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/lit/ - Literature

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2730962 No.2730962 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored. Recommend a science fiction book that's 200 pages or less and I'll go check it out. Something easy to read, like Asimov. Just, not Asimov, because I've already read like 99% of his stuff.

>> No.2730969

Oryx and Crake is short and out-of-the-way for many sci-fi fans (i.e., it's a safer bet for me that you haven't read it compared to say, a good PKD novel--but in case I'm wrong, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is another fairly short piece of classic speculative fiction).

>> No.2730972

reed sum lem

>> No.2730977


I've already read a lot of PKD's work. I guess I've had too much Dick that I'm not interested in any more for a while.

>> No.2730981

Aha, as I suspected, then. Which is why I made a different suggestion.

Limiting me to 200 pages is really kind of pushing it, though. Most genre-fiction that would entertain adult readers isn't going to be quite that short, even though it will read quicker than 150 pages of Pynchon.