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/lit/ - Literature

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2725054 No.2725054 [Reply] [Original]

>"He reads books...in his spare time!"

>> No.2725056


>> No.2725057

That picture's been around for years. Those women will have been impregnated and consequently ruined - aesthetically and vaginally.

>> No.2725059

You know, /lit/ is one of the easiest boards on 4chan to troll, and you've made a piss poor job of it. 0/10.

>> No.2725063

>"He always carries books around and reads by himself. Wow what a nerd. I bet he's a virgin."

>> No.2725065

If we are so easy to troll, then how come nobody is getting trolled?

>> No.2725066


>easy to troll

/lit/ is one of the hardest boards to troll

>> No.2725069

>dat delusion
So many 200 post threads come from "female authors", "continentals a shit" and other bullshit.

>> No.2725076

This is hardly a trolling attempt. Seems more like tongue-in-cheek, poking-fun-at-ourselves sort of humor.

>> No.2725077


>It's actually undergraduates posting their sincere opinions

>> No.2725081

Sad but true.

>> No.2725089

/lit/ is stultifyingly easy to troll. I've never seen people so credulous, on the internet.

>> No.2725103

>girls laughing at you for reading books
No thanks. You aren't the kind of girls I want to spend any amount of time with.
Go invest some more of daddy's money on some vacuous overpriced "big named" handbag. That should keep you happy, for a little while at least, with your unimaginably boring existence

>> No.2725105

summerfags every fucking where

>> No.2725112
File: 15 KB, 339x319, 1287325739349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reinforcing the /lit/ stereotype

>> No.2725119
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my god, like what is he doing?
>It looks like he's reading or something.
>Is that, like, a book?
>Oh my god what a fucking loser!
>I can't believe he would read where someone could see him!
>He's obviously, like, a virgin.
>That is SO gross. Like, oh my god.

>> No.2725120

My pleasure.
Now for my next trick, I'll fist a reindeer.

>> No.2725121

A few posters making a lot of noisy posts is not equal to 'the board getting epic trolled'.

Why are you here?

>> No.2725122


Equating materialism with boredom is stupid, stop being stupid. Anyway, don't you know that most of the figures whom this board idealises lived terribly boring lives?

>> No.2725123

>"actually I write them"

And from thereon the game was mine.

>> No.2725127


>fist a reindeer


>> No.2725131
File: 53 KB, 400x266, fan2015297[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not naming the girls
>"so lazy Odaratia!"
>"I know right Tucks Medicated Pad!?"

>> No.2725132

lol this guy thinks /lit/ has integrity or something.
no. /lit/ is trollbait, plain and simple.
i can't for the life of me think why you believe otherwise.
what a massive faggot.

>> No.2725133


that isn't even cogent. Go be a moron somewhere else

>> No.2725135

>I've been reading Eugene Onegin by Pushkin, it's an awesome novel in verse about a moody Russian minor-noble
>Oh that's cool anon, what class are you reading it for?
>I'm not reading it for a class...
>Then why are you reading it?
>For pleasure...

True story.

>> No.2725147
File: 85 KB, 353x332, 1333017781286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''Careful around that one... he reads books......for fun.''

>> No.2725265
File: 26 KB, 304x380, stock-photo-8968957-cute-girl-laughing-with-hands-over-her-mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''Oh my god...he's reading Finnegan's Wake...in public!''

>> No.2725281

I wasn't aware there was a back that went by that name. This song is good though:

>> No.2725285



Considering the entire point of the book is the play on language, you'd thing people would at least get the title right when making fun of it.