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/lit/ - Literature

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2741092 No.2741092 [Reply] [Original]

This just happened. I don't want to live on this planet anymore, /lit/...

>> No.2741098

You should applaud the person highlighted in red and be glad you know such informed people.

>> No.2741096

Your first step towards living a better life is quitting facebook.

>> No.2741099

>tfw my local library has 82 copies and they're all checked out

>> No.2741101

The guy hasn't read any of it and he's criticising it, what a retard.

>> No.2741105


At least people are reading stuff, right? Right?
Hello? Is anybody here?

>> No.2741107

Yeah, by the looks of it he's just regurgitating the same old arguments against it he's heard online without any first-hand knowledge. What a twat.

>> No.2741108

i too get angry to the point of threatening self-mutilation over people considering the notion of reading a book i don't care for

>> No.2741110


>> No.2741113
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whoops, forgot to upload. -_-

>> No.2741143

>mfw americans get the clap after reading 50 Shade of Grey

>> No.2741197

Find and replacing a fan fiction is like a triumph of postmodern literature. Although it is highly derivative of Richard Yates by Tao Lin.

>> No.2741204

It's become something of a running joke with the people I know. When I flew from Atlanta to St. Louis last month, the airplane bookstore was full of them. there were five women on the plane reading.
I even had this fun thing happen:
>See the very attractive woman in front of me reading a book.
>I ask what it is.
>She gets nervous and shows me the cover.
And the day after landing, I went to Barnes & Noble. When I asked the the cashier how many of the books they sell, he said it's ten percent of their sales. TEN FUCKING PERCENT OF A WHOLE STORE'S SALE FOR A GOD DAMN BOOK ABOUT BDSM!
I honestly thought of buying it at the airport so I could start an incredibly awkward book club with the woman setting next to me.

>> No.2741213
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>tfw when it's OP.
The only people that are that good with flaming a Facebook post are people who are 4chan regulars.

>> No.2741224

You can tell it was just posted because of the blue vertical line on the left of the comment.

>> No.2741351

Wait so 50 shades of gray is twilight fanfiction?

My mom had it on her kindle fire...

>> No.2741359

Haven't read it, but I've heard people who hate Twilight say that they like it, for whatever that's worth.

Then again, I have nothing against BDSM relationships as long as all involved are happy with it.

>> No.2741365

>kindle fire

Time to kindle it with fire.

>> No.2741375

My girlfriends mum was reading it yesterday, all I could think of was /lit/.

>> No.2741378

>fan fiction
So what? That shouldn't make it any less of a work.
Some of the greatest books in history books have been bible fan fictions

>twisted dom-sub relationship
Man, someone should show this guy lolita, or confessions of a mask, or 120 days, or venus in furs, or all those other twisted books that are widely considered great literature.

>written on the internet
Someone call up Tao Lin

I don't want to live on the same planet as that anti-intellectual overly conservative red guy either.

>> No.2741393

Have you actually read it? Is it any good?

>> No.2741395

Oh come on you fags, it's just Lolita for women

>> No.2741397

Comparing allusions to Biblical stories to BDSM fanfiction of a flavour of the month that's past its due date doesn't make you open-minded, it makes you fucking retarded.

As does considering Lolita and Confessions of a Mask in the same vein as 120 Days of Sodom; have you ever actually read any of them, or do you just read posts about them?

>> No.2741403

>Some of the greatest books in history books have been bible fan fictions

Such as?

>> No.2741414

Not him, Paradise Lost

>> No.2741416

>comparing milton to that vacant headed cunt

I hope that's not what he meant.

>> No.2741425

paradise lost, the divine comedy, etc

>> No.2741439


It's not even about real BDSM. Its about vanilla rough sex. The girl is not made take a train while bound in shibari...is not living in a cage and eating out of a dog bowl, and not being loaned out by her master...

boring pseudoporn for boring women

>> No.2741446

Why is it acceptable for women to read porno books in public? Furthermore, why would anyone even want a wet pussy while they're sitting on a bus or plane or whatever?

>> No.2741447

>Comparing allusions to Biblical stories to BDSM fanfiction of a flavour of the month that's past its due date doesn't make you open-minded, it makes you fucking retarded.
>waaaa insults
If I made a shitty fan-fiction about Jesus and all his friends going around having adventures, what makes that any better than a shitty fan fiction about a pulp novel? Both are shit.
And I don't see why you would think its impossible for a fan-fiction to ever posses any good attributes. Is it somehow impossible for fan-fictions of anything other than the bible to have meaningful themes, or good prose?

>have you ever actually read any of them
I've read 120 days, venus in furs, and confessions of a mask, I don't actually think they're the same, I'm just trying to point out how they all could be considered "perverted", which was one of your criticisms of 50 shades.
When the guy in venus in furs is whipped and beaten, its art, but when the girl in 50 shades is whipped and beaten, its pornography? Whats the logic in that?

I haven't read it, and unless my mother or sister buys a copy and leaves it lying around the house, I don't plan to.
From the various quotes I've heard of it, it sounds like absolute shit though. "Holy fuck that was wrong, but holy hell was it erotic"

>> No.2741443

So.. has anyone read the damn book? If its Lolita for women I'm willing to read it.

>> No.2741448

it's not Lolita for women, for chrissakes. How gullible are you?

>> No.2741451

how about you.....read the fucking book?

and shut up

have a nice day

>> No.2741457

Have you even read the book?
Because you're awfully angry about this. Did the author rape your mother or something?

>> No.2741467


>comparing lolita to this shit

get the fuck out. you probably haven't even read lolita

>> No.2741484

When did /lit/ get overrun with angsty 13 year olds?
The whole 50 shades thing was funny when we where just making fun of it, but the posters here sound genuinely enraged that anyone could possibly enjoy it.
Like in >>2741467, does he really think lolita is some secret book of initiation into our club, and that anyone who has read it will have the exact same views and opinions as him?
This is why impressionable children shouldn't be allowed on 4chan, they take things too far.

>> No.2741492

I didn't realise Lolita was "Lolita for men".

>> No.2741493

I'm pretty sure that Lolita is far and above a better book than Greyscale for a load of good reasons, but I do agree it's a bit teenage to get quite so angry about it.

>> No.2741502

Wow the red guy's a fucking tool. I bet he's the sort of guy that sits alone in the cinema and shouts "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ABORTION?" at the screen.

>> No.2741514

My only problem with this book is its label: I have only heard it referred to as literature; it's erotica, plain and simple.

>> No.2741515

Why are you confusing me for a different poster? The post you quoted right here was the first time I posted.

And again, you're missing the point with fanfiction. Was Paradise Lost originally created as a series of wanking fantasies on a site filled with furries? No, it's contributing to the mythology of the religion. It's a gross oversimplification to call two epics 'fanfiction'.

I don't have issue with graphic sex in novels, the point is the purpose of it. 120 days is worthless shit, I haven't read venus in furs. Lolita is not a novel that exists to jerk off to, hence the difference.

>> No.2741510

>m pretty sure that Lolita is far and above a better book than Greyscale for a load of good reasons

I agree with you completely, lolita is an amazing book, I just think its sort of weird how the OP is criticizing the author for writing a book with BDSM, then calling her a "vacant headed cunt".
This is the first time I've actually seen anyone so upset on /lit/, I'm starting to wonder how old he is.

>> No.2741547

>And again, you're missing the point with fanfiction. Was Paradise Lost originally created as a series of wanking fantasies on a site filled with furries? No, it's contributing to the mythology of the religion. It's a gross oversimplification to call two epics 'fanfiction'.

But you're still criticizing it on the method it was delivered, rather than the actual contents

>Implying I didn't masturbate to lolita

>> No.2741590

The "a few seconds ago" didn't give it away?

>> No.2744039

These are not biblical fan-fiction you idiot

>> No.2744042

Yeah, I agree, OP. Totally anti-social fagbots are the worst. Red could have just TOLD black that he heard it was a bad book instead of pretending that he had first-hand experience with how awful it was and acting like such twaddle.

Also, red sucks at writing.

>> No.2744048

You're getting mad over this?
My god. It's just a /lit/fag (interesting how this is immediately apparent) ragging on some unsuspecting fool, thinking about buying a shit book. The same thing happens here, literally constantly.

>> No.2744091

>implying that all fanfiction must exist to be jerked off to.
>implying that all depictions of sexual situations must exist to be jerked off to.

Now, dear OP: Let's get to the heart of the matter. Have you read 50 Shades of Gray? I personally haven't, and therefore I can't give an opinion (positive or negative). I can, however, dismiss absurd criticisms that are clearly made by an insecure wannabe elitist.

I will not read the book, because it clearly isn't written for me. Why should I get upset if someone else reads it? I'd rather have girls reading Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray than watching junk reality TV. Let people gain an interest in writing, and hope it leads them to more intellectually stimulating stuff in the future.

>> No.2744484


You. I like you.

>> No.2744490

> I'd rather have girls reading Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray than watching junk reality TV.
>durrr my favorite medium is better than anyone elses

stop being an asshole, if you're gonna defend 50 shades of gray at least have the decency to defend shlock in all its incarnations and not just the ones you happen to like.

>> No.2744492

-.- i do so have abs!

>> No.2744511

I don't like how you say implying, but I do like your way of thinking. I haven't slapped anyone on the face about Twilight before I read it.
He doesn't defend it, he just can't have an opinion of it without reading it. And I agree with him, reality tv is quite the cancer, reading can't be that bad.
Besides, since when is reality tv a complete medium? If he did mean tv in its entirety, then I suppose we all can agree here that reading is indeed a nicer way to spend time than television. We come here for a reason.

>> No.2745102

I have equal disdain for both of the people in OP's picture.