, the characters are unbelievable, and the sex verges on the comical. I don't know what happens in the remaining books and I do not intend to read them to find out. But given the maturity level of the first book, I imagine that they get married, have 2 perfect children, cure world hunger, and live happily ever after while riding into the sunset, as the female character climaxes on her horse causing her to chew her bottom lip and blush fifty shades of crimson. Jeez!"

>> No.2742838

holy fucking hell, if i drank everytime i read the word "murmur" i would have died of alchohol poisoning

ive read penthouse letters that were better written. what waste of my life

>> No.2742839

Hahaaaaaaa. As if the book didn't sound like shit enough already. Thanks for confirming

>> No.2742840
File: 16 KB, 300x300, monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Monsters of our Own Making: The Peculiar Pleasures of Fear by Marina Warner (quite awesome so far) and rereading Wicked. Want to see if I can read the sequels before I head back to school.

>> No.2742842

I actually commend that reviewer for plowing through that unbelievable dross. I put it down before the first 50 pages.

>> No.2742847

I suspect you mean that you are reading those books concurrently as opposed to simultaneously. Simultaneous implies immediacy - unless you actually have each volume open in front of you and are moving from one to the other. In which case, please supply pics.

Or, and this is just a crazy thought that I'm putting out here, you are a bullshit artist and have made that up to impress people who you don't know and who you will never meet.

But that would make you a sad, pathetic, shallow person.

Which you're clearly not, because you are reading all those important books - at the same time!

>> No.2742906


Why is unbelievable that a person is reading these at the same time? Nausea and Underground are both very short and easy to grasp. I am reading the book on Critical Theory and Foucault because I am starting a PhD program in Philosophy (gasp) this September and my dissertation project is rooted in critical historiography. Also I spend a fucking lot of my time on the train and like to alternate my chosen form of killing time.

>> No.2742918

You'd think that as a person so steeped in philosophy you'd be a bit better at gleaning the intended meaning from text.

>> No.2742921

Absalom, Absalom!
Anna Karenina

>> No.2742925


I got your intended meaning loud and clear. You sardonically implied I was a bullshit artist trying to be cool on the internet. I am asserting that I am certainly not.

>> No.2742937

Don't have any imagery on my computer, but I'm about 1/3 of the way through Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Not as good as the first, but it still has its catching parts.

And I read the rules, so I'm not sure if this is allowed, but how do you all feel about the Hunger Games series as a whole?

>> No.2742942

I implied nothing.

I myself am commenting on /lit/ threads while small weasels lick peanut butter off my nipples, so i am well used to multi-tasking.

>> No.2742947
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>small weasels lick peanut butter off my nipples

>> No.2742950
File: 14 KB, 359x300, obe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is not the commenter you're looking for

I'll do you one further: based on your ridiculous (and embarrassing) choice in wording and delivery—see: simultaneously—you come off as vain, insincere and most of all fake; a perfect suspect for a liar. And so it is not ridiculous in itself that someone might read those works at the same time, it is ridiculous that YOU'd be reading those works at the same time.

>> No.2742955

The only thing interesting about the Hunger Games were the games themselves. Even then the series was lacking. Throughout reading the first book, I couldn't rid myself of the impression that the author was trying to write something meant to be put straight to film. I also really despised the cliffhangers on nearly every other page.

>> No.2742958

She ran out of ideas after the first book and basicly wrote the same book again. Weak ending as well.

>> No.2742977
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See, I'm just past the point of them coming home from the Victory Tour, so yeah.... And I've come to love Katniss, not only her personality and such, but also how she was portrayed physically in the movie. That's partially what keeps me reading. But I'm also a typical teenage reader, save for my enjoyment of Stephen King's works and my hatred of the Twilight Saga.

>> No.2742983

Defensive much?
Please explain the difference between insincere and fake, otherwise -gasp! -I may suspect that your Phd thesis in McPhilosophy will be full of redundant phrases as well.

Also, I may be lying about the weasels ( they are actually squirrels, I couldn't afford real weasels), but at least I am not fifty shades of butthurt ( see what I did there?) over a couple of harmless comments on 4chan of all places.

>> No.2742996

Lol, nice pun.

>> No.2743000


You sure know a lot about me based on one word...I am going to have a fun time failing derisive and quick to judge kids like you next semester.

>> No.2743002

To me, Katniss was a strong character, but she gives off that mary sue vibe because she's never really in control of a damn thing. Always the bystander. She also reminds me of neckbeards from 4chan with her impressive social skills.

>> No.2743012

Being from Wisconsin, her "down home" way of just doing things (hunting and such), really connects with me. And she's got about the same social skill of a farm girl from around here.

>> No.2743017


are both against


I do like the fact that both sardonic trolls are cannibalizing each other (no I really don't mean they are eating it other since it seams that words are taken literally here).

>> No.2743020
File: 12 KB, 245x318, blew it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks everyone is mad

In this context I used insincere to suggest that even if you were telling the truth, you were still only doing the reading so that you could go on /lit/ and tell everyone. Fake, on the other hand, is chosen to suggest that you are lying.

By using both I ensure that whether or not you are actually reading all of those books it is clear that I think you're a twat.

Wow! Different words with similar meaning can be combined for a more specific overall meaning! Wacky.

>> No.2743026

Of course. You're a teacher.
Makes perfect sense now.

I'll stop now, as experience has taught me that arguing with teachers is pointless.

Nice trips btw.

>> No.2743043

In the end I feel like Suzanne could have expanded upon that universe more. It seemed she may have had something interesting to say, but instead settled for an ultimate threeway and gruesome action.

>> No.2743052


You poor repressed genius. It must be so hard being surrounded by teachers who don't understand your true brilliance.

>> No.2743064

You're English aren't you?

You're English, you teach and you're studying philosophy.

And I'm the twat?

I'm just a dude sitting here getting peanut butter licked off his nipples by small rodents.

>> No.2743087

Only thing that's repressed around here is you.

Bet no ones ever licked anything off your nipples.

>> No.2743090
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I've still got a bit of reading to do, I've gotten past learning of the uprising in District 8, but I think that's it. I might pick it up again tonight. It's my birthday tomorrow and I've got nothing to do except put gas in the truck and go mudding.

Pic related, it's my truck. :D

>> No.2743103

How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charle's van Doren

>> No.2743105
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1329080340658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Well, happy birthday! Have fun out there. It's been nice having a civil conversation with you.

>> No.2743111

Thank you very much! This is the first completely civil conversation I've had on 4chan in months. But I mostly spend my time on /b/ so I just get called a newfag and get told to gtfo. And, very nice usage of the pic. I lol'd.

>> No.2743134

I wouldn't worry about it... Most boards are full of shitposting and people who truly believe otherwise about their respective hangouts must be full of themselves. It's not all that terrible, but /b/ is truly the worst of the lot. It's where all the kids hang out to be edgy anonymous xD leguun script kiddies.

>> No.2743141

Yeah, it's not the nicest, but it's how I found out about that poor woman from NY.

>> No.2743156

What poor woman?

>> No.2743159

Karen Klein, that bus monitor that those kids insulted and made her cry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93wAqnPQwk

>> No.2743163

Wow, those chucklefucks.

>> No.2743167

Yeah, if it wasn't for /b/ and reddit, I wouldn't have learned about that atrocity.

>> No.2743181

What about the quarter of a mill raised to send the old lady on holiday.

Where is your god now?

>> No.2743182

Reddit's okay if you just go for the content, the posts people make tend to devolve into massive circlejerks over karma. It's okay imo. But man, I really hate this new generation of disrespectful, distracted little pricks that are developing. It's nothing but a travesty.

>> No.2743601

Any suggestions for better erotic lit than this then?

Or just best sex scene in contempory or historical fiction.

Actual sex, none of this suggestive allusory crapola.

>> No.2743606
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Thank me later.

>> No.2743616

Bitch please.

>> No.2743623


Not a fan?

>> No.2743637

Mother by Gorky, which I started reading just after Ten Days that Shook the World by Reed.

You proles have nothing on me.

>> No.2743643

Zan and the art of Motorcycle maintenance

Mind blowingly fantastic

>> No.2743646

You have got to be kidding. De Sade is THE original. He was and still is the ULTIMATE writer in terms of sex,sexuality, psychological character study, and acts that are against the law in most countries.

Give me Justine or Juliette over slash-fiction...and slash-fiction based on Twilight at that (ugh).

>> No.2743652

What about the rape in Homer's epics?

>> No.2743689

Currently reading this

>> No.2743733

Almost everyone agrees this book is terrible, how did it become insanely popular? Suddenly it's #1 best seller everywhere. Surely writing a book isn't as easy as just putting every sexual fantasy you've ever had to paper.

>> No.2743755

It'd be great if /lit/ would discuss this. It seems to me that there is this pent-up ennui among the public--that everyone is sitting around, waiting for that "new" thing that everyone tells them to watch/read/do.

I'd argue that content is immaterial. Only a few people who are buying and reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" are doing so because it has weird, kink porn scenes, because there are already thousands of books that feature weird, kink porn scenes and are probably even better written weird, kink porn scenes. It's something beyond that: it is the cutting edge everyone's striving to be on. So much of current popular culture has nothing to do with actual content and more to do with being "in the loop."

>> No.2743763
File: 230 KB, 420x650, Infinite Feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading.

>> No.2743779

Hive mind.
Also you will never lose money appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Most people have no taste, don't know they have no taste and even if they did know, they wouldn't be bothered doing the work to acquire it.
So what do you do? Write a popular titillating vacuous melodramatic novel that gets a few fat soccer moms damp.
Tell me you wouldn't do the same thing, given half the chance.

>> No.2743785

a) the book is saucy, women love that shit
b) It supposedly originated as a Twilight fanfic - Twilight was #1, the series is over, the fans of Twilight want more of the same.
c) It was banned from some public libraries etc. it is "controversial"
d) Media exposure causing sales to people who want to see what all the hullaballoo is about.

>> No.2743787

Well, it is easily done, no?

Something is preventing all of us from doing it.

>> No.2743793

I'm too busy keeping it real man.

Also, I think one of my squirrels may have gone rabid.