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2709628 No.2709628 [Reply] [Original]

Things people say that make pic. related.

>"Ominous omen"
>"I personally believe..."
>"Anon?" ... "Yes?" ... "Are you awake?" ...

>> No.2709631
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>> No.2709630

>not enjoying the silly parts of speech
Also, literally is a useful word.

>> No.2709633

dat alliteration

>> No.2709632

not relevant but I think "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" is the worst title I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. It's less than nothing.

>> No.2709635

>Per cent

I know it is right. I know it is. It is not percent, but it has become a compound word by now, surely it has. 'Per century' makes sense, but the space in per cent makes me cringe. It's like nails on a blackboard for my eyes.


>> No.2709638



>> No.2709639


Alright, it's normally used by arrogant jerks, but the word 'dilettante' is gorgeous sounding.

>> No.2709641

you mean vaudevillian?

>> No.2709642
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Literally is a perfectly normal word for those not in the continuous presence of American teen girls.
Amongst is a normal word too. Hating 'amongst' is like hating 'yes' in favour of 'yeah'.

>> No.2709643

I use "Whycome?"
Deal with it.

>> No.2709645

I will.. do no such thing

>> No.2709648 [DELETED] 


I agree, it's a beautiful word, but it annoys me when people say it. Like the word.

>> No.2709649
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You... you sicken me. You disgust me. You are lowest form of human scum. Please die now.

>> No.2709652


>my face when dilettante is used in one of the best rock songs of all time

great lyrics also by the way

>> No.2709660

>not using every excuse to use "that" that you can think of

>> No.2709674

> 2012
> not knowing the meaning of "literally" has shifted

>> No.2709675
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>embracing the shift
>not fighting it with your entire being

shiggidy wiggidy doo dah dey

>> No.2709677

In his mind, OP refers to self as "Anon".

I don't think there's a lesson here, though. I think he can't be helped.

>> No.2709797

my sister is a teenager, and she uses this one all the time.

>> No.2709803
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pretty much everything that Reddit embraces

>> No.2709806

>people using real words for things
oh fuck...yeah that's annoying
gtfo you oversensitive faggot

>> No.2709809

I should of...

>> No.2709829

>I don't know, but it really has that umph. You know?

No.. no I don't know what you mean.

>That kick, you know?

>> No.2709834

See, I know exactly what they're trying to say.

But I don't know how to explain it.

>> No.2709842

>wilfully getting yourself worked up about something you can't fight

enjoy your stroke

>> No.2709845

when people admit they're not explaining something properly yet still won't concede their point. if it wasn't for my own self respect, I'd use this cop out at the end of every losing argument

>> No.2709851

ITT assburgers

>> No.2709853


>> No.2709857

as in, '...and I was like...', 'and he/she/ it was like...' etc.

also nice and good.

>> No.2709860


>> No.2709905
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>these threads
>created for self-validating pseuds to pretend like they're not average intelligence
intelligent people don't get worked up about words being overused, or used in a sense that doesn't fall strictly within their preconceived notions of the word's semantic realm

>> No.2709913
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when people pronounce the silent 't' in "often"

>> No.2709922

I don't care if it's a real word. It's ugly.

>> No.2710428
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>more fun
>certain of these [noun]s
>these data
>'effect', v. - engender
>'affect', n. - feeling
>comprise /= compose

>> No.2710616


>be from a non English-speaking country
>say "often" the way it's written instead of "offen" around people whose first language is English
>they flip their shit

Someone explain this to me.

>> No.2710628


either is correct.

It depends on which regional accent you have.

>> No.2710625

im a native english speaker and i say ofTen. the T isn't silent. that would be like not pronouncing the T in beautiful which is just lazy

>> No.2710629

Do they? What countries? Are they speaking the Queen's English?

I either pronounce the t fully or pull the American "t-pronounced-as-d."

>> No.2710640
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>> No.2710643
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>ad hominem

>> No.2710646

Some accents in England do not pronounce the 't'. The Queen being one of them.

>> No.2710650

> when people say 'British accent'.

There is so much variation in accent in England that you can pinpoint people to areas within cities, sometimes streets, according to their accent.

>> No.2710654

Fuck you nigga. According to that I have a west country accent.

>> No.2710656

Merely a guesstimation, but I personally believe this is literally the worst thread on 4chan.

>> No.2710668

When they say "me" instead of I in actual conversations.

You'll know what I mean if you live in Northern England.

>> No.2710670

the queen doesn't speak the correct english. the correct english is laid down by the rules and regulations of the dictionary people.

>> No.2710671

>I personally believe this is literally the worst thread on 4chan.

Try this one:

>> No.2710673

My "friend" does this all the time.

Also: When English people pronounce "idea" like "i-dee-ur." (They do this with pretty much any word than ends with 'a,' so, for example, Madonna becomes "Madonner.")

>> No.2710675

>only 3 accents in scotland

are you retarded?

>> No.2710683

There is no 'correct English' at all. The dictionary people have zero influence.

>> No.2710689

>no influence

>buttmad grammar nazis enforcing their rules

try again, motherfucker

>> No.2710723

People need to learn that languages aren't created by academics

Different pronounciations and meanings to words over time are inevitable and necessary

>> No.2710739

not all languages are created by academics. That's stupid.
but there is a formal expression maintained by them so that slang colloquial language can be rejected. you can go over the top with that but at a basic level it's probably for a good reason. if you're in a meeting with foreign delegates of a firm you hope to get work from no one wants to be represented by someone who might not be comprehensible

>> No.2710823


>> No.2710838

Postmodernism is a valid artistic movement you tool
Though admittedly most people use the word without understanding what it means.

>> No.2710836

>"long story short..."
>doesnt stop talking

>> No.2710850

I have noticed that all the children have started using the word cool. - "Oh look, that atlas is cool". I hate children. Why can't they use words correctly? What will they say next, cold?

>> No.2710878


also: where did I say anything about postmodernism pissing me off? You said it yourself: most people use it without knowing shit about it

>> No.2710882


is that supposed to be some kind of meta-Postmodernist post?

>> No.2710885

4chan is sooo postmodern because the author is dead

>> No.2710893

thats not what postmodern means, silly. Postmoderns like when somethings complicated. But not that old. Otherwise its just called classics.

>> No.2710900

>"I personally believe..."
i don't think this one is bad since it emphasizes the fact that what's being stated is mere opinion, plus constructions such as "i myself" are perfectly standard.

>> No.2711043

>Implying po-mo isn't just "verbose and obscure for the sake of it".

>> No.2711670

what if I keep it Latin and say
>per centum?

>> No.2711671
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I wasn't aware people actually thought this was correct until I saw them type it.

>> No.2711677

>the man that wrote...

>> No.2711678
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>> No.2711679

>So me and him went...
I don't live in Northern England but I do know what you mean, and I too hate it.