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2716506 No.2716506 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Is one born with autism or is it something you catch like an illness except it's permanent?

Because I was listening to some anti-vaccination pseudo-physicians talking about autism as if it's something caused by environmental factors. They always use autism as a reason to be against vaccines.

>> No.2716509
File: 29 KB, 640x480, AH-HAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sage, but I really want you to see mfw

>> No.2716510

is it something one's catches*

shit, bad grammar. sorry about that

>> No.2716516
File: 80 KB, 960x721, 1338810262752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ahem*. We have a sign, faggot.

>> No.2716519

Very heritable.


>> No.2716522

And if vaccines did cause autism, why doesn't every child that has been vaccinated have autism?

There has to be genetic component

>> No.2716531

I read up on this a few years ago, so my info a little out of date but as I recall physicians are still divided on just what causes autism. A fair number believe its genetic in origin, citing autistic-spectrum traits in the parents of autistic children. Some people blame environmental causes like household chemicals, pollution, vaccines, etc etc. /sci/ might have more accurate and up to date information on this topic though.

The vaccines people are probably full of crap.

>> No.2716555

I've got Aspergers, and i can tell you, any doctor / psychiatrist I've ever spoken to have told me it's got nothing to do with Vaccines..

The reason some crazy people got it into their heads was because, while more and more kids started getting vaccines, more and more kids was also found having these "disabilities".

While the fact is .. The reason they started finding more "disabilities" was because they knew what to look for..

An Aspergers kid in the 80's would be called shy, where as a kid in the late 90's would be diagnosed.. They didn't know better

Also, Penn and Teller did a BS show on this..

>> No.2716561

It was Andrew Wakefield that suggested that the MMR caused autism. It's obviously bollocks, but whatever.

>> No.2716569

>Also, Penn and Teller did a BS show on this..

aah, the pinnacle of scientific inquiry.

>> No.2716576


I just saw this post on the front page so i figured I'd give my input.

>> No.2716581

>It was Andrew Wakefield that suggested that the MMR caused autism. It's obviously bollocks, but whatever.

It was not just wrong, it was fraud. He has since lost his license becus of that case.

And he was proven wrong with multiple large studies. He is truly a bad person. Who knows how many deaths he caused with his study which lent credibility to obviously bogus ideas about vaccines. As u know, without vaccines people, usually children, get sick. Some of them die or suffered permanent damage, usually deafness.

It is morally wrong to believe things contrary and not supported by the evidence.

>> No.2716591

There were many contemporary studies that proved him wrong, but the droves of mothers, who were behaving ironically autistically, joined in the furore as opposed to acknowledging the hefty amount of reassuring counter-evidence.

>> No.2716668

It is possible to sage with an image, anon. Has been for years. I don't get why /v/ and /sp/ still think you can't.

>> No.2716852

No vaccine causes autism. Here:


Autism is largely a birth defect, not necessarily genetic. Increased weight on the part of the mother, as well as birthing after 30, contribute significantly to autism chances.

Several studies have indicated links between avoidance of social contact; more importantly, between the former and long hours spent with video games and computers and the development of characteristics usually found in high-functioning autistics. In short, you train your brain to stop recognizing human face-to-face contact subtleties and instead to recognize how to survive "rule-based environments" like video games and the Internet. You can basically exercise and socialize it out if such characteristics are acquired post-birth.