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/lit/ - Literature

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2735058 No.2735058 [Reply] [Original]

Literary feels thread

>tfw exactly halfway through a book
>tfw you hear the 'thud' of an ordered book falling through your letterbox
>tfw one of your ordered books has a free bookmark

>> No.2735062
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>tfw your reading a paragraph but your mind trails off and you get a stiffy

>> No.2735068

>>tfw one of your ordered books has a free bookmark


>> No.2735070


>that feel

>> No.2735072
File: 202 KB, 1280x734, SquidwardsRevenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've gone half way down the page while daydreaming about something else.

>> No.2735077

>that feel when there's a song written out in the book and you make up your own tune and sing it

>> No.2735082

I get this quite often, sometimes it takes several pages to realise

>> No.2735089

>reading naked lunch
>family in the room oblivous to literature
>boner from underage boys being raped while they are executed, shitting themselves in the process.
>that feel

>> No.2735095
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>tfw you finish the book and realise the next day that you can't even remember what it was about because you weren't paying attention

>> No.2735097
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I always just thought I was a bad reader

>> No.2735101

bad reader! bad reader!!!

>> No.2735107

>free bookmark

It's frankly pathetic how happy this makes me

>> No.2735112

>that feel when you read a beautiful/brilliant line, sentence or paragraph

>that feel when you feel the book becoming one of your favourites

>that feel when completing a long book

>> No.2735119


I don't even get you guys. I don't use bookmarks, I just go to the last familiar page. If I reread something, it's because I didn't absorb it the first time.

Bookmarks are totally pleb.

>> No.2735128

I always lose bookmarks or they get fucked up or whatever. I just dog-ear books or if it is a particularly fancy book (generally hardback / old books / etc) I'll just use whatever I have at hand, generally a piece of toiletpaper or scrap of a bill or something.

>> No.2735132

>dogearing books
>filling books with toilet paper
I feel unwell suddenly.

>> No.2735135
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Bookmarks are for the elite. I have very specific bookmarks based on the genre and mood. Many hand crafted and from different parts of the world. They help me channel the correct energy into the book to create more ultimate experiences.

Folding pages, remembering page numbers, using business cards is all pleb action.

>> No.2735148

>that feel when you read an idea or a thought that you thought only you had

>> No.2735153

welcome to literature/philosophy

where you'll discover just HOW mediocre you really are.

>> No.2735164

>Bookmarks get fucked up when used.
>Fucks up books instead.

>> No.2735171

dat feel, typically on the second or third page of a terry pratchett book, when every word you read is new, but every step you take gets you closer to the end...

>> No.2735172

I just use postcards of paintings I like or feel suit the book's theme.

Sometimes I use a card from my old deck of tarot, if it seems relevant some way to the book.

>> No.2735175

>generally a piece of toiletpaper
I do this

>> No.2735180

"Fucker, now I can't write about it anymore."

>> No.2735188
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This makes me want to shit.

>> No.2735190

You could do some observational comedy.

>> No.2735198

I don't really think dog-ears fuck up the book, as I said I mostly dog-ear my cheap shitty paperbacks, nothing of value is lost, and I can look back on those dog-ears with love. It's interesting to see if a book has been a drag, it will have dog-ears on every 20 pages, but if it is a good book, maybe there is only 1 or 2.

Bookmarks just feel so lifeless to me, I mean they do the job, but what I use as a bookmark doesn't make me feel or think any differently about the book I am reading, maybe I am just too unsentimental.

>> No.2735208
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>Bookmarks just feel so lifeless to me
Living things can be bookmarks too.

>> No.2735221

I use bacon. I feel it achieves an effective balance between life and the lifeless.

Also pigs are cooler than dogs.

>> No.2735237

Never thought you guys had such love for bookmarks.

Now I'm using a 1 Real bill that I found on the back of a drawer a week ago, but before the bill I used to use receipts or movie tickets. Lately I've been thinking about buying a white and a yellow cardboard and make a Finn and Jake bookmark.

>> No.2735250
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That is not a dog.

>> No.2735253

I use playing cards for bookmarks, I have two shitty packs that have been serving this purpose for years although I lose bookmarks so often that they are starting to run thin.

>> No.2735257
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>reading paper books
>not having an e-book

>> No.2735260

Would you put bacon in the Talmud?

>> No.2735268
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I use my old nazi paraphernalia for bookmarking when i read the talmud

>> No.2735270

No. But I do put bacon in the Qur'an regularly.

>> No.2735272

I use a nice blue ribbon my mother gave me. Came with a pewter dragon head but it slides off too easily, so it's on one of my shelves.

>> No.2735278
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>> No.2735317

>tfw you read a line or paragraph that is so beautiful you feel that you must remember it, so you decide to underline it in pencil and make a note of the page number at the front of the book, but decide that you'll just finish reading the rest of this chapter before you go to get one, then you carry on reading and forget about it
>tfw when you realise you must have done this with at least fifty books

>> No.2735331

I have bookmarks with memories. An empty Kool-Aid packet, a paper band from a £1000 bundle of £20 notes, a cardboard tag from a bottle of expensive whiskey...

>> No.2735345
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i use my friend's penis

>> No.2735354

I always carry around a pen and a thin pocket notebook with me. Also, I usually go around with a book in tow, so whenever I find a passage I like I underline it or make a note of it.

>that feeling when your notebook is running out of pages
>that feeling when you can look back on pages spanning months of random thoug

>> No.2735357

>tfw /lit/ can barely make 10 or 15 posts without derailing OP's thread completely

>> No.2735368

Are you in the right thread?

>> No.2735392


I used to use those, but they would fall out. Now I use a piece of yarn as one.

>> No.2735395
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>> No.2735412

> tfw you read a lovely sentence in a book and instantly text it to your friend, and she completely understands and appreciates it.

>> No.2735425

>tfw home alone so you stand up and orate a passage as if you're in the royal shakespeare company

>> No.2735427

>being friends with girls
>honestly, I really hope you don't actually do that

>> No.2735428

RSC are more about interpretation than oration.

>> No.2735433

it doesn't matter. I was just trying to explain how I like to give dramatic readings of my favourite passages but your autism keeps getting in the way.

>> No.2735435

I am a girl, so I really don't see why.
Unless you assumed I'm a guy who's only listening to a girl's constant bitching and whining.

>> No.2735437

>tfw after reading a chapter you pretend you're teaching a class on it

>> No.2735440


>> No.2735442

>not texting a beautiful sentence to boys you like

>> No.2735445

Oh look, more melodramatic posturing.

>> No.2735447

it's not attentionwhoring if she was only correcting a false assumption. gees, you paranoid or what?

>> No.2735448

I deliberately avoid doing it in company. What is your problem?

>> No.2735450 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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So where are the pictures of her books?

>> No.2735453

>tfw footnotes are actually directly beneath the text and not at the end of the book

>> No.2735454

how would that be relevant?

>> No.2735457
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>> No.2735458 [DELETED] 

Ew, I hope that's a hardcover and she washed that afterwards.

>> No.2735459

Your menstruation is my problem.

>> No.2735460

I'm not the girl. that was a different conversation.

>> No.2735462


guaranteed insta-boner

>> No.2735463

If you're not a girl, then I'd like to know what's causing your PMS.

>> No.2735464

it's too late. that doesn't even matter anymore. it's done.

>> No.2735471

You were saying?

>> No.2735472

I didn't read the thread but I heard there was a girl ITT?

>> No.2735473

you're the one overreacting to to my monologues

>> No.2735476

Vagina monologues?

>> No.2735481
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>tfw a book actually has an effect on you

>> No.2735485


Reception studies have shown that most people usually read books to confirm what they already know/believe. A book changing you is not impossible but statistically out of the question. It's persuasive rhetoric to say so.

>> No.2735488

>tfw when it doesn't and it's a 'classic' so you're probably stupid

>> No.2735489

>Reception studies


>> No.2735490

Mostly unrelated to everything I said, but interesting none the less.

>> No.2735492
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Jesus Christ you guys are retarded.

>> No.2735494
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>Smelling a new book
>Smelling an old book

>> No.2735504
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>rereading a paragraph several times because you don't "get" it

>> No.2735510
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>Smelling a girl while she reads a book

>> No.2735514

>not writing in the last page of the book all the page numbers of pages that had interesting ideas or paragraphs and then writing a sentence explaining why you did that right next to them

I can pick up any book I own, go to the last page and have all the notes and interesting spots and quotes without damaging or writing on any other part of the book.

>> No.2735517
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>Wanking a friend off in the forest while a female smells a new or used book

>> No.2735525
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>> No.2735526
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>tfw not enjoying a book but reading it so you can brag you read it

>> No.2735527
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>bookmark falls out of book

>> No.2735531

>tfw girls mirin you for reading in public places

>> No.2735532
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>trying to convince your gf shakespeare is awful because you hate her and she only casually like him anyway

>> No.2735533

A soon to be feel
>tfw actually finishing a book for the first time since school about 8 years ago

>> No.2735538
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>tfw you annotate a subtle allusion in a text then on the next page the allusion is made explicit
>tfw you reach a new chapter or poem whose epigraph is in a language other than the text's and you understand it
>tfw you find someone who's reading the same book as you

>> No.2735539
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>that feel when reaching a level of understanding and expertise in your field where you are no longer just a neophyte or student, but legitimately grappling with complex concepts, and understanding/appreciating them fully

>> No.2735543
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>tfw girlfriend asks you to read to her in bed
>tfw she falls asleep but you carry on reading to her anyway

>> No.2735553
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>dfw you have to stop reading to youtube a song referenced in the book.

>> No.2735570

>tfw you interpret everything you read in terms of your political perspective

get on my level, plebs

>> No.2735576

>tfw you interpret everything through a lens that assumes every character is homosexual

>> No.2735580

This is sad, i hope you can enjoy the world and put your political quarrels behind you. It will prevent you from being happy.

>> No.2735582
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>tfw you are reading a passage on the shitter and get so involved you realize you have been sitting there without wiping your ass for over 30 minutes.

>> No.2735584
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Use a deck of cards. Different card for each book.

tfw you use all 52 and the jokers in less than six months.

>> No.2735596

Real nigga, real bitch, purple swag, that trill shit
Them candy cars, I'm coming down, that paint drip, I still tip
That pimp shit, she ain't plan to fuck, I pick her up, I still hit
That's swag, bitch

>> No.2735598

that face when lololololol

>> No.2735616

that feel when, lel

>> No.2735623

you sound like one awful person. just let me tell that probably every single one of your acquaintances secretly loathes you.

>> No.2735626
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>tfw your poopy hardens and it hurts when you wipe your bum

>> No.2735660
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r u my poop brother?

>> No.2735669

>tfw you're reading Twilight

>> No.2735672

>tfw everything you want is at the library for free
>tfw pleb friends buy books

>> No.2735676


>That feel when listening to a song referenced by the main character with cancer in a book, who wanted it played on her funeral
>That feel when you think and reflect about the book everytime you hear the song

>That feel when finishing a book and closing it for the first time without a bookmark

>That feel when trying to stop thinking about something while reading but you end up thinking about it anyway

>That feel when characters become a part of you for a few days after you finish reading a book

>> No.2735730

>that feel when shitting and reading and leaning forward with elbows on thighs for so long you your legs fall asleep

>> No.2735756


How does that even work? I don't understand people who need to take reading material to the bathroom. Get in, shit for a minute, and get out. What kind of shit do you have that you would need to spend time reading?

>> No.2735763

>tfw you go to uni and can't read on the loo because of shitty student accommodation bathrooms
The bathroom is the one place in the house where you have guaranteed solitude, I'm guessing you grew up without an annoying sibling

>> No.2735768


Ya, you're right. I was the annoying sibling.

>> No.2735796

>not reading your video game manuals on the toilet before playing it for the first time

>> No.2735798


I normally read while shitting because I'm already reading and then have to take a shit.

I certainly don't need reading material while shitting, I'm perfectly content for a few minutes just brewing in my own scent.

I normally take two shits a day. One around 10AM and another at about 8PM at which point I'm nose deep in a book.

>inb4 how do you shit so regularly
I attribute this to my raw vegan diet

>> No.2735806
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There haven't been good manuals in years, it's a real shame

>> No.2735808

Clearly you've never bulked or done GOMAD. I shit for 5 minutes and wipe my ass for 15. Sometimes I keep on reading because I'm scared how much shit is between my cheeks that needs wiping.

>> No.2736357

>tfw a book has endnotes instead of footnotes
>tfw occasionally interesting additional information, but mostly just citations
>tfw you interrupt your reading to flip to the endnotes just to read "Ibid"

>> No.2736369


>tfw when it makes you think of toads

>> No.2736378

Catherine manual was good. Pity about the game.

>> No.2736386

>tfw when you go to read a footnote despite it being something you definitely already know, just to be sure

>tfw you read a good amount of your current text instead of just reading /lit/

>> No.2736443

Holy fucking fuck. You do this?
I know there's a lot of "I thought I was the only one"-type feels, but... Well, I thought I was the only one.
I do that whenever I'm taking in some new concept. If I'm alone, I walk around and talk with hand gestures and everything.

I have never felt closer to an anon than I felt this day.

>> No.2736450

>tfw you read an epic event in the book done by your favorite character and you go all "BRO THAT WAS EPIC FUCKING HIGH-FIVE ME"

>> No.2736452

If I can puncture that even further, I do it too. I remember it coming up here before. Quite a large amount of people said they did it.

>> No.2736459

I'm relatively new to /lit/, so I suppose it makes sense that I wouldn't know of this.
And yet... Now I feel like a feel whore.

>> No.2736464
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Holy fuck I'm not either of you but I fucking do this to holy fucking shit today is a great day let's start a fucking university or something

>> No.2736479


It's not that weird. I do that about pretty much everything. Especially chapters in books or books as a whole. It would be funny to see footage of me I my room from when I was reading Lolita.

>> No.2736480
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Oh snap--

>> No.2736759

Christ, why does this happen? Am I just trying accept my homosexuality?

>> No.2736779

I just do it because it makes subtext more fun

>> No.2737214

>That feel when reading a book from a library and there's smart/insightful marginalia from previous readers.


>That feel when people underline library books.

Jesus Christ, people. That book isn't yours to desecrate.

>> No.2737224


that's actually a picture of Queen Victoria when she was a princess.