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2729062 No.2729062 [Reply] [Original]

>died of AIDS
>interested in fisting
>still a better philosopher than Benedictus XVI


>> No.2729070

What does sexual orientation have to do with philosophy?

>> No.2729075

>implying sexual orientation from OP's post, thereby invalidating your implied criticism of OP's post

Who is this guy?

>> No.2729076

Absolutely nothing, but I think it's quite degrading for a Pope to be less important than a homosexual sadomasochist.

>> No.2729077
File: 21 KB, 366x367, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2013
>Doesn't know who Michael Foucault is

>> No.2729084


Hahah. Thanks guy. I'll go wiki him now.

>> No.2729088

Sexual preferences, then.
Have absolutely nothing to do with philosophy

>> No.2729143

Never heard of the guy. Somebody summarise his philosophy for me.

>> No.2729167


>> No.2729174

Power is not a centralized force represented just by the state or the government, but is a net of micropowers exercised by a series of institutions from the family to mental professionals.

>> No.2729175

The Enlightenment's appropriation of rationalism came to be a study of man which ultimately decides rather than defines what is "man," and does so in a pragmatic fashion rather than a scholarly or scientific one.

>> No.2729179
File: 9 KB, 154x205, Kojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kojak believed that crime was wrong, so decided to fight crime. Often while sucking a lolipop.

>> No.2729188


Makes sense. I like him.


Too vague. I don't like him.

I'll give this dicksocket a go, anyway. He sounds interesting.

>> No.2729192

Both of these together, really. He worked more like a historian than a philosopher, which was also a fascinating technique. In tying these two things together, he constructed a series of conclusions to support the idea of a knowledge-power relationship that poses them as inextricable and simultaneous, not causing or effecting the other. In some ways this idea mimics Kuhn's concept of the paradigm in science, but does so within the context of man's study of himself. A very, very interesting thinker.

>> No.2729202

Careful from where you start.
I say read discipline and punish first and then go into his college classes.

>> No.2729222

>tfw you could probably have had sex with him were your born 20 years earlier

>> No.2729240


Thanks, you two. Hey, /lit/ can actually be nice and helpful.

>> No.2729254

No prob, it's the kids/trolls that make it shit.

>> No.2729322

I lol'd

>> No.2729328
File: 13 KB, 350x330, hommage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people still think a practice is something in itself and judge everything they see with the limited frame that their limited practice provides in order to justify itself.

you just show how attached you are to your own culture. the point is not about discovering new things, but about being able to see the same things in a different way.

>> No.2729331

>Implying I was serious
>Implying Foucault isn't one of my favourite philosophers

>> No.2729333
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>> No.2729342

> Implying the pontificate is a philosophical office.

>> No.2729348
File: 11 KB, 220x224, i-lol'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>catholic philosophy

but also >christian philosophy



>> No.2729383

H.S. thompson is mah favorite

>> No.2729386

>favorite philosopher

>implying you know what youre talking about. go read fag. now.

>> No.2729453
File: 99 KB, 1200x1448, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I haven't used the "philosopher" title because I know him in a better way for his works on structuralism and post-structuralism, and for his recalls on Nietzsche
>Implying I don't know he's a Historian
>Implying I haven't read "The Archaeology of Knowledge" or "Discipline and Punish"

Too much implying for me. boy.

Look, even Derrida is amused by your rustling.

>> No.2729457


Pretty much the above. Foucault was enough of an intellectual badass that even John Searle liked him, and John Searle didn't like anyone in the profession who was French and born after 1925.

>> No.2729464

Foucault was a shit historian but a great philosopher.

>> No.2729796

More talk about this guy! Bump.

>> No.2729923


Man, when even Derrida is amused by your rustling, you know you done fucked up

>> No.2729929

made me laugh

>> No.2729931


Derrida will be forever tainted for me because of the tripfag of the same name. I can never read him, now. That's a shame.

>> No.2729993

>reads l'archéologie du savoir without having read les mot et les choses

confirmed for americunt that thinks reading a book is enough to understand it.

i repead, go read now. fagget.

>> No.2729998


>> No.2730020

>that feel when foucault begins speaking in godly french
>that feel when chomsky doesn't need a translation


>> No.2730035
File: 68 KB, 594x443, 1323636148693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are French people who aren't HIV-positive sadomasochists interested in fisting

>> No.2730041
File: 4 KB, 493x402, 1338612976029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lit does not read what they "discuss" about

>> No.2730045


implying bernard-henri lévy is not asexual

>> No.2730059 [DELETED] 

>reading philosophy

what's the point of reading about opinions?

>> No.2730061


That interview is pretty cute because of how young Chomsky is.

>> No.2730803

Nope, I'm italian.

>> No.2730831

Fucking this. His History of Sexuality is such a fucking mess of tenuous, unfootnoted historical links but my God if it isn't absolutely brilliant

>> No.2730838


That sounds like a really fascinating book. God damn, how did I miss out on reading him earlier? I'm rectifying my lack as of tomorrow.

>> No.2730874

Haha, Noam used to be so cute.

>> No.2731627


All right, I'm getting Discipline and Punish today. Whoo. I'll ask for the chain to import The History of Sexuality. (They probably won't have it in any of the stores.)

>> No.2731631


He did. I'd've hit it.

>> No.2731670

>implying by americunt i only reffered to people born in us soil or with an american passport

ok dont go read. you wont get shit anyway.

>> No.2731843


Yay, I've got it. ALSO got Fifty Major Philosophers by Diane Collinson and Kathryn Plant, that explains everyone from Thales of Miletus to John Rawls.

>> No.2731926

Why the second one? Doubt they cover each philosopher in any good depth.

>> No.2731996


I'll be studying legal philosophy next year, so I thought I may as well get a head start. I just want the bullet points. Most philosophies are uninteresting to me. Naturally, I'm only going to put extra time and effort into understanding those philosophies that interest me or that are relevant to my interest.

>> No.2732006


>Only some philosophies are worthy of my time.

Arrogant cunt.

>> No.2732025

i dont see the arrogance there. just the stupidity disguised in arrogance. which is even worst.

when someone says something like that it aint even worth it to answer. just let him live in his cloud. he will fall eventually.

>> No.2732031


Don't say it like that. It entails the belief in multiple kinds of wisdom, which may be contradictory, which entails difficult ontological positions.

>> No.2732037

>difficult ontological positions.

Challenge motherfucking accepted, motherfucker.

>> No.2732071

>Trying to compare Foucalt with Ratzinger
>claiming Ratzinger is a lesser philosopher
less cited? yes. Lesser philosopher? No

>> No.2732080
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>> No.2732105

Yeah, fuck them. They're just jelly that you have things to do other than read philosophy all day, every day.

>> No.2732118


I know. Which is why about the only modicum of response I can bother with is a reaction gif.

>> No.2732481
File: 26 KB, 304x512, 295067_305545376204273_1371908103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christian philosophy

but also
>almost 2013
