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2729734 No.2729734 [Reply] [Original]

Classics Publisher Power Rankings

1. Norton Critical Editions
2. Modern Library Classics
3. Oxford World Classics
4. Penguin Classics
5. Barnes & Noble Classics

>> No.2729742

Add Everyman under Penguin, Wordsworth at 9000 and Penguin Popular Classics at 9001.

>> No.2729745


I knew I was forgetting something. That placement is acceptable.

>> No.2729750
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>Barnes and Noble Classics
>mfw this is actually a thing

>> No.2729765

Don't forget Vintage.
Though they're a bit more selective.

>> No.2729791

My Modern Library edition of TS Eliot poems sucks. No notes, and a bunch of important poems are missing (including my favourite, The Hollow Men).

>> No.2729797

You have to be picky about buying poetry. Good publishers aren't always reliable.

>> No.2729800

Vintage tend to get the best translations of foreign classics..

>> No.2729804

Barnes and Nobles classics are fucking awesome. They're sewn in binding; they're hardcover; and they're only about $8.

>> No.2729807
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Most are paperback. Like this.

>> No.2729808



That's pre 1940s American Literature.

>> No.2729811
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>mfw my grandfather was friend with Arthur Conan Doyle

>> No.2729817

>met him in a bar once and said "good day" to him

>> No.2729825


>fucked your mother and had a bastard child

>> No.2729830

>6. Barnes & Noble Classics


>> No.2729829

OP here. So far we have

1. Norton Critical Editions
2. Modern Library Classics
3. Oxford World Classics
4. Penguin Classics
5. Everyman's Library
5. Barnes & Noble Classics

I don't have enough experience with Vintage to rank them. Any ideas?

>> No.2729838

>not including NYRB Classics

>> No.2729841

>tfw you don't own a single Norton Critical Editions book.

My favourite publishers:

Modern Library Classics = Oxford World's Classics > Penguin > Vintage = Scribner's > Signet Classics.

I don't own any Barnes & Noble.

>> No.2729840

I'd put them just below Penguin. They have nicer covers but Penguin often has better notes and translations and shit.

>> No.2729839

-100000000000000000 Wordsworth

Fuck these people are awful. I picked up a couple Dostoevysky novels for pennies, and they were from Wordsworth. Never again will I even look at one. There were typos everywhere, absent punctuation, missing letters, excessive or completely missing spaces. It was a joke.

>> No.2729847

How about Dover Thrift?
Their selection is not great, and the binding is terrible, but they are as cheap as they come.

>> No.2729853

Wordsworth is generally tolerable so long as it was originally in English, but yeah anything foreign is gonna be shit because they use shitty public domain translations.

>> No.2729856


Wordsworth make Penguin look great.

>> No.2729861

>public domain translations.

I guess that would explain it.

I know Russian, and read his stuff many many years ago so I was quite familiar with the "Russianisms" intended to be in the text, but they were all absent in this translation. I'd have to say the best English translations available for Dostoevsky are from Richard Pevear/Larissa Volokhonsky.

>> No.2729867

>doesn't own a single Norton Critical Editions book.

You should rectify this.

>> No.2729870
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Loeb, Penguin, Modern, Vintage, etc. in no particular order.

>> No.2729876
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>no wordsworth editions.

fuck your power rankings.

>> No.2729878
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..I know...

>> No.2729884
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>no title
>no "official power rankings" in blue
>no trip to insure against deletion
>bullshit publishers no-one has ever heard of
>No Arden
>No Wordsworth
>go back to sucking your dad's cock.

>> No.2729891

Everyone who've mentioned Wordsworth in this thread has called them shit. Deal with it.

>> No.2729897
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>bullshit publishers no-one has ever heard of

>> No.2729898
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Broadview editions are better than Norton Criticals, though less mainstream than Norton so they don't have as great a selection

>> No.2729904

When ordering from Amazon, how do you search for the publisher?

>> No.2729914

Put it in the search field, bro.

Like, "oliver twist penguin"

>> No.2729918
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>> No.2729944

Go to the Books department (there should be a link on the left side of their homepage). Then click Advanced Search near the top. There will be a search field for Publisher.

This >>2729914 works too, but doesn't always bring up what you're looking for.

>> No.2729995

Why are they better?

>> No.2730006

norton critical editions are obviously the best

>> No.2730022

does library of america fit into this? because I really love those

>> No.2730247


Charles Dickens walks into a bar and says "I'll have a martini, please"

The barman says "Olive or Twist?"

>> No.2730260

Are these based on the quality of the works they publish, or the releases themselves? I was gonna buy the Penguin Hardback Classics of The Great Gatsby, but are their releases no good?

>> No.2730277

OP here. I was ranking them based on the quality of the supplemental material provided, and the overall quality of the product. I'm not familiar with Penguin Classics hardcovers, but their paperbacks tend to wear out easily, and the paper isn't that great. I'd imagine the hardcovers are better, though. You should inspect one at a bookstore.

>> No.2730279

I like the old Harper Perennial Classics but the new ones are sort of gay in my opinion.

>> No.2730295

If there was a local bookstore I'd be there every day... just kind of feeling things, you know.

>> No.2730301
File: 1.68 MB, 1224x688, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell a lie, I've never seen this place before I might take a walk tomorrow though.Carribean takeaway and used books in the same place, just what I've been craving.

>> No.2730310


Everybody who worked there would hate you.


>> No.2730321

Canterbury Classics have nice editions.
I have a War and Peace from them that's really nice leatherbound.

>> No.2730322
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>Books & Caribbean Take-Away

the fuck

>> No.2730356

>Paintball, Food Storage, Violins & Band

I need this store in my life.

>> No.2730364

It looks like they deliver, too.

>> No.2730374

Your Family Still Matters.

>> No.2730375


Do they sell cowfoot soup? I would literally kill your mother for a bowl of cowfoot soup right now. If they have saltfish and ackee afterwards, then I'm prepared to wipe out your whole family and rape your mother while you watch.

I'm pretty hungry.

>> No.2730398
File: 11 KB, 225x300, !B61bRNQ!mk~$(KGrHqEOKpIEy+jC0SuoBMyfIiW(1g~~-1_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Search Of Lost Time Modern Library Edition
>Want them hardcovers
>Vol 1, 3, 5, 6 available
>No Vol 2 and 4

How come?

Don't do this to me.

>> No.2730431


>> No.2730434

You can download it this for free on Bibliotik. It's retail with chapter breaks. Thank you based god of ebooks