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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 133 KB, 410x547, toomanybooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2728662 No.2728662 [Reply] [Original]

So I just got #bookz to work, and I don't have anymore motivation to leave my house.

Why isn't this its own sticky?
Seriously this is awesome

>> No.2728664

How do you do it?

How does one into IRC?

>> No.2728669

1. get IRC (I use XChat-WDK, which is free)
2. connect to undernet.org server
3. join #bookz channel

>> No.2728674
File: 123 KB, 437x480, bibliotik screenshot[4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brah, wait until you join Bibliotik. Haven't stepped foot in a bookstore or library in 3 years now.

>> No.2728677

How do you even get an invite for that site?

>> No.2728681
File: 242 KB, 448x320, 20120125084643!The_Black_Sacrament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you wish to join Bibliotik? You wish to see someone dead? Pray, child. Pray, and let the Night Mother hear your plea.

You must perform that most profane of rituals - the Black Sacrament.
Create an effigy of the intended victim, assembled from actual body parts, including a heart, skull, bones, and flesh. Encircle that effigy with candles.
The ritual itself must then commence. Proceed to stab the effigy repeatedly with a dagger rubbed with the petals of a Nightshade plant while whispering this plea:
"Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
Then wait, child, for the Dread Father Sithis rewards the patient.You will be visited by the by a representative of Bibliotik. So begins a contract bound in blood.

>> No.2728685


I've followed your commands. Now, how the fuck do I search for books? Just type the title in?

>> No.2728692

There should be a help command in the channel. but you can do @find keyword or @seek keyword or @search keyword.
Keywords can be authors or titles etc.
Seek and search will filesend you a list of available files on the channel. You copy paste the line with the file you want into the channel.
Find is slightly different. The results will be on the left hand side from users who have the file. You just copy paste the file line into the channel.

>> No.2728695


Thanks, I've already got a shitload of pirated ebooks, and no e-reader yet. This'll probably just add to the pile

>> No.2728714

Bookz is really the greatest resource and is my go to when I can't find a book elsewhere, only a few times has a book I wanted not been available whatso ever