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2738903 No.2738903 [Reply] [Original]

Your favourite book ever... has just been turned into an anime series.
>How pissed are you?
>Would you watch it?

>> No.2738920

Not very pissed.
Yeah probably.

>> No.2738923

Beowulf, the anime. Not sure if I should be pissed.

I'd probably watch it. If it was like Princess Mononoke it could be kinda cool.

>> No.2738926
File: 38 KB, 220x350, Gankutsuou_promotional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it already was and it wasn't that bad inact it was pretty damn good.

But I recently read Brothers K a while back and I think it could be impossible to adapt into anime. Now, if it was done by Abe Yoshitoshi and SHAFT I could see it being done pretty well.

>> No.2738936



>> No.2738939

i dont know any anime. why am i even here?

>> No.2738948

Norweigan Wood
>I guess it'd work well, in the right hands
>I wouldn't watch it, there's already a butchered film version

>> No.2738958

To the Lighthouse

Wouldn't be pissed, I'd probably think "How will that work without being boring?" Then I'd watch it to find out.

>> No.2738959

There's a pretty promising trailer for a (Russian) animation of The Master and Margarita, I'll watch it when it comes out/when I find it:

Behemoth is spot on, although it does appear to be a lot less sinister than the text

>> No.2738980

Now I've found out that apparently Baz Luhrmann is trying to make it into a film, if that goes through I'll be pissed

>> No.2738984

American Psycho?

Eh, they'd fuck it up with their weaboo shit

>> No.2738986
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>Double Eagle by Dan Abnett




>> No.2739001
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C'mon, OP. Try harder with this.

I mean, which anime director does my favourite book get? MIyazaki? Anno? The reincarnated spirit of Satoshi Kon? What studio? Madhouse? KyoAni? The composer? Kanno? Kajiura?

It could be sort of awesome given the combinations.

>> No.2739003

All Quiet on the Western Front, eh?

Knowing those slant-eye fucks and their willingness to overlook war crimes, they'll proabably turn it into a slice of life with little combat...

That said, All Quiet already is kind of a slice of life anyways...

Sure, I'll watch it.

>> No.2739005

>The Picture of Dorian Gray
Pretty boys, melodrama, supernatural bullshit, homoerotic subtext... I'm surprised there isn't one already.

>> No.2739012

This is /lit/. I don't want to assume knowledge of anime that isn't present.

Just assume it's some dull group like Type Moon

>> No.2739021

Lolita getting animated, sounds like some ntr hentai.

>> No.2739054

Count Zero.

Might work, slightly pissed, wouldn't watch.

>> No.2739076
File: 36 KB, 450x324, wh4t_now___dancing_terezi_by_mcknackus_theoneth-d35beua.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... an animated Homestuck??

Hell yes.

>> No.2739083

>Norwegian Wood
FUCK YES I'D WATCH IT! Would be more excited than anything. No shitty adaption could ever ruin a book for me. They're two separate things, and to say that an adaption ruined the original sounds ridiculous to me.

>> No.2739102

>Writing and Difference
Unsure how one would do this, would watch out of curiosity.

>> No.2739111


War and Peace?

Haha, yea ok. Good luck managing that without cutting half the story.

>> No.2739121

>Infinite Jest
No way, content is not separable from medium.

>> No.2739134

Cather in the Rye isn't my favorite book, but I want them to make a movie of it, just because it would piss off J.D. Salinger.

>> No.2739235

>The Iliad
Nope, not even.

>> No.2739246

>Gravity's Rainbow
Confused and intrigued.

>> No.2739357
File: 12 KB, 265x297, gasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> remember reading somewhere that Moby Dick got the weeabu treatment
> google it out of curiosity


what is this? i don't even

>> No.2739370

>that VA
I fucking hate her voice

>> No.2739374

The Dresden Files?
I know, I have shit taste.

Eh, I don't think that would be too bad if put into the right hands. Give it to the people who did Cowboy Bebop and it could be pretty damn good.

>> No.2739612

This is so shitty its funny.

>> No.2739622

>Lord of the Rings
Meh, I enjoyed the animated versions from the 70's, this might be cool.

>The Trial - Kafka
I dunno, if done in a really surreal way it could be cool as hell.

>> No.2739640

The Count of Monte Cristo did get the weaboo treatment. It wasn't so bad, in fact I really enjoyed the more developed interpersonal relationships, especially with Eugenie.

I did NOT like how Albert was a teenaged, whiny man child. They changed the ending too, which was odd, but for this iteration, it worked I suppose. Though doing so changed the Count from a calculating, remorseful force of vengeance who recants his position, or at least tries to, to a possessed wrathful man beyond redemption.

>> No.2739647

>The Three Musketeers
I'm almost 100% sure this has been done.

Not sure why I'd bother watching an anime that's derivative of something else I like, when I can watch an anime that's good in its own right.

>> No.2739648

i actually like the anime more than the book. probably the only time that has ever happened.

>> No.2739661

I'd love to see an anime version of the tin drum. I can almost see the skewed japanese view of Danzig and the humorous treatment of the dwarfs and nazi soldiers already.

>> No.2739670

>Lolita Anime
Fucking perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if there is one.

>> No.2740446

i guess kodomo no jikan would be the closest to that

>> No.2740453

thanks for bumping the thread 7 hours later from page 6 or whatever to tell us about your favorite pedophile anime. we all appreciate it

>> No.2740480

I like anime so I wouldn't be pissed and I would watch it.

Which isn't very close at all.

>> No.2740488

You just bumped the thread as well.

>> No.2740491


>> No.2740495

the closest anime to Lolita is probably Battle Programmer Shirase

>> No.2740514
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Ulysses, by Shaft preferably.

>> No.2740516

jesus christ, no

>> No.2740518
File: 45 KB, 156x141, 1339785825318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't watch the fuck out of that

>> No.2740529

i would not

>> No.2740577

My favorite book is Dragonball. So fuckyou :P

>> No.2740584

Catch-22 the anime? That would work surprisingly well. Nately's Whore is every -dere there is at some point in the book; Yossarian would be perfect as a unlucky, plucky protagonist with a twist of crazy/apathy; and I wouldn't be able to wait to hear the English dub of Milo and Korn. Plus, the creepy, understated lines of the book - "I only raped her once", literally everything Milo says, etc. - would work SO WELL spoken in Japanese.

>> No.2740593

i don't have a favorite book ever so it would not even happened

>> No.2740612

100 years of solitude?

well.......could work, with all the magic....

I´m ok with this

>> No.2740616

WoT would work splendidly as an anime series.
Have HanaKana voice Min and all will be well.

>> No.2740618

What if my favorite book ever is a text-book?

>> No.2740685

> Norwegian Wood.

No. May work, kinda pissed, will not watch.