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/lit/ - Literature

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2714664 No.2714664 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

First time on this board and came to ask you about Proust's In Search of Lost Time. I've only heard good stuff about Swann's Way, the first book, but literally wasn't even aware of the names of the other volumes and came to ask is it worth reading the whole series? I've not read Swann's Way yet either and am curious to know /lit/'s opinion on the work.

Pic related

>> No.2714666

It's good.

>> No.2714668

Swann's Way was fantastic, and I've heard the rest of the volumes are as good, if not better.

>dat prose

>> No.2714669


Is there anything you recommend to read with it? Like a companion piece or something, I've heard it's very difficult

>> No.2714670

Is Swann's Way the best or is that just about as far as people tend to get? Never really hear any other books mentioned by name.

>> No.2714671


Yeah that's what I was wondering too, I just wiki'd the other names and I've never heard them

>> No.2714672


It's not terribly difficult, though I can't say all the nuances were apparent to me, given that I've only read it once. I'm sure there's some good secondary literature out there, but I can't give any recommendations, sadly.

>> No.2714674


Personally, I've only read the first volume, and I'm sure that's the case with many others as well. It's hard to get through a series of such magnitude when there's so much else to read. I'll get to it eventually though. Damned if I don't

>> No.2714676


Did you enjoy it?

Another question to people who have read all of it is are the volumes that varied? From what I gather it's just recollections, would you say it's worth the time and effort reading all 6 instead of just Swann's Way?

>> No.2714677


I enjoyed it very much. His writing's breathtaking, and was way ahead of its time. If you can get past the self-indulgent nature of the narrative, there's some real beauty to be found there.

>> No.2714680

There is a really good reader's guide to In Search of Lost Time.

Also, the last volume of Modern Library's In Search of Lost Time (which is the best translation, by the way) has a very useful pronunciation guide for the names, in case your French is rusty.

Albertine is Al-BARE-teen
Saint Loupe is san loo

And all that stuff.

It seems like the French will have names like Versilleaux and it's pronounced something like vare-say-oh or whatever. Weird frenchmen.