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2733884 No.2733884 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get over babby's first existential crisis?

>> No.2733886

Read the Tao Te Ching.

>> No.2733888

Read more. Write more. Find a girl and make sweet love to her. Embrace the beauty that there is around you, however fleeting, however meaningless.

>> No.2733890

>implying fleeting beauty is meaningless

>> No.2733893

Plunge into your mind's darkness. Read and write haiku. Watch Majid Majidi and Iranian movies. Realize that the point of life is to live. Realize the crisis isn't about your existence, but your world-view.


>> No.2733895
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Be real son.

>> No.2733904


I don't think that personally, but I fear it might be where OP's at.

>> No.2733905
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>> No.2733910

dropped out of high school, did too many drugs, and lived in squalor for a few months. now im a sophomore at a good east coast liberal arts school.


>> No.2733914

Study some better philosophy.

>> No.2733916

im on the east coast too. where you at?

>> No.2733918
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I wonder what they called existential crises before there was existentialism.

>> No.2733920

>tfw you're per-preist Meursault

How do I stop being such a stoic fuck /lit/?

>> No.2733921

You move on to 11th grade

>> No.2733924

They didn't exist/were extremely rare because no one was an atheist back then.

>> No.2733927
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> Nietzsche
> The Downward Spiral
> Donnie Darko

Check, check and check.

This gun b gud.

>> No.2733928


Dark night of the soul

>> No.2733939


You are being naive to think that English is logical.

>> No.2733968


>dat gif

I feel... disturbed.

>> No.2733972


I know
she knows

>> No.2733976

If you're truly feeling existential, would you really be bothered by the meaningless? In other words, it doesn't matter that things don't matter.

But, rather than trying to think you're way out, just do stuff. Move your body. Do something. Feel the warm sun on your skin.

>> No.2733980

Also, "babby's first existential crisis" made me chuckle. Internet, sometimes you are funny.

>> No.2733992
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Stop being a faggot

>> No.2734026

Telling a girl that the Universe has been around for billenia and then dancing in the middle of a restaurant?
That is the faggliest thing I've ever read.

>> No.2734031

this is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever fucking read, and if you thought this was meaningful, you should fucking kill yourself or at least disabuse yourself of the notion that you have any meaningful insight into the human condition. holy fuckin' shit

>> No.2734036

That guy's going to read our posts and then feel terrible, and then extra terrible because feeling terrible undermines his picture.

>> No.2734039

Care to explain why is dumb?

>> No.2734048

>implying existential crisis are unique to atheists

>> No.2734053

I guess just realize while most of the time your life won't affect anything in the long run, its up to you to enjoy it and make it worthwhile.

>> No.2734055

like, the first part is dumb because, however colossal the scale of the universe is, we're still sentient beings with our own embodied perspective and by our nature our own concern and involvement with the world. that kind of detachment is not really possible for human beings, and saying that "people who are angry about things are stupid because ultimately all human things are insignificant" is really stupid.

the rest of that is just the most fucking stupid teenage bullshit in the fucking world that i don't know what to say, if you don't get why it's cringeworthy

>> No.2734061

>No atheist back then
That's a huge generalization don't you think?

>> No.2734080


You realize existentialism first grew out of Christian/Catholic/Orthodox philosophy, through the likes of Kierkegaard or Dostoyevsky and so on.

To say there were no atheists back then is retarded. Ever read Descartes? All kinds of his work deals with it.

>> No.2734084

the only thing you can do is work hard, nothing else helps, well i guess you could become a major druggy or something

>> No.2734085


it thinks the reason that we are so worried about this question of meaning in our lives is the same reason we wonder what our place in the universe is. we ask what our lives mean not in the grand universal scale where every action is insignificant, but in the local sphere of the here where i live and now when i live. the existential crisis is not "why should exist at all?" but "why should i exist right now?"

>> No.2734096


His work deals with it but affirms the divine for ridiculous reasons. There is no good reason to be a dualist anymore.

>> No.2734100

Existentialism is nothing more then a biologically programmed narcissistic slightly evolved ape whos entire world view revolved around them being the only thing that mattered in the entire universe being confronted with the evidence that they are 100% irrelevant.

also, Sophism is the ultimate form of narcissism and Sophists are therefore the most "vulnerable" to existentialism.

>> No.2734101


Start reading American Pragmatist philosophers. Get rid of the drive for correspondence truth and learn to accept coherence truth.

I recommend Pierce, Dewey, James, and Rorty.

>> No.2734125

Most of the people who 'get over' what you're talking about either enter a delusional state where they act like a positivist and follow the "do whatever makes you happy (happiness is an unachievable construct, obviously" path, regardless of how they actually see things now, or, they go into denial and begin rejecting the basic premises that got them into the crisis in the first place. People who shrug this stuff off as teenage angst or some other catch-all buzzword are pitiful and deserving of neither time nor respect. Have a nice life, faggots.

>> No.2734128

I went full solipsism and killed my wife and daughter. Now I just do whatever occurs to me and treat others exactly as they are.

>> No.2734143


i think most people realize what a useless exercise in despair it is and come out of it to start living instead of clinging onto the question of why they should start living

>> No.2734149

No, they just fall into mediocrity and normalfaggotry.

>> No.2734153
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Despite everything being completely pointless, i still find the ability to laugh. I just think "Hey, I'm experiencing my life, i might as well live the best i can". Because when you're dead, you're dead. There's no reason to think what's going to happen when you're dead, because you will be dead. The feeling never really goes away, but it gets better. People say "don't think about it", but i think there's some peace in oblivion. This dread is your higher brain function conflicting with your lower brain function. It's a blessing and a curse, its the only reason you do anything. It's the only reason humans plan and build things, and save for the future.

>> No.2734159

>happiness is an unachievable construct, obviously
Please, elaborate.

>> No.2734164

ITT: edgy teens

>> No.2734170

An "edgy teen" wouldn't be asking how to get over it, but would be telling anyone who wasn't going through it that they're wrong. See >>2734125

>> No.2734174


It should be obvious. Voltaire, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Cioran, Mishima, etc. etc. offer countless examples of the impossibility of happiness.

>> No.2734184

I'm happy. Please, explain to me what makes happiness impossible, and me delusional.

>> No.2734186


Same, I'm happy.


Please elaborate on why our state is false.

>> No.2734187

uhh you're not 17 and therefore just don't ~~~understand~~~ the eternal truths of the human condition as expressed in old smiths lyrics

>> No.2734192


This always gets a stir in my, I'm not even sure why because I'm not a teenager nor in the middle of a crisis. What does "edgy" mean, exactly? Is it another useless word like "hipster"? I thought better of you, /lit/.

>> No.2734195

I hope you aren't dissin' the Smiths.

>> No.2734196


Words like 'edgy' 'hipster' and 'pleb' are used to insult without providing argument. They're for cowards and asshats.

>> No.2734199

I've read Voltaire. Agreed with most of what he says. Still pretty happy. Read Schopenhauer. Disagreed with a lot of it. Will read the rest at some point. Thanks. Get some rest, anon.

>> No.2734198


Shit, I'm not saying they're right. Look... it's late and I'm fucking tired... and I'm not even depressed to begin with.

So... my advice to you is to read the authors I've just mentioned.

>> No.2734202


did you guys not pass grade 10 psych, and don't possess any critical thinking skills at all? Honestly, if you're in an existential thread it would follow that you're at least loosely familiar with some of the concepts, one of the most basic being the impossibility of happiness. READ A FUCKING BOOK, /LIT/

>> No.2734203

no the smiths are fucking great

>> No.2734205


How is the state of happiness I currently enjoy impossible?

>> No.2734207

ummmmm because you're ignorant? and psychology? have you ever even read a book... suhc an ignorant person thinking you are happy... smh

>> No.2734209


Nice argument, pal.

>> No.2734210

So, has no one ITT read Camus' "The Rebel?"

>> No.2734216

Okay, cool. I'm gonna go listen to The Queen is Dead and be happy some more. Peace, everybody.

>> No.2734222

Why does existentialism get such a bad rap on /lit/? What's wrong with someone coming to the conclusion that life is meaningless and then trying to give themselves some kind of purpose?

I'm 24 years old. I'd never given much thought to the meaning of life until relatively recently. I've since been trying to mark out my own path in life. Yet every time I have tried to talk about it I've been shut down and brushed aside as some edgy teenager or something like that.

>> No.2734223


Hi, I'm the guy that originally posted the post you responded to. It's pretty basic behavioural neuroscience that happiness is a human construct that does not exist in nature. It is unachiavble because of its very definition. It is perfectly possible to be content, satisfied, experiencing pleasure, or be joyful, but none of these are happiness and I think you are likely confusing one for the other. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me, pal.

>> No.2734219


Then go into freud and lacan and learn about your ego is always in a state of confilct regarding desire. Humans are not meant to be happy. It is not in our evolutionary interest.

>> No.2734224


Many things I do aren't in the interest of my evolution. So what?

>> No.2734226


If none of those are happiness, then what is?

>> No.2734227


>yeah, sure, you can be content, in a state of bliss, and experience pleasure. but you can't be happy. none of those things are happiness. because i said so. owned, bitch


>> No.2734230


You sure about that? Theory suggests that all thinkable thoughts are within our evolutionary niche. Outside our niche is ineffable.

>> No.2734239

Then I am content to be satisfied and joyful, and experience pleasure at times, and those things cause me to want to help others to achieve such a state as well. I choose to call that "happiness," but if happiness is something else, then I just don't know what it is, and have been relatively happy (by my definition) thus far without it.

>> No.2734245

I actually use solipsism as a way to escape the fear of knowing I'm going to die.
Its quite comforting, knowing my reality dies with me

>> No.2734248


Look, I'm not the one you should be asking answers of. I'm obviously no where near as articulate and knowledgeable in the area as the thinkers that have previously been reccomended to you by another Anon in this thread. If you wish to see more about it, read their works. I am not capable of changing your mind on an internet forum. You will either be interested enough to learn about it, or you can continue to live thinking happiness exists- neither of these outcomes will affect me at all.

>> No.2734274

Not the same person, but could you at least define "happiness" in the context in which you were using it when saying "happiness is impossible?"

>> No.2734292

What about serious suicidal thoughts? Or more to the point, suicidal action? The concious decision to 'pull the trigger' as it were, from an evolutionary standpoint is pretty counter-intuitive. Nothing against you, suicide-bros.

>> No.2734296

Im Andrea' ad live in michigan and im only 13 i play guitar and have a band we play heavy metal and call ourselves Bloody Massacre i play lead and im the one in the back screaming...
we also play screamo which is almost the same thing i enjoy wearing tutu's lmao only for fun and hanging out with freinds and i skateboard ALOT!.

>> No.2734300

Be conscious and intelligent enough to brush it off, I guess.

>> No.2734305


>listen, all you people are just ignorant if you think happiness exists. you should read Books, which prove you Wrong.
>what, no, of course i can't defend this idea! you're all just too ignorant, unlike me, who knows this (despite being unable to defend it)

>> No.2734307

Basically stared at a wall for a few years

>> No.2734317


Sophism is not the same as solipsism.

>> No.2734333


It is pretty easy to justify suicide as a rational from an evolutionary standpoint. Humans still have the mindset that was selected for before the neolithic revolution. They lived in hunter/gather societies and in extended kinship groups. When injured it is better to remove yourself from the equation than be a burden on your family network in terms of consuming resources without contributing labor.

Your genes still live on in the kinship group regardless if you do.

>> No.2734338

>dem porjections

Not even him, but your arguments are as bad as each-other. Just read the books, you're on /lit/ for fuck's sake.

>> No.2734344

I only meant that is would be far more beneficial for them to read about it from an expert. Have fun living in your delusional little bubble though.

>> No.2734346

Existentialism is actually for French people.

I'll tell you exactly what you do. You read some god damn Americans. Emerson, Thoreau. Transcendentalism is the existentialism of America. It's literally all the same shit except without the babby crying.

>> No.2734347


Where does this usage come from? Because to me a "positivist" is a logical positivist.

>> No.2734354

>It's literally all the same shit except without the babby crying.

also an accurate description of german existentialism tbf

>> No.2734363

I meant from a modern perspective. There are plenty of wonderful, talented, intelligent people that killed themselves, surely evolutionary theory would want them sticking around?

>> No.2734370


Whatever, fag.

>> No.2734389

>evolutionary theory
That doesn't mean what you think it means. Group Selection doesn't exist.

>> No.2734403
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Fuck, I think I had my first existential crisis when I was 13.
I started looking into anything that thought it had an answer, which when you're a young teen at the edge of rural Georgia, isn't much.

>> No.2734435

That picture is retarded in at least 9 ways.

>> No.2734450

List five.

>> No.2734472

Feel it, sense it, sniff it up, contemplate it, cry it, laugh it, snort it, love it, hate it, fundle it, and snuggle it, understand it, misunderstand it. Anything is what anything is perceived to be. What do you want anything to be?

>> No.2734478

I'm not your intellectual baby-sitter. Think critically about it.


>> No.2734537

man I remember when I was 13, thinking something along these lines, and thinking I was such a fucking genius

children really are insufferable

>> No.2734544

No, they aren't. Children are cute and it's nice to see young kids work out the problems of life for themselves.

>> No.2734551
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>> No.2734554

the universe doesn't give a shit dude why should i give a shit about the universe

>> No.2734558

Those pictures are such fucking nonsense, why are they always posted in EC threads?

>> No.2734560

Man up.

>> No.2734566

except when they're arrogant and believe everything they say is right because they haven't bothered with any outside perspectives because they're "not right" i.e. "they don't agree with my ideas"

/pol/ for example

>> No.2734581

>You realize existentialism first grew out of Christian/Catholic/Orthodox philosophy

Someone should read some of king Solomon's texts.

>> No.2734583

>That picture is retarded in at least 9 ways.
>List 5.
>I can't.

Why do existentialism threads attract so many pretentious assholes?

>> No.2734585


>> No.2734587

he inb4d that exact response and you did it anyway. you completely missed the point. get out.

>> No.2734594

There's that word again. Why do so many people, ESPECIALLY on /lit/, not no what pretentious means? There's just something about that people can't seem to grasp. You're an idiot, good sir.

>> No.2734614

It just eventually goes away.

>> No.2734615

Begin building. You are not of the generation that built your sociaty, nor are you among the men who pulls the load of it. Join an expedition, a Ph.D project, write a book. Just do something.

It feels good, building. Becoming a man, deserving what society has to offer.

>> No.2734617

>Ph.D project
>building, becoming a man, deserving what society has to offer


>> No.2734626

Honestly, the facts that you're going to die, that you have little choice over what actually happens in the world, and the fact that you can only hold yourself responsible for your own choices, will always be pressing matters upon any thoughtful person's mind. Even if you read a few books, or quite a lot of books in the case of some of us, it changes little. There's always something more you could've read, something more you could've said, something more you could've done--why look your grip on reality over it? Frankly, some people do. I have, but that doesn't justify it. We can only do our best, or we can only accept that most of us will do an average job of it.

>> No.2734668

self-improvement seems to promise happiness and if you actually get around to improving yourself it sometimes feels good but most of the time it seems one feels shitty about not having improved himself and is less likely to even try after having failed

literature can make you feel like you aren't really alone in your struggle and you can sometimes relate

philosophy is interesting to study and can help logical reasoning and argument skills

spirituality seems to be the highest and the most mysterious kind of thing that promises, or at least tries to pursue or understand or do without happiness; i don't know, meditation has been good for me and might be good for you but i can't speak with any authority on the subject because i am not the dalai lama and don't have a nobel peace prize so maybe you should just do whatever oprah and dr oz say you should

>> No.2734673

What the FUCK are you guys trying to say? Take some articulation classes or something. Jesus.

>> No.2734680

lol trolled but seriously i have spent so many years in school using correct punctuation in order to be understood correctly and to get good grades so that i could secure a good job with a good salary so that i could support children and one day retire and travel to casinos and do cocaine and be irresponsible

i feel better when i don't edit my writing if you can call it that and i am sorry that you are so offended; honestly, i would be too. surely, this is not enjoyable to read, but it is relaxing to write in stream of consciousness, although that is a stupid term too often associated with bob dylan and i hate bob dylan and did you know that bob dylan's son can sing quite well? anyway i will probably leave 4chan forever because it has become a culture and an ideology of failure which sounds like a bunch of neofeminist buzzwords so i guess what i mean is that you guys are all fags and make me feel like shit and should not be so far up your asses and maybe do something other than post on internet messageboards and i am john and i hate every single one of you motherfuckers

>> No.2734684

I'm trying to say, just live the life to the best of your ability. "Love your neighbor as yourself. . ." and all that jazz. The whole concept of "what am I doing here" might creep up from time to time, but if you just give a little effort into being a decent human being--well, it's not that the question becomes moot, but you'll start to see a little beyond yourself and the question does fade a bit in it's pertinence.

>> No.2734694

I reject the value of all of those alternatives.

>> No.2734697


And this board rejects you. Go away.

>> No.2734698

On what grounds?

>> No.2734699

stay summer, newfriend

>> No.2734701

I'm a solipsist

>> No.2734702
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Here we go!!

>> No.2734703

The burden of proof is on you, buddy. Why are they of value? I reject the premise that value exists.

>> No.2734704
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>> No.2734707

To be perfectly honest, I'm too drunk to care about your reasons. I'd easily write you off, but again, either too drunk or too apathetic to care. I probably won't even remember this in the morning. I guess I should've mentioned, a bit of alcoholism goes a long way. Still, I stand by what I said, even when sober. But I'm a stoic and an existentialist--there's a whole bunch of not giving a fuck in there.

>> No.2734710

A whole lot of words but you're yet to say anything. Everyone's gettin' mad that I am fucking up their idealogical position? XDDDDDDDDDDD

you're cute, /lit/

>> No.2734718

If you're the prick who keeps saying cute, please stop. I agree with you though.

>> No.2734720

I don't regularly browse /lit/ so I don't know what guy you're referring to. It seems to me like mose of these people have no idea what they actually think and hide behind insult and apathy. By using the word 'cute' I was acting in a condescending matter in an attempt to provoke the Anon to respond, but I guess /lit/ can't into discussion.

>> No.2734728

Kierkegaard said something in the same vein:

>Meanwhile time passes. If outward help comes, then life returns to the despairer, he begins where he left off; he had no self, and a self he did not become, but he continues to live on with only the quality of immediacy. If outward help does not come, then in real life something else commonly occurs. Life comes back into him after all, but "he never will be himself again," so he says. He now acquires some little understanding of life, he learns to imitate the other men, noting how they manage to live, and so he too lives after a sort. In Christendom he too is a Christian, goes to church every Sunday, hears and understands the parson, yea, they understand one another; he dies; the parson introduces him into eternity for the price of $10 -- but a self he was not, and a self he did not become.

>> No.2734733 [DELETED] 

I was twelve. Drank a lot of chocolate milk. Just lay around in my wife beater watching cartoons. I was a wreck. But I got over it.

>> No.2734734

what a meaningful progression. you are indeed the ubermensch

>> No.2734735

I'm proud of you.

>> No.2734753
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I dedicated my life to the pursuit of excellence.

If Papa could see me now.

>> No.2734754
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>> No.2734757

everybody post Nietzsche

>> No.2735029

Sartre believed happiness was possible, just hard as hell. Camus believed the same. Both very influential existentialists (but don't tell Camus I said that).

>> No.2735415

make sure to stay the fuck away from nietzsche

>> No.2735439

don't worry, be happy

>> No.2735444


But Nietzsche loves life.

>> No.2735452


but every angty teenager misunderstands him

>> No.2735493

Or you could read anything written in the past 2 decades on neuroscience and realize that Freud was talking out of his ass.

>> No.2735508

Does value have to be totally objective for you to believe that it exists? I may enjoy swimming, and thus find it "of value," but I wouldn't say it's of value to people who hate it (aside from as a tool for survival if that comes up).

All the things that anon was suggesting are things that, generally speaking, are found to be of value by the people who start to do them. Suggesting someone try doing those things is like suggesting they pick up a hobby that you think they're likely to enjoy, only it's safe to say that the vast majority of people are likely to enjoy those things.

>> No.2735519

Live your life bro even Sisyphus found meaning in his life

>> No.2735751
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What meaning was that? "Gotta push fast"

>> No.2735790

I didn't imagine Sisyphus happy when I read that essay. I imagined him begrudgingly resigned.

>> No.2735799

Wasn't sisyphus dead?

>> No.2735902
File: 110 KB, 325x479, ZooMoviePoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Cowboy Bepbop. I'm serious.

>> No.2735909 [DELETED] 

>that movie poster
A mocumentary about Mr. Hands?

>> No.2735914

If I knew you I'd kill you.
I hate types like you so badly.
go back to /sci/ with your biological y programmed to be a retard

>> No.2735917

No an actual documentary about it...

>> No.2735933

I just embraced mine, I figured it's no use freaking out 24/7, death is going to reach me anyways, might as well enjoy the concept of nothingness.

>> No.2735937

Maybe you should tell us what this supposed 'existential crisis' was, OP. So we can tell you whether or not it was one because lets face it, the phrase 'existential crisis' is incredibly overused at this current moment in time.

>> No.2735940

overused and misused, I should have said.

>> No.2735950
File: 34 KB, 640x427, ohdeyjelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you babbys never fail to make me laff

>> No.2735970 [DELETED] 

Do you want to know something funny? I watched Mr.Hands at school once. I don't even know what devil possessed me to sate my curiosity THERE. Anyway, it was by the pure goodness of my classmates hearts that I was not subjected to jokes and nicknames for the next year and a half.

Wait, seriously? Well, we all know how it ends, at least.

>> No.2735990

an hero

>> No.2737315

Of course hapiness is real. We can see it on fMRI scans.

Peak happiness follows an injection of high doses of opiates.

>> No.2737317

lmao you use a screenname a 13 year old would use in halo

>> No.2737320

Someones mad.

>> No.2737355

While the majority of philosophical thought is structured around "overcoming" an existential crisis, my personal method can better be described as self-elimination. I read literature consistently, desperately, deeply because it is beautiful, and I believe with Schopenhauer that the only way to transcend the agony of existence and "existential crisis" is to contemplate beauty. Find something in life through which you can glimpse beauty even for a moment, and then do it with all your soul.

>> No.2737370

I was serious about the Tao.

>> No.2737376

That isn't peak happiness.

>> No.2737382

Yes it is.

Are you implying happiness isn't merely a mental (aka neuronal) state?

>> No.2737410


there are multiple ways to conceive of happiness. that a neuronal state is related to one way of conceiving happiness does not mean that the neuronal state and happiness are equivalent, it merely points out there one's state of mind has a direct physical component.

>> No.2737413

Buddha and Schopenhauer were right
The only way to freedom and happiness (no matter how imperfect or impermanent that condition turns out to be) is through denial of desires and attachments.

As much as I like Nietzsche and the 'existentialists' and think that they had a lot of interesting insights, I think that ultimately their project is bound to fail and end in pain.

Or as Kundera might say, any existential project ultimately ends in Kitsch.

>> No.2737427

experience machine, etc

also I think 'happiness' here is being defined by anon to mean a broader term that may best be defined as 'eudaimonia' or something like that, not just the narrow neural definition.
Anyways, if you're going to argue define your terms first or you'll never get anywhere.

>> No.2737430

Sums up Stoicism imo

Without the whole logos or epikrystos thing.

>> No.2737437

I think this would be too difficult. Maybe a middle ground where you enjoy intellectual pleasures as opposed to moronic things like fast cars, hot women, and blow.

>> No.2737438
File: 539 KB, 600x796, 20110526075555!Vinegar_tasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is fundamentally beautiful.

>> No.2737444


you need to listen to nietzsche more. true happiness is life-affirming, and the denial of desire is merely ideology (whether it be christian or buddhist)

>> No.2737446

Life isn't fundamentally beautiful. It's fundamentally whatever you choose it to be.

At least in my opinion

>> No.2737454

Yeah, which is why it's best to say it's fundamentally beautiful if you want to be happy. The image I posted was supposed to be reference to that.


>> No.2737461

What do you feel emphasis should be placed on, and on what do people place it that rustles your jimmies?

>> No.2737457

I'm (mostly) past my existential phase, but now what gets me going is how people place emphasis on the wrong things.

>> No.2737458
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>implying enlightenment and hot women are incompatible

>> No.2737462

That "happiness" you speak of is nothing more then the "average" of euphoria you have over time.

Also, everyone on earth if actually given the choice of a Experience Machine would take it.

People just say "no" because it's not actually an option.

>> No.2737463


you'd be lying to yourself and you'd know it.

>> No.2737464

Of course it does, it's ENTIRELY physical.

You're not a dualist, are you?

>> No.2737468

Maybe I'm just splitting hairs but if something is fundamental (naturally inherent) how can it be anything the observer wishes?

>> No.2737470

Not that guy, but eliminative materialism and dualism are not the only two choices, just the far poles.

>> No.2737474

But materialism is the only scientific belief.

>> No.2737478

If I became a philosopher, if I have so keenly sought this fame for which I'm still waiting, it's all been to seduce women basically.

So, maybe not.

( i realize he meant something different though)

>> No.2737480

I said "eliminative materialism" not "materialism" in general. What he said was compatible with many forms of materialism.

>> No.2737483

>When people define things as beautiful other things become ugly.
>When people define certain things as good, other things become bad.
>Being and non-being condition each other. Difficult and easy give rise to each other. Long and short define each other.
>High and low depend on each other. Noise and harmony define each other; Before and after follow each other.

Good and bad are defined by one another. When you recognize that all things are one thing, and you are part of that one thing, everything falls into place.

I personally find a kind of beauty in that.

>> No.2737484

As long as you admit that your entire mind and consciousness and everything that goes with it is stored within the physical configuration of the neurons inside your skull, we're cool.

>> No.2737490


I agree with that. Because all things are equal and the same they are inherently meaningless but can have any meaning you so desire.

>> No.2737492

>not into nonreductive physicalism

>> No.2737493

>High and low depend on each other

You only say that because that's how your brain is preprogrammed to act.

>> No.2737494


no, you just confuse the physical chemical process with the actual cause and effect relationship that it takes place within. the euphoria occurs immanently within the reaction, but happiness extends past both the reaction and feelings within, encompassing reason, the social field, the environment that one lives within, health, etc. etc.

just equating happiness with a mental state is what allows the stupid "experience machine" to be a dilemma for philosophers. if people just wanted a constant euphoric state, all of the poor's ambition would be directed towards acquiring more drugs.

>> No.2737495

>as long as you admit one very specific variety of materialism because it's the only one I'm familiar with

I have no particular position in philosophy of mind. It's not my specialty.

>> No.2737496

>Non-reductive physicalism is the idea that while mental states are caused by physical states they are not reducible to physical properties
Wow! It's almost like it contradicts itself!

>> No.2737497

Behavior might be probabilistic rather than predestined. It's impossible to be sure, and really irrelevant.

>> No.2737500

If i was able to induce that same neuronal activation, i would induce happiness in you.

Your consciousness might attempt to justify it somehow, but it would be an ad-hoc justification.

It has already been demonstrated that the brain is capable of making up complete fabrications in order to make a story "fit" what it sees. I'll have to look up the disease that causes this but it's very, very cool. The mentally ill can tell us alot about the illusion of free will, as can fMRI and other brain scans.

>> No.2737503

>It's almost like it contradicts itself!

It really isn't.

>> No.2737505

Not that person, but it's like how a bunch of animals and plants in separate cages don't create the ecosystem which exists if they're allowed to interact. Nonreductive means, basically, that a zoo is not a jungle, and thus, studying the individual parts of the brain can only get you so far.

>> No.2737507

I didn't. I'm just sad a lot but I keep living life the best I can for the moments here and there where I'm not sad. I guess that sort of makes me a hedonist--but I do try to at least pursue pleasures like reading.

>> No.2737508

Only the Physical exists though, and everything can be reduced to quantum / particle physics.

>> No.2737510

What I love about the eastern tradition is that it has dealt with the meaninglessness that existentialism grappled with with such levity and ease. Nietzsche for example, tried so hard to make life meaningful and beautiful, it was an act of will for him, to force life to mean something great through eternal return to give weight to existence.
While for the eastern philosophies like Taoism and Buddhism, meaninglessness (or emptiness - void- Shunya) was the key to liberation, something to be embraced not escaped and fought against. Realizing that the self is empty or void, realizing that everything is so, one can deal with the world as it really is, not as we would like it to be.

>> No.2737511


the storing is only part of the process. your consciousness is not a box full of stuff, but an activity that occurs within the brain, the effect of a continuous calculation. it is within the flow of the energy between the neurons, not the neurons themselves.

>> No.2737512

read zapffe, get over yrself, go climb a mountain and don't have kids

>> No.2737513

>everything can be reduced to quantum / particle physics.

Modern science doesn't even know how to do that. Perhaps it can be done, perhaps it can't.

>> No.2737515

If you get small enough in a theoretical physics sense, nothing (individually exists) except for what matter and energy are both expressions of. At that point the physical doesn't exist, IMHO

>> No.2737518

And the human brain operates on a scale many orders of magnitude larger then QM. You can't hand wave away determinism by citing questions in QM,

>> No.2737519


>everything can be reduced to quantum / particle physics.

One day you'll see how this is almost as dumb as whatever religion you were raised on.

>> No.2737520

Yes, The principles of science are as dumb as religion.

You cannot save free will and non-determinism without invoking the supernatural.

>> No.2737522

>And the human brain operates on a scale many orders of magnitude larger then QM.

That implies you think the operation can't be reduced to particle physics.

>You can't hand wave away determinism

Who said anything about determinism? That's a completely different question than reductive materialism.

>> No.2737528

Materialism and Determinism go hand in hand.

Unless you presuppose that only the material exists but maybe it doesn't follow the Laws of Physics.

>> No.2737530

What about compatibilism?


>> No.2737532

No, it implies that any uncertinities in QM are completely irrelevant at even the individual neuron level

See those awful horrible people in "what the bleep do we know" who claim "Waveform Collapse Causes consciousness"

>> No.2737535


>You cannot save free will and non-determinism without invoking the supernatural.

I didn't say ANYTHING about that shit.

Learn what reductionism is and stop doing it--that's all I'm saying. Almost anytime someone on the internet says "quantum" anything bullshit is bound to follow.

>> No.2737536

I wasn't referring to determinism. I was just throwing in my 2 pence.

>> No.2737538


I see, after all this time you STILL think people were trying to refute materialism. Because the only form of materialism you know about is the reductive kind.

>No, it implies that any uncertinities in QM are completely irrelevant at even the individual neuron level

I never said anything about the uncertainties. I don't care about the uncertainties. They have nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>> No.2737539

People without MRI machines shouldn't be allowed to speculate about the human brain.

>> No.2737542

non-reductionist materialism is a contradiction in terms.

>> No.2737543


the world is more ambiguous than opposites. there are whole multiplicities that are adjacent to, or diagonal, or transveral to opposites. the discovery that opposites are just one doesn't include the whole multiplicity outside of the one that can't be grasped by human consciousness.


you dodge the real question: what in fact do people actually desire? if it is happiness in the form that you are saying, then happiness is just a drug away. but i believe people strive to be more than the chemical reaction that is induced when they are happy. achieving a goal, for example, is something that drives people, by which euphoria gets attached when the particular event of achieving that goal (and probably prior events when the subject is working hard towards that goal), but in the end, when they say that they are happy, they aren't talking about their specific neuronal state at that moment, but the whole process that that neuronal state becomes attached to at the very end. happiness is the totality of an activity, the euphoria merely a part.

>> No.2737544


Please, read a book on the philosophy of mind.

ANY book.

>> No.2737545

>the world is more ambiguous than opposites.
This is true, but everything is defined by what it isn't, as much as what it is. If I define "wall" but don't limit it to only things that have certain qualities, I'm not effectively creating a meaning for the word "wall." Everything is a judgement call. Everything is one thing.

>> No.2737547

Why would I do that when I can read books on Neuroscience that are actually, you know, Science, instead of people making assertions they cannot provide objective evidence for?

>> No.2737554


Ok, fine, "greedy reductionism" then. Analyzing your body at the quantum level won't teach you to ride a bike. Stop making everything a fucking intro to physics discussion.

As Stephen Hawking said, even self-labeled determinists look both ways before crossing the street.

Read Ernesto Sabato. He was a nuclear physicist and a communist in Argentina. He was a very idealistic and scientific man who finally figured out his own bullshit.

>> No.2737555

An MRI is like a stick figure drawing of the rocky mountains by a kindergartner.

It can't give you a complete picture or accurately display every detail of the brain/conscious on every level

>> No.2737558

Then read one of those.

>> No.2737559

Because the brain isn't completely greedy in its desires. It knows that a lot of things that bring immediate happiness (such as shooting up heroin) can have long lasting negative impacts which are bad for itself (developing AIDS, Inability to maintain job which results in little to no shelter/food/etc)

People driven for a goal are due to the complexities of the social environment, their own mental programming and the preceived short, medium and long term benefits of that goal.

>> No.2737560

Ok, but they're not going to support your Skyhooks you know.

>> No.2737563


Just so long as you read something.

>> No.2737564
File: 16 KB, 398x292, rocktothebeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy it. existential dread will teach you how to be human.

>> No.2737565

The point isn't to describe how the brain works, it's to make sure that nobody believes in the supernatural and understands the laws of physics are immutable.

>> No.2737567


naw, everything is just a thing that is also itself a part of everything. it is the set that includes all sets including itself.

>> No.2737570

>make sure that nobody believes in the supernatural
Good luck.

>> No.2737571

And every thing is everything.

>> No.2737572

Ok, that's a lofty goal. To ridicule them so they feel bad and go away, how about?

the Internet has successfully driven non-atheists into submissive silence which is kind of funny.

>> No.2737573
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ITT : People who wouldn't last 5 minutes in a STEM degree talking about Functional Neuroscience.

It's like the greeks speculating about physics.

>> No.2737574

What about the set of all sets which don't contain themselves?

>> No.2737578


every thing is everything and also itself. it's a monism, a dualism, and a multiplicity all at once.

>> No.2737579

This is what I was getting at.

>> No.2737582


i'm sure that everything if such a concept can even be comprehended would include all logical paradoxes and contradictions, as well as their answers

>> No.2737775
File: 116 KB, 464x315, e06f5a0fc92d0b5fe2b68243e1ff6f80d0f559f9_m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went through this whole thread. Took awhile

>shit was cash $$$$$$$$$$$$$

best thread ever

>> No.2737778

Realize materialism is wrong.
though that might require too much of you.

>> No.2737780

this, my precognitive dreams > neuroscience

>> No.2737813

>tfw you realize things do mean something
>tfw things exist

Cmon guys, existentialism and nihilism is babby's excuse to reject their /r9k/ feels and pretend they have some other "sophisticated" reason to be depressed. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I go buy Mcdonalds and watch cartoons until morning, and it makes me very happy. I look at beautiful paintings and listen to beautiful music, and it makes me happy. I interact with beautiful people and it makes me happy. All of these activities are meaningful, and you should do your best to do good in your life because it really does mean something whether you think so or not.

>> No.2737830

Where you find meaning I guess I see that all those things in the end are meaningless.

Though I do agree that there is no reason to get depressed about it no matter how meaningful or meaningless you perceive it to be.

>> No.2737963

>he thinks knowledge exists

bahahahha highschoolers are so much fun

>> No.2737983

I went to the bookstore front counter with a copy of Emerson's Essay and a wise old man told me he remembers the days when he was a depressed college student, then one day he read this book and 'poof' his depression was gone forever.

I read the book. He was right. Emerson's quite a bit on the religious side, but its great prose writing and great philosophy. Transcendentalists share the existentialists concern for finding the authentic self and their belief in human freedom. They can help you find the eternal well spring of strength that lies within.

I especially recommend his essays: The American Scholar, Napoleon the Man of the World, Plato the Philosopher, Self-reliance, Politics

>> No.2738394


How do you know there's no knowledge?

>> No.2738399

>because there is no truth

>> No.2738402

Is that true?

>> No.2738404

Neither true nor false.

>> No.2738407

In that case I won't be wrong if I disbelieve it. Problem solved.

>> No.2738414

You can disbelieve it.
It doesn't change that you can't produce any knowledge.

>> No.2738425


I bet you look both ways before crossing a busy street.

>> No.2738426

Watch RoboCop

Repeat as many times as necessary.

>> No.2738433

better safe than sorry

>> No.2738444

I went to an emergency room and got pumped full of haldol.

>> No.2738445



>> No.2738460

I took up writing in a small grubby flip-open note pad that I kept with me at all times. Then I left the army.

>> No.2738472

you're probably from /sci/ and getting butt-hurt that your precious knowledge does not exist


>> No.2738475


1. look both ways before crossing the street
2. ???
3. knowledge exists!

cool argument. i especially like the ??? very convincing

>> No.2738503


>Believes in objectivity

Oh God... Stop... My sides...

I bet you're one of those kids who thinks that it's okay to not read the Bible and still call oneself "well read."

>> No.2738514

/sci/ is just ridiculous

>> No.2738528

I think we can all agree that it is never good when /sci/ and /lit/ cross paths.

>> No.2738540

Real funny faggot ass bitch. You think this is a joke? You think giving me lip is a good idea? I'll fucking murder you.

Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.2738556


This is funny as fuck

>> No.2738580


>> No.2738649

has neither of you niggers read herman hesse?

>> No.2738738

>the dander

>> No.2738775

I don't waste time with charlatans. That and transcendentalism is a bunch of delusional bullshit

>> No.2738783


Wait... did you just say you blowjobed? You give blowjobs?

>> No.2738853

Ecclesiastes I presume?