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/lit/ - Literature

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2725643 No.2725643 [Reply] [Original]

How much do I have to read before I can declare myself "not ignorant"?

>> No.2725647

As much as it takes you to realize you'll never not be ignorant.

>> No.2725649

something profound? on my /lit/?

>> No.2725655

Blood Meridian
Infinite Jest
Brothers Karamazov
Catch 22
Brave New Word
Gravity's Rainbow
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Catcher in the Rye
Thus Spoke Zarathoustra
Slaughter House-Five
The Stranger
Clockwork Orange
Crime and Punishment
Eeeee Eee Eeee
Fight Club
Naked Lunch
John Dies At the End
Joyce - Ulysses, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon
Identifying Wood
Brief Interviews with a Hideous Man - Wallace
Pale Fire - Nabokov
Hesse - Steppenwolf, Siddhartha
Complete Works of Harold Bloom
Borges - Ficciones, El Aleph
Great Gatsby
The Sound and the Fury
Darkness at Noon
Sons and Lovers
Grapes of Wrath
Under the Volcano
The Way of All Flesh
I, Claudius
To the Lighthouse
An American Tragedy
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Invisible Man
Native Son
Hunger Games
The Moviegoer - Percy
The Power and the Glory - Graham Greene
White Noise

>> No.2725656


Sounds like someone has been listening to Operation Ivy

All I know is that I don't know nothin!
All I know is that I don't know.
All I know is that I don't know nothing!

>> No.2725658

If you read enough, you might find that out.

>> No.2725693


Not exactly. I'm a Dead Kennedys man myself, but your quote is on point.

>> No.2725699


>> No.2725704

You are always ignorant with literature, you can only aspire to become less ignorant in specific areas of the field

>> No.2725707

or, y'know, Socrates.

>> No.2725709

Not much, just have a little Socrates in you.

>> No.2725716

The more you read, the more ignorant you realize you are/10.

It's an old maxim (usually, the more you learn, rather than "read"), but it's true as fuck.

You'll get to a point where other people may consider you intelligent, or whatever, but you won't give a fuck because your ignorance will be incredibly familiar to you.

>> No.2725720
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The more you read the more you'll realize how insignificant you are. You'll also have to come to terms with the knowledge that the period you live in—your life and memories—will very soon be history.

Books are nothing but a continuous example of how ephemeral human life is. We always think we're the best and smartest since we're alive in the present, but those living in the future will one day look down on us as ignorant, as we do those from the past.

>> No.2725796

1000 books.

>> No.2725804


>Implying it's possible to not be ignorant.

The only useful knowledge in the world is the fact that you are ignorant. Keep reading until you realize it.

>> No.2725826

This. I remember the day it happened. I'm not sure how I feel about it.