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File: 573 KB, 548x599, A_Game_of_Thrones_Novel_Covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2716699 No.2716699 [Reply] [Original]

The truth be told I need to Lurk Moar, as I'm sure this is a frequent topic on /lit/, but are these good?? I'd like an opinion on the books themselves without getting to deep into the show.

>> No.2716704

The lot of the most recent couple books rambles a little.

Other than that, yes. Lots of random lesbian sex and attempted rapes for your reading pleasure. Also, a guy gets his dick skinned and a little girl becomes a ninja.

>> No.2716705

First three are great. Second half of the fourth book is good, first half is shit. Fifth one is meh.

>> No.2716710

OP here, thinking Audiobook instead of actually reading. Thoughts?

>> No.2716715

>guy gets his dick skinned
I'm on the fifth book and when the fuck did that happen?

>> No.2716717


Mariah swamp

Fat pink mast

You'll see

>> No.2716718


*myrish swamp

>> No.2716722

i don't think anyone here would defend the value of reading ASOIAF on your own

personally i'm preferential toward audiobooks for dialogue-heavy books. my imagination sucks with dialogue, i can only do a small handful of voices in my head, and they're all read in the same basic fast, monotonous voice that sounds suspiciously like my own inner voice. this is as opposed to a professional voice actor with a lot of reading experience and a widely varied range.

>> No.2716730

These books read like a thirteen year old boy wrote them.

>> No.2716731

OP here, I'd recommend the Millennium trilogy, read by Simon Vance, and American Psycho read by Nick Landrum. Especially American Psycho, from what you said you'd love it

>> No.2716733


The Millenium trilogy is and was godawful trash trying to push a bullshit agenda.

>> No.2716737

I loved reading (well, listening) to it

>> No.2716738


None of the books you recommended is any good. Play the game of life again please.

>> No.2716741

I enjoyed Game Of Thrones, though I wasn't dazzled by it like many others were.

Then I read Clash of Kings and boy was it a slog. Lots of moving around without getting anywhere, two big battles subverted by lolmagic, and agonizing political intrigue that didn't amount to anything.

I couldn't bring myself to read the 72,000 page Storm of Swords. If GRRM just wrote about Arya, Tyrion, Jon, and Dany, it'd be a much leaner and more enjoyable series.

>> No.2716745

Sorry you fell that way, I loved them all

>> No.2716763

Since this is a half-discussion of audiobooks, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy read by Stephen Fry is wildly entertaining.

But, yeah, I just recently got back into reading and A Game of Thrones has taken me a long time. Mostly because I don't read for pleasure at college, but that book is dense. It's interesting though.

>> No.2716767
File: 69 KB, 273x240, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read em all, they're pretty good though the rabid fandom is enough to make me denounce them forever just about.

Reading through WoT currently. Enjoying it much more.

>> No.2716802

Lannister's and Littlefinger is the only reason I still read these books. And good lord, Dany is so boring. Fuck, wish I could just skip all her POV.

>> No.2716832

I'd give the series a light 7/10.

Storm of Swords was arguably a 9/10, but the series is parabolic in quality (GoT and DwD are far worse than people make it out to be).

>> No.2716835


>> No.2716846

have any of you just picked one character and just read from their pov? I wonder if any of them can stand alone