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2740762 No.2740762 [Reply] [Original]

On a scale of 1 to shit, how bad are these books?

>> No.2740766


Worse than hitler/shit

>> No.2740768

Are they sold in general stores in America?

Ausfag here, these books go for $10 @ BIG W

>> No.2740771

Shouldn't the third book have handcuffs on the cover?

>> No.2740772

mein kampf was pretty cool

>> No.2740775

The trilogy IS (literally) a Twlight fan fiction. The author did it as a fan fiction then she renamed it into 50 shades of gray.

Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.2740776
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>> No.2740781

I recently was on a literature forum and in the 'hot topics' or whatever it was called, there was a discussion going on about this book.
And there were so many people saying things like 'I read all three of them twice in a week, they are so good!' or 'I had my doubts but when I started, I couldn't put them down again!'.
Seriously, what is wrong with people!? Sure I haven't read it, but god damn this started as a Twillight fanfiction.

Seriously I should start writing a shitty romance story, mix in some mystical creatures and get rich. Seems that it works like that....

>> No.2740782

AFAIK, there's no mystical shit, just lots of sex and BDSM.

>> No.2740784


But isn't it a Twillight fanfiction?

>> No.2740788

it started out as one.
Then names got changed.
No mystical shit.
Seriously, wikipedia synopsis has no mention of anyone or anything except the two characters

>> No.2740794

Don't know, haven't read it.

I'm waiting for the super thick trilogy paperback

>> No.2740876

Why the fuck does everything have to be a trilogy nowadays? Can't bestsellers be standalone?

>> No.2740880

Is this a serious question?


>> No.2740882

Which makes me question whether or not anything is to be gained from reading this. It doesn't seem to be abhorrent on the level of other bestsellers, but still...

Trilogies are just too sketchy to bother with.

>> No.2740887

>write a huge ass shitty novel
>divide by three

You gain nothing by reading this and if you've bought any of those books it's time to reconsider some aspects of your life.

>> No.2740889

"Entertainment" and being in the in-crowd who have read this particular popular book.

>> No.2742756

I wouldn't give those books to my worst enemy