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/lit/ - Literature

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2724462 No.2724462 [Reply] [Original]

So, if we have TAR and a rather small userbase, of which a significant portion are amateur writers, how come a circle of writers hasn't formed? Like a cahiers du cinema type thing? It seems like it would pop up naturally.

>> No.2724467

Seems that way, huh?

>> No.2724468

I am intredasted in this.

>> No.2724469

Because this is 4chan.

>> No.2724470

do we have a small userbase?

>> No.2724472

The board is slow for a reason.

Look at /p/, it's not impossible. Or are you referring to the anonymity?

>> No.2724474

What's TAR?

>> No.2724476



>> No.2724477

The April Reader. It's a pretty well done online magazine that came from /lit/. theaprilreader.org

>> No.2724481

because we're anonymous

>> No.2724486

muumuu crowd has no talent either, but they exist.

>> No.2724484

because no talent.

>> No.2724487

>pretty well done
It's mediocre. It is presented well though.

>> No.2724490

A community of writers would be glorious, OP. But because of anonymity, /lit/ is filled with angry teens who would just attack everything rather then helpfully contribute to the improvement of it.

-Wonderful idea.
"That fucking sucks faggot, are you retarded you stupid cunt..."

If we could form an external community I could see it working though.

>> No.2724495

This guy again.

I'd be interested in joining a group like this. How would we organise it though? There was that forum that was made a little while ago for /lit/, but that kind of got forgotten about. It could also be done via Goodreads or something.

Just a few thoughts. Gotta go eat now so sorry if I don't reply to anything.

>> No.2724499

Yeah, but we wouldn't really be /lit/, now would we? I was considering reappropiating the tinychat idea from the tripfag circles or maybe setting up an irc server, but that doesn't sound like it would work either. Optimally I'd like a mailing list, because it's not in real time and it's direct, I mean, everyone checks their mail, but not everyone has a goodreads and all the baggage attached to that. Failing that, setting up a forum would be lame, free forums always die, so I'm not quite sure what to do even if people were to take to the idea.

>> No.2724501

I would be horrendously embarrassed if my work was anywhere in the vicinity of the stuff you publish.

I like the little animation of a naked icarus/apollo (who ever that is supposed to be), and the structure is clean and neat, but the content you post is absolute garbage: truly horrendous.

You editors seem to really love shitty poetry too, and your philosophy for selecting them is the more cock n' balls the better.

I thought TAR was on life support and terminally, I wish it would have died long ago.

>> No.2724502

No one in the thread has mentioned any ties to TAR.

>> No.2724506

>Implying anyone but TAR people would create a thread about TAR.

>> No.2724507

perhaps they publish the best that they receive. start contributing if you think it would be an improvement

>> No.2724508

why would someone from TAR make a thread asking for something that would essentially be its competition?

>> No.2724513

I made it, and it's not about TAR, and I don't have anything to do with it. I'm just curious how something that seems like it would pop up naturally hasn't happened.

>> No.2724514

Did you actually read beyond the first nine words of the OP statement?
>how come a circle of writers hasn't formed? Like a cahiers du cinema type thing? It seems like it would pop up naturally.

I tried organizing a group like this once. Failed miserably. You might have a shot with tinychat but the wankery would be through the roof

go for it OP

>> No.2724517

How do mailing lists really work? It could be kinda cool.

>> No.2724520

It's like a threaded conversation within a mass-sent email, and everyone in the list receives every reply.

>> No.2724521


Well I guess that could be better than IRC. I'd probably join a /lit/ one.

>> No.2724527

IRC is fine if people come everyday and there's some kind of base to post your works at. If you guys want that I can whip something up real quick.

>> No.2724531

Mass mailing lists won't work after a month. Trust me, nobody gets into it enough.The best way to run it this would be a weekly or twice-monthly meeting. Y'know, writers circle stuff where people stick around for 1-2 hours and everyone goes over the other pieces

You will get authors who are less skilled than others. You will have to accommodate these authors if you hope to last. It can't be helped

>> No.2724532


Yeah I'd go there if other people show up too.

>> No.2724533

Mailing list would be better than IRC for this kind of thing.
The discussion can easily go on with pauses of a few days and you can actually write extensive critiques.

Go for it, faggot.

>> No.2724535


Yeah that's what I'm thinking.

>> No.2724536

How about an IRC + an open FTP server with a bot on the channel to upload things there?

>> No.2724550

That could work. Here's a quick base of operations for now.



We can change the name of the channel easily, it's just that there already exists a #/lit/

>> No.2724560

Because every time we try to set something up outside of /lit/ it fails horribly. Case in point:


It survived for less than a week.

>> No.2724593


>> No.2724645

Okay guys, here's the lowdown on the /lit/ writing group.

Our IRC Channel: #/lit/writers @ rizon

Mibbit Link: http://www.mibbit.com/#/lit/writers@irc.rizon.net

Scribophile Group: http://www.scribophile.com/groups/lit/

We meet every Friday at 9 PM EST to discuss how your writing went for the week. Every other day is general /lit/ discussion. Can talk about the book you're reading or what you're working on. The irc channel is laid back so as long as it's on topic you should be fine.

Down the road we're looking to organize some weekly writing challenges, but right now we just need at least 10 people. We've got five right now so we're half way there.

>> No.2724655

>We meet every Friday at 9 PM EST
Some of us have social lives bub

>> No.2724669
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run while you still can

>> No.2724671

not many though.

>> No.2724672

You can still come in every other day of the week and probably find someone willing to give you some feedback (me).

>> No.2724719

>Social lives


>> No.2724741

When I first got here I posted a few bits of my work looking for pointers. I got mostly trolls, claiming it was the worst thing they have ever read. One guy even said he was going to submit it to a magazine that has a bad literature section or something like that (I wonder if that even exists?). Now, I know I'm far from the best, I may even go as far as to say amateur, but I'm not THAT bad.

Anyway, weeding through the trolls I did get a few tidbits of advice that have helped me out. Most amateurish writers such as myself will probably take the trolling or general criticism too personally and get scared off though. Well, that's my theory anyway.

>> No.2724766

You must have been bad.

The one time I posted something people said it was pretty good.

>> No.2725032


>> No.2725042

>/lit/ - Delusions of Grandeur

Why don't you fucking print it out and ask a friend? Oh, wait . . .

>> No.2725044

> Most amateurish writers such as myself will probably take the trolling or general criticism too personally and get scared off though
That's the idea, if you're that shitty it's already game over for you. What really annoys me about the writing that gets posted on /lit/ is that most of it clearly hasn't been checked and revised by the writer. The last thing I want to see when I click of /lit/ is sub-fanfic levels of prose

>> No.2725060

>wanting to be judged by a small group of pedantic teens who will compare you to Kafka without context.

>> No.2725061

Yeah, one of the things that is most discouraging is the commonality of threads like "Hey /lit/ I've never written anything in my life and I don't like reading much but could you please read and criticize my poetry/fiction?". I know that might not necessarily represent the majority of the board, but I can't say it gives me a good feeling.

Anyway, I've barely written anything since finishing my damn creative writing degree, so I really shouldn't be bitching.

>> No.2725068

>since finishing my damn creative writing degree
What was that like? My options for English electives next year all include some form of creative writing and I have no idea what to expect having never done anything remotely creative in my life

>> No.2725100

A typical class:

You are assigned to read some short stories or poetry, which will be discussed for a portion of the class. Then, a student's work is critiqued and discussed by the class and teacher together.

I mean, if you're in there because you have to fulfill an elective requirement, don't feel too intimidated -- people will be happy as long as you show up and give a shit about the class.

>> No.2725500

Bumpan again

>> No.2725661

i'm keen, but i'm a published TAR writer, and you all seem to hate me

>> No.2725668

cool dog. what issue and what did you write?

>> No.2725675


the latest one, 'the elderly'

>> No.2725681


fuck, reading over it now, so much i want to change...

>> No.2725683

haven't read it, but did not one of the editors go through a revision process with you before it was published?

>> No.2725687

And this is one of the main reasons why TAR is ridiculed (the other being that only the writers actually read it)

>> No.2725692


they did, an extensive one, really helpful in fact. but i feel like i ignored the flow of the prose too much. but i won't say anything more, don't want to go off topic.

>> No.2725849

As if being a beginner should be enough to shun an author for life.

Give me a fucking break. You want to know what the real problem on /lit/ is? Bunch of stuck-ups who can't be bothered to critique relative to author skill level. Arrogantly running all over the kidlets work doesn't "toughen them up", it "breaks their self esteem". But of course you're not guilty of anything like that, and even if you were they obviously deserve it!

No /lit/. You are the problem, and I pity the lambs who waste time throwing content straight into the meat grinder

>> No.2725853

As if anyone gives a shit about your feelings, the less crap on /lit/ the better

>> No.2725856

I haven't been coming to /lit/ that much recently, but when I was here more often, the problems were more "plz critique wot i wrote in 5 mins" where critique means something like "tell me I'm the next Hemingway". The vast majority of work posted here is no good because no effort has been put in.

>> No.2725868

Don't play this off like you're not responsible for this you cunt. I'd rather have the board doing something creative than collectively rotting away for a handful of regulars. Look at /tg/, ten times better than /lit/ even at the good days. Generally because they are more accepting of OC.

Fuck you and your kin. You bring this board to ruin

Yeah, I'm really not defending all of the shit that gets posted. I'm attacking the pricks who constantly prattle around trying to use said threads as an opportunity to lord over knaves. It irks me

>> No.2725875

> Look at /tg/, ten times better than /lit/ even at the good days.
>that guy thread
>awesome shit you did
>loads of game threads which rarely pan out
>nothing else because of moderation
All day every day, how fantastic

>Generally because they are more accepting of OC.
Come back when any of this fabled /lit/ OC is actually literature and not sub-fanfiction levels of writing

>> No.2725876

>I'm attacking the pricks who constantly prattle around trying to use said threads as an opportunity to lord over knaves.
I think it's those same people who post the no effort crap. Both require high levels of arrogance.

>> No.2725899

>oh noes I can't shitpost MODS ARE SO CRUELL </3

Get out
you little bitch

>> No.2725939

Literature is not "good writing", it's "writing".
How do people not get this?
This board, man.

>> No.2725941


/lit/ is crawling with mouth-breathers

>> No.2726364

Why are you guys complaining about stuff and not joining us?


>> No.2728315

Bumping again

>> No.2728351

I didn't read through the thread, but if a group has been formed and there's some sort of outside link, can someone redirect me to it?

>> No.2728369

Our IRC Channel: #/lit/writers @ rizon

Mibbit Link: http://www.mibbit.com/#/lit/writers@irc.rizon.net

Scribophile Group: http://www.scribophile.com/groups/lit/

Have patience and stick around on the irc

>> No.2730572
