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2709013 No.2709013 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: movies that could perfectly be a book
books that could perfectly be a movie

>> No.2709289
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>> No.2709291
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>> No.2709292
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>> No.2709295
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>> No.2709296
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>> No.2709297

i wish there were more books similar to "dumb" movies tbh. if you want to read a piece of pop entertainment it has to be all deadly serious like the hunger games or at least not even as funny as a just barely acceptable sitcom. i would love to read the literary equivalent of walk hard or mean girls on a plane.

>> No.2709299


Read some David Sedaris, his stuff is pretty hilarious

>> No.2709300

Hunger Games.
50 Shades of Grey.
Harry Potter.
Percy Jackson.
Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.2709301

thanks for this useful post that proves you are a serious reader of books and engaged member of the boards.4chan.org/lit forum!!

>> No.2709314
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I would love to see an epic Ken Burns documentary series covering the material in this book and its sequel Dark Sun but too many of the people involved are too dead to give interviews.

>> No.2709318

Allegedly Terrence Malick was once up for the job of tackling Catcher in the Rye. Could have been interesting

>> No.2709326

David Lynch was also said to be working on an adaptation of The Metamorphosis at one point. I don't think it'll ever happen, but if it ever did, he'd be the man for the job. What a film that would be...

>> No.2709341


try reading what he was responding to nigga.

>> No.2709757

well if you think that by movies i only meant hollywood, then you're in a huge mistake, there are a lot of films with huge potential in literature, the belief that movies are only for the masses is absolutely pointless nowadays, saying that movies are dumb because most of the hollywood movies are dumb, it's like saying that literature is dumb because of twilight or harry potter. You simply can't throw a whole kind of art into the trashcan because of a few non-artistic stuff

>> No.2709769

People would have been PISSED

>> No.2709772

Why? Malick's great.

>> No.2709785


Actually I think he would be terrible for it. I love Lynch's films but I'd want to see an adaptation of Metamorphosis done by trying to be faithful to the source material. Lynch always makes his characters fucking crazy and surreal. Part of the appeal of Kafka is that everyone is deadpan in a rather insane situation.

I'm not really sure who would do a great version of that film and personally I don't think the source material is long enough to have a feature length film do it justice. I would say the Trial is more ripe for a film but Orson Welles already made that film but then again a lot of people didn't like it.

>> No.2709886

The Island
-The one with Ewan McGregor

>> No.2709914

Dr. Strangelove.
Imagine if Vonnegut wrote something like that

>> No.2709931

That is a book

>> No.2709940

ITT: music that would be great as an sculpture
sculptures that would be great as music


>> No.2709943

Identity theft Inc.

Seriously, if i had cash i'd buy the movie rights to it. Such a great, true story. Imagine you rip off a bank for six million and you fly to Italy with eight duffel bags full of cash, then at the Milan airport, you're at the bag carousel waiting for them and they're taking too long.

>> No.2709951

no, you can't turn something physic into sound, but you can turn a novel into a movie script or a movie script into a novel because both are prose forms of writing.

>> No.2709952
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>> No.2710083
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mite b cool

>> No.2710092

>durr hurr i have no clue what im saying please rape my face

god. do you people even read?

>you can't turn something physic into sound

same as you can't turn an abstraction into an image, it's missing the fucking point.

>> No.2710146

you know they make movies from books all the time, right?

>> No.2710166

of course a book will never be a movie, it's silly to think that books and movies are the same, but there are ways to convert one thing in other thing, for example, i could take a novel and make a movie script taking different parts of the novel, this wouldn't be the novel but at least it will take the idea to another format, you could make a book, someone could make a movie about that book, another guy could take a picture about that movie. Do you understand what i mean?, it's hard to explain the whole concept in a foreign language(i'm not a native english speaker as you can see), but the basic idea is: you can take a concept and convert it into another thing without missing the point as long as it has some similarity.

>> No.2712128
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Might be interesting, but really don't think it would translate well into a piece of literature. Quite a bit of the story is told through subtext of the extraneous character's conversations. Alexander doesn't say much throughout the film, but he conveys the general tone through his actions and/or emotional expressions.
The narrative is a visual experience, not a character study or a particularly interesting plot piece. Having Alexander as a narrator would suck the mystery out of the story and a third person narrative would be far too dull.
This could work, same with Chinatown, Le Samourai, The Third Man, Lang's 'M' and pic related.
Basically any epic or noir might translate well.

I think Candide, Crime and Punishment and One Hundred Years of Solitude might make good films.

>> No.2712131

David Eddings' The Belgariad and The Malloreon would be awesome as a HBO mini-series.

>> No.2712135


I think he's more likely to make a great film out of that book than any other director I can think of