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[ERROR] No.27093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I ducktape four copies of Infinite Jest to each side of barbell how much am I lifting and how many reps would I need to do for a decent workout?

>> No.27122

You are lifting a great wealth of knowledge

>> No.27164

>bench pressing 8 copies of Infinite Jest

>> No.27177

I'd say 46

>> No.27193
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>> No.27487
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>> No.27572

Bump for interest

>> No.27681

You heave the entire mess into the dumpster, then squat Blood Meridian for penance.

>> No.28725
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Can someone weigh the damn book for us

>> No.28894

PB 2.5 pounds

HC 3.2 pounds

its on the amazon page