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/lit/ - Literature

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2710151 No.2710151 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any female writers that don't write primarily about periods, bitchiness, etc?

>> No.2710158

Yes, there was that one about the... Oh wait, no that was a man.

>> No.2710156

Most, if not all of them.

>> No.2710168

Camille Paglia is a bitch on her period but she writes about philosophy

>> No.2710179

>Implying I don't exclusively read books by white males.
>Implying any female other than Bronte or Austin could write a good book.

>> No.2710181

A shitload, yeah. You're just a generalizing faggot.

>> No.2710186

Are there any male writers that don't write primarily about mid-life crises, their teenage years, their longing for a lost childhood, etc?

>> No.2710189
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>> No.2710195

The 95% of academics who are male

>> No.2710197

don't forget the semi-autobiographical novel that tells about all the hot chicks you fucked when you were young, thats essential for any serious male writer, and even though you would think chicks would find this condescending they eat it up

>> No.2710198


I see what you're doing but you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2710200

>hasn't read any Flannery O'Connor.

You're fucking up.

>> No.2710201
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>you would think chicks would find this condescending they eat it up

Most normal chicks just want a giant cock to suck on.

>> No.2710210

And most normal dudes just want to impress other dudes.

>> No.2710213
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I'm glad we agree. Meeting adjourned.

Tell the women to go back to their dicksucking and I'll tell the men to go back to building pyramids, creating art, and doing philosophy and science.

>> No.2710225
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>Tell the women to go back to their dicksucking
Can we still enjoy the occasional girl-on-girl wedgie too? I can suck a football through a hosepipe once I've had a good wedgie.

>> No.2710238

yeah but ur a tranny not a biological girl

>> No.2710298
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I am a real girl. I have all my lady bits, and no desire to do anything academic. I just wanna suck cock.

>> No.2710309

I hope we archived that really good female writers thread.

>> No.2710313
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Gross. That's just what the niggers and Jews want you to become. Fight them and regain your dignity.

>> No.2710323

you should be able to achieve a comfortable lifestyle with that, why try harder, you'll be well taken care of

>> No.2711351
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Pic related.

She was a bitch, but she wrote about philosophy and made her point using logic and reason, even if you disagree with her I think you have to respect that. Rand was actually a bit of a sexist, saying she would never vote for a female president.

And Harper Lee, just Racism pretty much.

>> No.2711354
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Fuck it, I'd still do her. I'd tie her up like pic related and fuck her silly.

>> No.2711355
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The thing is, her entire philosophy of Objectivism is based on an irrational distinction between yourself and everyone else in the world. You're not special, nothing makes you more valuable or important than anyone else.

>> No.2711367

Of course it does. I am the most important person in the world. Any decision I make is for my own self-interest. Don't pretend like you're any different. You might like to think that your some noble moral being, but every thing you do is ultimately to benefit yourself.

>> No.2711370

both of these are untrue


>> No.2711373


bullshit. i'm ten times the man you'll ever be. while you spend your days as a beta defeatist, I'll be styling all over niggas and shooting loads in rectums.

>> No.2711376

>implying 'untrue' means anything

Now that's Philosophy.

>> No.2711408

You have a sharp Wittgenstein

>> No.2711420

Don't we have this thread like every single fucking day?

De Pizan

i dunno there are so many. can we please stop having this discussion. every credible academic writer for the past 30 years (more or less) has accepted feminism or at least pro-feminism.

>> No.2711473
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>> No.2711479
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>> No.2711481

>Are there any female writers that write primarily about periods, bitchiness, etc?

>> No.2711487

(see the two lists above)

>> No.2711488
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>> No.2711490

5/10, jimmies somewhat rustled.