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2722781 No.2722781 [Reply] [Original]

The bible was written by uneducated people

>> No.2722789
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>> No.2722798

Wait, what the fuck was that supposed to be?
You deconstructed your religion, the justified being religious because your parents are so it's convenient?

>> No.2722835

More likely most books of the Bible are the intercultural project between the educated and uneducated population of Hebrews, though of course the writing of the texts would by necessity be done by the educated.

>> No.2722841
File: 23 KB, 400x400, that-feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw new atheists think the Bible was written by illiterate goat herders and generally have no clue what they're talking about

>> No.2722844

OP here

This was written by someone who attends Harvard.

The future of America.

>> No.2722851

You should ask for a refund. They are clearly failing to educate you.

>> No.2722853

>that feel when you took several courses in biblical studies in university

>that feel when you hear angry teenagers say the Bible was written by uneducated goat herders

>that feel when they don't realize Isaiah, Solomon, the scribes that assembled the final books, etc, were all immensely better read than they will ever be and had a deeper understanding of literature and poetry than they will ever have.

>> No.2722856

I'm not the one who wrote it. Just read it and thought it was funny. The person claimed to be in Harvard as a defense to their argument.

>> No.2722858


Go listen to some KJV Book of John or Ecclesiastes and tell me that isn't so beautiful shit.

>> No.2722863

They could read and write and organize long works of literature. They were by no means uneducated, and only people who know nothing of history would believe that.

>> No.2722870
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>Educating people

>> No.2722886
File: 77 KB, 1387x407, genesis11chiasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What always astounds me is the chiastic structure of not just small units in the bible but of entire fucking books.

This image shows a chiasm in a short passage from Genesis. What blew my fucking mind once was seeing an outline of the ENTIRE BOOK of Song of Solomon as a chiasm. I wish I could find an outline of that, I'd post it here for everyone. I can't believe the amount of artistic and literary skill required to do that.

>> No.2722917
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>better read than we will ever be in ancient books and poetry we'll never read because the works weren't preserved.

>and the library of alexandria burnt to the ground


>image is relevant. It's the ancient world's equivalent of scholars and doctoral students of literature reading scrolls in the Library of Alexandria

>not that I'd read boring old Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek poetry anyway. jpg

>> No.2722966


I didn't even know about that. Thank you for educating me. I'm definitely going to look into this more.

>> No.2722980

>hurr durr bible made by dumb goatherds
>not by priests and religious lawyers and scholars, who built and perfected it over centuries
>also implying every outback rustic goatherd could read and write, and just made this shit up one day.

durr me atheist me smrts!

>> No.2722987
File: 124 KB, 573x572, OH GAWD HUR DUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>HUR dur Xristians burned down Alekzandria, Carl Sagan and Agora told me so

Every time.

>> No.2722991

I always fucking hate this type of shit.
Yes, there is a oral tradition that predates the bible, but the codification of it is no small feat.

To imagine that those who could read and write were not the utter elite in societies until comparatively recently is to be historically as well as theologically illiterate.

I find it like calling Elias Lontrott a dumb ass because he finally codified Finnish folk tales into the Kalavala and gave the finns a literary (as well as cultural) identity.

>> No.2722995



Dat fucking movie ...

>> No.2723000
File: 619 KB, 1298x2130, Hypatia_(Charles_William_Mitchell).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's Fox nooz's take on this?

>> No.2723002


Caesar burnt down Alexandria....

>> No.2723010

Rather one of his ships caught fire and part of it was burned down.

Alexandria's burning did not happen all at once, and was a series of events. I don't think you could hold one group wholly responsible.


Whore deserved to be skinned alive by church tiles and burned because she was.... an astronomer pagan bitch? i got nothing, sorry.

>> No.2723014

She got involved in a political feud and was killed. Shit happens.

>> No.2723032


I won't lie and say that the first time I watched it I only got mad at it for technical details (like the inaccurate dress people and soldiers wore) and the depiction of the destruction of the Library and Serapaeum.

However as I read more into the history of it I fucking loath it and every aspect of it. They made Hypatia into some kind of 4th century female Carl Sagan "I believe in science" (which she actually says in the fucking thing) type, when she was actually as pagan as they came, and guys like Bishop Cyril were opportunist assholes (who, by the way, tried to used to communivate with Hypatia about issues of science and astronomy, but his former teacher wouldn't reply). They didn't do this in the film, but it was also apparently suggested that there was a scene in which Hypatia fingered herself while looking at the sky and thinking about the Cosmos because she "loves science so much durr XD"

So yeah, fuck that film.

I mad

>> No.2723038 [DELETED] 

The Bible was absolutely not written by uneducated people. Knowledge and literacy was and still is highly valued in Jewish culture. I highly doubt your source is currently attending Harvard especially considering hir style and prose.

>> No.2723052 [DELETED] 

>Either the bible is true or it isn't

>dat composition division

Some "scholar"

>> No.2723069

I love how absolutist these assholes are.

"either the bible is true or its not, and its not because i say so!"

>> No.2723070

That is the dichotomy imposed by proponents of biblical inerrancy. If there is one error then the entire system falls apart.

>> No.2723082

I like C.S. Lewis' view of scripture. As a literary scholar he recognized all the different genres present in the Bible: poetry, historical narrative, wisdom literature, etc. If all of these genres can be inspired by God why not mythology?

He believed in evolution and believed Genesis was the inspired word of God, as well.

Try explaining that to a fundamentalist, though, and they're all, "But.. then you're SAYING ITS NOT TRUE!! IT DIDNT REALLY HAPPEN!!"

"Well, not literally, but, as a Christian, I believe that it's theologically true, about the fall and stuff."


*palm to face*

>> No.2723090

>that feel when they don't realize Isaiah, Solomon, the scribes that assembled the final books, etc, were all immensely better read than they will ever be and had a deeper understanding of literature and poetry than they will ever have.

These aren't the books that receive the most attention. The books that are continually carted out and touted as being necessary for the understanding of humanity are very much goat-herder fodder.

>> No.2723095


What are you talking about

>> No.2723107
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>> No.2723119

The bible isn't held up as a literary masterpiece, it's held up as a historical book that details the origin of the universe, human beings, and religious meaning.

Nobody has any problem with people treating the bible as a work of literature.

>> No.2723125

I'm suprised that it managed to maintain these properties post-translation

>> No.2723130

Note the abscence of any science in that sentence.

lawyers and scholars are not respectable people nor professions.