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/lit/ - Literature

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2729535 No.2729535 [Reply] [Original]

Tips for new University-fags leaving in the fall?

Anything you wish you knew before you went?

What helped you the most and what hurt the most?

>> No.2729543

yeah, don't waste your money getting a higher education. It's fucking worthless.

>> No.2729547

Find other people in your major as soon as you can. They'll be taking many of the same classes and you can help each other study for exams/homework/projects.

>> No.2729556

PLAN your major before you get into it, dumbfuck. Have a rough outline of what you want to do by the end of freshman year.

If you want to make friends, you'll have to make an effort. If you're on 4chan, you're probably fairly unsociable. Nobody likes an unsociable person, and in college you'll be either ignored or hated.

Look for jobs while in college, not after college when you need an income. Internships can be a great step in the door to what you want to do.

Just show up. There are no fewer fuckups in college than in high school. Oftentimes just showing up to work/volunteering/class will put you a step above the rest of your peers. Showing up consistently will put you in the top 80%.

>> No.2729567

Don't waste all of your time studying, the most important side of uni is the social; Go to bars and clubs, go to so many raves your feet blister and your ears bleed. Drink plenty of alcohol, lectures are manageable hungover. Try things for the first time. Cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy... When you pull that freak who wants to tie you up with a dressing gown chord and drip candle wax on your chest - let her. Don't waste all of your time studying. The memories formed at uni will stay with you for a lifetime. You wont remember those sleepless Sundays proofreading your essays, but you will remember those Saturday sunrises, sitting half naked on the beach with that sunkissed girl you dropped acid with. Don't waste all of your time studying - But remember to study enough so you can indulge your hedonistic desires for another year.

>> No.2729573
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>> No.2729577

Don't go for the degree, go for what you can learn.
If you're going for any kind of BA or BFA, don't count on your degree to get you a job. Be there to learn as much as you can every day. You're paying the money, be attentive, do your shit. I recently graduated and I miss being surrounded by academics. Use that time wisely, you're surrounded by resources that will be gone in four years, soak it up.

>> No.2729581

Why are you facepalming me? That's exactly what I did and I still graduated with a 1st.

>> No.2729585
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The average American college student, everyone.

>> No.2729591


>> No.2729594
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And you lot wonder why American college degrees are worthless outside the US.

>> No.2729597

My God, I can honestly say I hate you as a person.

>> No.2729598


Enjoy never mattering, non-American. Do what you want in whatever hellhole you live in.

>> No.2729620


Are you butthurt because you didn't manage to abuse the academic production line and get an Msc while setting aside ample time to enjoy yourself?
I actually felt sorry for the stressed students who studied all the time, giving me funny looks because of my lifestyle choice. I couldn't help but laugh though, when they were so obviously disgusted with the fact I graduated with them.

>> No.2729624

Doesn't matter what your GPA is, as long as you graduate in a STEM field.

>> No.2729632

I wish i knew english / literature was a mickey mouse degree before i went to uni.