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/lit/ - Literature

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2723481 No.2723481 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey anon, what changes the nature of a man?

>> No.2723486


>> No.2723485

I can't say, but it's certainly not a triad of solid 5.7s seated on a couch.

>> No.2723489

Social stimuli and brain chemicals.

>> No.2723491

Hey Chief, you playin corpse or you puttin the blinds on the dusties?

>> No.2723487

Man has no concrete nature to speak of, what changes the nature of A Man is a function of the sum collection of all their reactions to all their conscious experience, and then an unexpected challenge to those experiences.

So, threesome?

>> No.2723499

You've been spoiled

>> No.2723503


Perhaps. My standards are rather high, I guess.

>> No.2723505

same. thats why im still a virgin

>> No.2723510


I can't say the same. It's fortunate for me there are solid 8s and 9s out there who share my passion for literature

>> No.2723511

nice, i dont read so maybe thats the problem

>> No.2723512


That is a problem. Get on it. Check the sticky.

>> No.2723518

speaking of which, did alot of people on /lit/ play planescape torment? or any of the forgotten realms games?

yes i know this isnt /v/ but still alot of the older forgotten realm games have quite good dialogue in them

>> No.2723521

t-thanks i will

>> No.2723728
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>> No.2723730


Excessive porn has ruined your labido. Enjoy your impotence.

>> No.2723733

what is that?

>> No.2723738

that which changes the nature of a man

>> No.2723740

Nothing. We're an adaptable species.

>> No.2723744

it's not. metanoia is the change, dumbass.

>> No.2723748
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>nature impossible to change
>"We're an adaptable species"

>> No.2723750

>trying too hard after reading the wikipedia entry.


>> No.2723752

you act like i posted something contradictory but I didn't.


metanoia is the change, not what provoked it. god you're a dumbass trying to be profound

>> No.2723753
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>> No.2723759

lol no surprise you are the one who posted those two things. please check your logic.

>> No.2723771

>lol you're wrong
>can't explain how or why

yeah, you know there's nothing wrong with what I said.

>> No.2723776

>implying you are able to understand the explanation

yeah you are right and im wrong.
dont worry i can live with that.

>> No.2723788

you don't even have an explanation.

>> No.2723799
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yeah im an evil troll fighting the truth

>> No.2723986


>> No.2724370

>surrounding architecture

>> No.2724382

I am a big WRPG fan

Black Isle had the best games. Early Bioware was acceptable too. Obsidian is good, but hit and miss because they get so overambitious sometimes.

Mostly I miss Troika. Tim Cain really is a WRPG genius. You can tell he genuinely wants to revolutionize the interactivity of CRPGs, but gets bogged down at every turn. I hope Wasteland 2 goes well.

>> No.2724392

explain. come on. go.

>> No.2724415


probably the best answer itt. death and perhaps genitalia. ahh you know i'm right, bitches.

>> No.2724428
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Everything changes all the time. Man doesn't have a nature as in posession, he is a certain way which he simply is. So the nature of a man can't change in itself, the specific man changes and what he is is synonymous to his nature.

>> No.2725303


>> No.2725312


Haha, yeah, no. I just find a certain caliber of girl attractive. Porn actresses rarely fit into said category.

>> No.2725443

I was told not to trust you by... the writing on the wall. Fuck off

>> No.2725449

I howled with laughter.

>> No.2725453


>> No.2725466


>> No.2725479
File: 22 KB, 350x271, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The means of production of society. Now suck my dick.

>> No.2725489

Hi again Brittany. Still no light for that smoke?

>> No.2725490 [DELETED] 
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