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2722688 No.2722688 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Harold Bloom have a rivalry with DFW?

>> No.2722693

HB was a west coast nigger and DFW was east coast and getting up all over his shit. everyone knows HB had DFW killed over that diss in Infinite Jest, that shit was fucked up.

>> No.2722702

pretty much this

>> No.2722704

hahaha, Bloom does have the silhouette of Biggie, and DFW always wore a bandana. Fuckin G's man.

>> No.2722754

Rivalry? Bloom said like three sentences about the guy.

>> No.2722757
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where da hood at

>> No.2722755

Do you think David Foster Wallace is Gnostic enough for Bloom, /lit/?

>> No.2722763

Asked about novelist David Foster Wallace, who took his own life in 2008, but who has a new book out, “The Pale King: An Unfinished Novel,” put together from manuscript chapters and files found in his computer, Bloom says, “You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ [regarded by many as Wallace’s masterpiece] is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.”

It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards. He was upset in 2003 when the National Book Award gave a special award to Stephen King. “But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him. I even resented the use of the term from Shakespeare, when Hamlet calls the king’s jester Yorick, ‘a fellow of infinite jest.’

>> No.2722787

>But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace.

This eternal butthurt. He must really miss his butt

>> No.2722799


I went to the store today to buy a book recommended by /lit/ to read.

Saw Infinite Jest, Lolita and Blood Meridian.

Went with Blood Meridian. After reading that Bloom quote, I've lost a lot of interest in Infinite Jest. That book was massive.

>> No.2722810

IJ endnote:
366 Sounding rather suspiciously like Professor H. Bloom's turgid studies of artistic influenza — though it's unclear how either Flood- or dead-ancestor discussions have any connection to S. Peterson's low-budget classic The Cage, which is mostly about a peripatetic eyeball rolling around, other than the fact that J. O. Incandenza loved this film and stuck little snippets of it or references to it just about anywhere he could; maybe the 'disjunction' or 'disconnection' between the screen's film and Ph.D.'s scholastic discussion of art is part of the point.a

a. (Which of course assumes there's a point.)

>> No.2722825

If I was Bloom, I'd shit on an author who said that about me.

>> No.2723555

>But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace.

And then Bloom lost his credibility.
There's discernible senile dementia.

>> No.2723568


>After reading that Bloom quote, I've lost a lot of interest in Infinite Jest

Ignore him. That quote's the biggest blunder of his career.

>> No.2723575

god, bloom is a sack of shit for saying that. did he get dissed for it?

>> No.2723592

Bloom was exactly right on DFW. He just said it at an inopportune time.

In fifty years, DFW will be forgotten and no one will bother to ask men of Bloom's distinction questions about him.

>> No.2723594
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DFW's going to be remember for a long, long time, to the chagrin of Bloom and those like yourself.

>> No.2723595



>> No.2723600

I thought Bloom killed Stephen King

>> No.2723632

DFW is a well-polished Chuck Palahniuk. I'm with Bloom on this one.

>> No.2723636

>a well-polished palahniuk
You're going to have to expand on that.

>> No.2723643


Yes, please, do go on. I fear you have scant idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2723655

Expanding briefly: DFW has some good insight into people but lacks poetic spirit.

I'm actually in bed already so I don't feel like digging up my copy of IJ to cite passages, but some are just bad (as well as numerous wordings). I'd say Infinite Jest is still a pretty solid read, but it's quite lacking, and while someone studying the period decades later is likely to study IJ, I don't see it holding up its esteem.

>> No.2723656


And Lo, for the Earth was empty of Form, and void. And Darkness was all over the Face of the Deep. And We said: 'Look at that fucker Dance.

>> No.2723658


Yes, like that.

>> No.2723659


I love that quote, along with many others. But picking out quotes isn't good for argument on either side.

I think the great thing about his work is its honesty and lack of irony. He wasn't as great an offbeat storyteller as, say, Pynchon, but he has his place among the finest. He's probably the greatest author of the 90's, imo, and IJ's damned good. I don't find him lacking poetic spirit, though his style's awkwardness can be off-putting, even if it is intentioned.

In short: to each his own.

>> No.2723669
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Every time.

>> No.2723671
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The greatest author of the 90s is Jonathan Lethem.

>> No.2723675
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I know that feel.

>> No.2723688


Perhaps it's distasteful, but I appreciate people who don't gild their thoughts merely for propriety's sake.

>> No.2723725

DFW's prose is painful to read. The guy had no sense of rhythm whatsoever.

>> No.2723726

he doesn't have a rivalry. he has an opinion like everyone

>> No.2723801

He got butthurt because DFW (like all intelligent readers and writers) doesn't respect him.