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2716434 No.2716434 [Reply] [Original]

Found this on /co/, /lit/, and thought you'd be interested.

>Ender's Game.
In the future, Earth trains young psychic children to operate advanced machines in battle against alien invaders called "Formics". As the creatures plan a massive attack against Earth, the young cadet Ender Wiggin becomes the key to Earth's survival. Directed by Gavin Hood.

RELEASE DATE: November 1, 2013.

>Asa Butterfield as Ender Wiggin.
>Abigail Breslin as Valentine Wiggin.
>Jimmy Pinchak as Peter Wiggin.
>Hailee Steinfeld as Petra Arkanian.
>Harrison Ford as Colonel Hyrum Graff.
>Ben Kingsley as Mazer Rackham.
>Viola Davis as Major Gwen Anderson.
>Nonso Anonzie as Sargent Dap.

>> No.2716452

I'm bracing for them to release the entire Ender's saga, and then once that makes money the entire Bean saga, including the last couple books where the enemy is abortion.

>> No.2716458

hailee steinfeld was great in true grit.
i hope a speaker for the dead movie comes out of this. i thought ender's game was fun but speaker had more depth.

>> No.2716462

>young psychic children
>a massive attack against Earth

Da fuq.

>> No.2716473
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>In the future, Earth trains young psychic children to operate advanced machines in battle against alien invaders called "Formics". As the creatures plan a massive attack against Earth, the young cadet Ender Wiggin becomes the key to Earth's survival.







>> No.2716479
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>Abigail Breslin

Not hot enough.

If Ender is only fightin to save earth because of one girl, she better be a fucking 10 outta 10.

>> No.2716481


>> No.2716483
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>> No.2716486

> Earth trains young psychic children to operate advanced machines in battle against alien invaders called "Formics"
> psychic children
> "Formics"

All of my wut

>> No.2716487

>Gavin Hood
>hmm... better look that up on imdb
>Known For: X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Tsotsi, A Reasonable Man, Rendition

>X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Gentlemen, we're beyond fucked.

>> No.2716494


In fairness, they're actually called Formics in the books, everyone just calls them "Buggers" as a derisive slang term.

>> No.2716497


I'm reading that summary over and over again and it doesn't make any sense.

Are they replacing military tactics with psychic powers?

Are they replacing commanding a fleet of ships for "Advanced Machines"

Why the fuck did they change the name to Formics? Are they different from the Buggers?

What massive attack? Is the first war or did they decide to make the aliens NOT learn their lesson?

>> No.2716541

Replacing military tactics and innate genius with "psychic powers" makes complete sense from a mass appeal marketing standpoint.

The producers of this pile of shit don't care about artistic integrity and/or paying proper respect to the source material. They care about selling tickets and making money. The average movie going moron would be turned off by something as simple and "boring" as rigorous study and sound military tactics. They want something dumb and flashy like "psychic powers" that's easy to digest.

When most mouth breathing plebs hear "child genius" they think of some socially awkward aspbergers shut in. The same kind of kid they used to make fun of in middle school. Replace that with psychic children and it's some kind of cool flashy special effects laden x-men type crap that they can drool about and have escapist fantasies over. That explains the choice of director.

The irony is that the Ender's Game novel is in large part an elaborate revenge fantasy for the same type of nerdy, socially awkward middle schooler that this film is now apparently doing its best to distance itself from. This movie will suck, and will bomb in theaters because those who love the books will hate it, and those looking for just another sci fi action movie will get bored, yawn and move onto the next pile of shit.

>> No.2716573

Great. I guess Ender's Game will join the ranks of Hitchhiker's Guide in the lonely category of "sci-fi books I can't talk about at parties without someone saying, 'Oh yeah, I saw that movie. It was kinda stupid, no idea why the book was so popular.'"

>> No.2716602
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>> No.2716606

>battle against alien invaders called "Formics"
I vaguely remember them being called that in the book, so that's alright. I just hope they don't downplay the xenophobia and slurs used at the buggers.

>As the creatures plan a massive attack against Earth
Fair enough, they wouldn't want to revile the plot twist in the movie description

>operate advanced machines in battle
What the fuck? They where spaceships being piloted by adults

>psychic children

Well at least they used child actors and not 17 year old beefcakes, although I'm curious how they're going to pull of all the nudity from the book.
And like >>2716473 said, he's exposed to be a child Hitler, not a hero.

Fuck, they'll probably even leave out most of the intimacy between Ender and Valentine in order to cater to a larger audience.
And why the fuck is Harrison Ford playing Graff? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he horribly obese from all the stress of his job?

>> No.2716611

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he horribly obese from all the stress of his job?

One of Graff's most-commented on character traits was his tendency to eat during times of stress, causing him to be really fucking fat, yeah.

>> No.2716621


The only thing I actually like about the casting is Harrison Ford as Graff. He's so fucking old, belligerent and decrepit looking now it will be a suitable replacement for obesity as a sign of job stress, especially considering how he used to be the prototypical good looking hollywood badass and people remember him as that. Seeing him as he is now may serve the same unnerving purpose.

As for the decision to take out the human element for the pilots of the ships ender was commanding, that may be a plot twist at the end that they don't want to ruin (which I hope) but it's more likely they want a pg13 rating and don't want the themes to get too dark.

>> No.2716633

>but it's more likely they want a pg13 rating and don't want the themes to get too dark.

Ender murders two children before he's even reached the age of 14, his brother skins a squirrel alive, and the plot revolves around him genocide an entire species.
It seems like a little suicide would be the least of their problems.
Unless they remove the shower scene, make up a new reason for Valentine to help Peter, and actually have the aliens attack Earth.

Oh god.

>> No.2716640

I really want to see how they will do the part where two 12 year olds take over the world by tripfagging on /pol/.

>> No.2716641

I seriously hope it's not going to be The Golden Compass all over again.

>> No.2716646


All of that will be taken out. I have no doubts., There's no way this movie gets an R rating. I'd bet good money the producers are probably pitching this thing like it's going to be harry potter in space.

Ender's game could have made for a good movie, but from what I've read about the production, it's going to be an extremely watered down piece of crap.

>> No.2716649
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>getting your jimmies rustled over a movie adaptation

>> No.2716652


>> No.2716657
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you seem upset

>> No.2716670

>In a 1998 interview, Orson Scott Card discussed the process of adapting the novel into a screenplay, and revealed his casting ideas for several major characters. "The first decision I made was not to pursue the Peter/Valentine subplot with the Internet, because that's just watching people type things into the computer. The second decision I made was to give that information about the surprise at the end from the start. In my script we know who Mazer Rackham really is and we know what is at stake as Ender plays his games. But Ender doesn't know, so I think the suspense is actually increased because the audience knows we're about the business of saving the world and that everything depends on this child not understanding that.

>The first decision I made was not to pursue the Peter/Valentine subplot with the Internet, because that's just watching people type things into the computer

>In my script we know who Mazer Rackham really is and we know what is at stake as Ender plays his games

Hold me /lit/, I'm almost crying right now.

>> No.2716674

>Card stated that "very few" of the film's scenes had appeared in the novel, but that he was comfortable with the liberties being taken with the source material

Oh fucking shit cunt, mother fucaikhjfshjdsb msandf

The worst part is by next year, every miserable shit eating asshole on the face of the planet will be talking about Ender's Game like its the best book ever written.

>> No.2716682

Or, more likely considering the credentials of the director involved, the worst.

>> No.2716687

Son of a bitch. The reveal was one of the best parts of the book, but I guess to appeal to the masses and fulfill the action quota for the movie they're going to have to do it. Most people aren't going to be satisfied seeing Ender playing video games in place of actual battles. I was hoping this movie was going to be good, but it looks like it's going to be butchered.

>> No.2716693
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>> No.2717249

"Formic" is the proper name, and is in fact stated in the novel.

>> No.2718655
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I think its worth bring this thread to the front so we can read that again.

>> No.2718687

>In the future, Earth trains young psychic children to operate advanced machines in battle against alien invaders called "Formics"

How can anyone not be embarrassed to actually care about this?

>> No.2718732
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>> No.2718740

It's a live action version of NGE?

>> No.2718744

I just finished Ender's Shadow because I felt like nostalgia'ing for Ender's Game, and then I started googling around about Card's apparent conviction to genetic determinism in his characters and use of stereotyping.

I found this: http://peachfront.diaryland.com/enderhitlte.html

It's a reading of the series casting it as genocide apologia.

>> No.2718810

thats gotta be the most retarded plot i've seen in a while