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/lit/ - Literature

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2719804 No.2719804 [Reply] [Original]

4chan /lit/:

A place where most of the people start threads about talking about talking about literature without actually talking about literature. Where people like talking about reading more than actually reading. Where people never use words like "themes, motifs, symbols, or literary theory". Where people pretend to like texts that are either literally incomprehensible in the traditional sense, or contain obscene and truly disgusting content. Where people ask for endless recommendations, yet never actually read them, yet still keep asking for other recommendations.

Enjoy it while you can roaches: your time draws nigh.

Let a new era commence!

>> No.2719815

allow, me, sir, to present my counterargument:

your gay

>> No.2719819

/lit/ has always been shit, even back when I used to use the BBS text board on here. These kids think they can come here with all these ideas in their heads that they are going to change things for the better, then they get disillusioned and leave in a week.

Go away you fucking moron.

>> No.2719884

You've won the battle this night roaches, but the war rages on.

>> No.2720717


>> No.2720719

Christ, you care so much about other people's reading habits. It reeks of insecurity.

>> No.2720720

>themes, motifs, symbols
>Where people pretend to like texts that are either literally incomprehensible in the traditional sense, or contain obscene and truly disgusting content.

Pleb spotted

>> No.2720721
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>Where people never use words like "themes, motifs, symbols, or literary theory".

oh my god he's 13

>> No.2720725


He is a pleb. He doesn't read any of the books or authors he pretends to disdain. He's a tryhard with a tired gimmick. Ignore him, please.

>> No.2720771

Oh you guys, don't spoil this young mans fun. He's just discovered something new! Let him enjoy being a know it all until he realizes he's a pleb himself. Its part of the growing up experience.

There, there OP. Don't be put down by these big bad adults.

>> No.2720776

Sure thing "old man", why don't you go off and enjoy your books about shit-heating and skull fucking somewhere else.


>> No.2720780

>I'm from the suburbs, books must be about nice things.

>> No.2721233
File: 321 KB, 645x359, who will fight with me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who will fight with me!?!?

>> No.2721243

Kill yourself

Although roach slayer, I should ask, what is your opinion of philosophy threads?

>> No.2721247

Show me respect, courtesy, and love, and then I may tell you.

>> No.2721254
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Oh look, roachboy is back. Stop shitting up /lit/ maggot.

>> No.2721261

I'm flattered that you'd cheaply imitate me for attention.

>> No.2721266

>Literary Theory

What is so bad about theory Roach-Slayer? Have you ever even read any lit theory or tried studying it? It really isn't as bad as you think.

>> No.2721269
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I'm just taking as stand, princess.

>Show me respect, courtesy, and love...
In all honesty, demanding respect, courtesy, and love, for trying to censor books on a literature board is the most retarded thing I have heard in a long time.

>> No.2721275

he's a fourteen year old rebelling against the establishment. give him time, he'll fade away, like so many other obnoxious attention whores of yore.

>> No.2721292

What?!? What are you guys talking about? I'm pro-literary theory (within practical contexts).

>> No.2721315

Do you Americans get the words themes and motifs tattooed on your forehead when you begin primary education or something? Because they're always used whenever some little shite wants to whine because people discuss stuff they don't personally enjoy.

>> No.2721360

Don't forget symbols. It's all about symbols.

>> No.2721398


How do you have discussions about literature without examining themes or motifs? Or symbols, for that matter. How do you enjoy books while ignoring those?

>> No.2721411

Don't respond to him.
Don't give him the attention he craves.

>> No.2721416

Symbols are a bad way to approach literature because very few authors effectively use them and when they use them unless we have letter and interviews where they state what are those symbols representing it's hard to seriously decipher them.

Themes and motifs have the problem that make literary criticism too much plot centric, when a lot literature is about structures, concepts, solutions, and commentary on the art form.

>> No.2721476


So you don't disagree with the way literature is discussed, you just don't understand it at all.

"Symbolism is too subjective and uncertain" is what ignorant people have been saying as long as literature has existed. Part of understanding literature is being able to determine when the author is trying to tell you something. You don't understand literature if you refuse to read anything other than the literal text.

Literature is about whatever it is about. If the author makes use of themes and motifs, you should probably pay attention to those as well. Certainly it's pointless to focus only on those two facets of writing, but to write them off is equally moronic. Authors include plot for a reason. They don't write anything that they hope you will ignore.

I hope you're not the halfwit that was talking about Americans and their obsession with motifs and themes. I would rather, in that case, be an American, if it meant being able to understand literature better.

>> No.2721492

>bitches don't know about new criticism and deconstructionism