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/lit/ - Literature

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2708138 No.2708138 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. I gave this board a shot -- I really did. However, to my chagrin I found (random, high number) that 95% of you guys really don't know much about literature. You don't know shit about the classics, and you think you're too cool to even read so-called pop-fiction.
>>MFW you are all still in HS thinking you know shit
>>MFW you all act superior to the plebes through shallow, arbritrary discrimination upon an interest in reading unfounded in any kind of real application.
>>MFW this board is mainly concerned with homework help and the sharing of forced, artificial poetry. DO any of you actually know the difference between meter and rhythm?
>>TFW the most interesting thing on this board are random porn dumps. At least porn doesn't pretend to be anything but porn.

TLDR: This board sucks because all you posters suck. Convince me otherwise right now -- now is your chance to win back a former fan. Otherwise later phonies.

>> No.2708142


>Convince me otherwise

Why would we want to? You sound like a cock.

>> No.2708143


So much for subtlety.

>> No.2708151

Welcome to 4chan. We're all dicks acting superior. Now shut the fuck up and post some porn.

>> No.2708164
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this is you OP am I right?

and who are you anyway? why should anyone give a single fuck about you and your autistic opinion? If you dont like it, go somewhere else maybe you like reddit

>> No.2708168

Bro, I'm like the only person who starts actual in-depth discussions of literature, but they usually only last 7 posts before they die: for reasons that you have already stated.

Most people here are pretenders. Simple as that.

And second, and this one is most important, most people here are lazy.

Nobody feels like putting any effort into anything, hence shit posts all around.

And you're wrong about this board being mostly homework help, this board is mostly recommendation requests.

It used to be better, I swear, before the academic year for college ended.

Another cancerous tumour of this board is it's love for modernism.

Anyway, I try to talk about literature in an academic sense (exploring themes, motifs, and some common and uncommon interdisciplinary literary perspectives), but nobody has the brains to get on my level.

Feels bad man.

>> No.2708178
File: 232 KB, 663x496, lit sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 2010, OP.

/lit/ doesn't even know what a theme is. If you ask someone here to name a theme in something they've read, they'll probably respond with a motif. Fucking idiots.

>> No.2708185

> but nobody has the brains to get on my level

you have more than one brain?

this explains everything. Maybe no one wants to have a discussion with you because after 7 posts it becomes clear that youre an arrogant faggot.

>> No.2708187

it took you two years to figure this out?

>> No.2708200

Op here again. The problem with /lit/ is that there aren't enough people who have any formal training in this shit. No one know's what a scheme is, no one knows what a trope is, and no one knows how to actually read. Just because you had a class that ''taught'' close-reading once doesn't mean you know how. So everyone just recycles the same shit opinions they got off sparknotes. EX:
>>You can't get Rape of Lucrece if you don't know rhyme royal
>>You can't get Moby Dick if you don't realize how it thematically changes the symbolic tenor of the color white.
>>You refuse the read the bible, the bible (along with Hamlet) being the dominant intertext of modern/postmodern lit.
>>You have no academic vocabulary, a vocabulary that lets you describe wtf you are reading. For example: Picture of Dorian Grey. If you don't know what eckphrasis is, there is a whole part of the book you just miss.

So yeah, convince me to come back, but doubt it. ANother problem with the board is shit-slow response time btw.

Guys just don't know shit, and it's fucking annoying.

>> No.2708210

>You refuse the read the bible, the bible (along with Hamlet) being the dominant intertext of modern/postmodern lit.

how do I english

>So yeah, convince me to come back, but doubt it.

fuck off idiot, noone cares about you.

>ANother problem with the board is shit-slow response time btw.

we dont have the traffic /b/ has. you just went full retard. use your fucking brain you genius

>> No.2708219

You claim you've read the whole Bible?

I doubt the legitimacy of your claim.

>> No.2708220

Alright not wasting anymore time on this, pce.

>> No.2708222


it's not that long.

>> No.2708224


I wish I still had that screencap of /lit/ with like 8/10 of the threads on the front page hidden, the remaining two were about Orwell and Salinger or some shit.

>> No.2708226

Fuck off, knobhead.

>> No.2708231

>Complain about /lit/ being full of non-literature related threads
>Make another non-literature related thread to let us know


>> No.2708238

Op again. This board still has done shit to prove it isn't a waste of space. No one still has come up with why this board is useful, and actually is more than tangentally related to lit. Correct my grammer and spelling all you want because that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Like I've already said, I want /lit/ to not suck, and all I'm doing here is trying to promote awareness. I'd love to talk about chaucer, keats, yeats, and other gr8 authors, but with the current climate of /lit/ I can't. All you guys know is what a theme is, and even then not too well.

TLDR: Pull up your socks and lrn your shit.

>> No.2708243


goodbye OP

>> No.2708246

You do see the occasional insightful post here, but it's usually followed by children saying lol fag/u mad/etc or it turns into a literary vs fantasy feud. It hardly seems worth the time or effort to make thoughtful posts, so it's not surprising that people just don't bother.

>> No.2708247
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>> No.2708252
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So what you're saying is:
>Everybody on /lit/ should have academic knowledge of literature or they have no business reading anything

Just fuck off already guy

>> No.2708253
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>> No.2708257

You're the dude that goes into Wallmart and expects a superb choice of wine.
Now how is that Wallmarts fault?

>> No.2708260

op here

it obviously is walmarts fault if it cant serve me the things I want.

>> No.2708265


Yeah that's it, thank you so much.

>> No.2708266


>correct my grammer

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.2708268

Dude, at least TRY to copy OP.

>> No.2708273

I did not write that

>> No.2708277


OP here

I wouldn't step into walmart if my life depended on it. Until you've read the entire canon, you wouldn't understand. You all are inane pricks who shouldn't even try to talk about books until you've read all of them. Get back to me after you've done so. This place sickens me

>> No.2708279

Can't, OP. I hate this board too. I'm just addicted to the sadness and pain. Get out while you still can.

>> No.2708282

OP here. You guys are sooo fucking lame. I'm only just completing my freshman year but I already know more about literature than you guys.

My profs are always talking about mindless sheep like yourselves. You read nothing at all or the drivel that our capitalist society spoon feeds you. Too afraid to question your presuppositions.

Try some Derrida. Try some Foucault. Try reading something outside your narrow, little capitalist white picket fence "classics."

Try expanding your mind, sheep.

Try it, you mind feel your mind liberated like mine now is.

Oh, and your religion? Yea, it's a bunch of lies. Sorry to burst your tiny little American dream world but there is no Jesus. Just a cruel world of atheistic reality. I've accepted it because I no longer feel fettered to your lies and bullshit.

Well, gotta get back to reading some deconstructionist literary theory. Ta ta simpletons.

>> No.2708292

I like how OP keeps saying he's going away then coming back.

It's like he doesn't want this place to improve or something.

>> No.2708297

>You all are inane pricks who shouldn't even try to talk about books until you've read all of them.

which one of "all of them" should I read then?

you belong there.

for the last time

No one here gives a single shit about you and your opinion.


>> No.2708299


But not for the reasons you give. This board is bullshit because everyone here is a patriarchal white supremacist chauvinist. When was the last time you saw a thread on women's literature? Or on African-American literature?

It's just white males, white males, white males. Way to uphold the status quo, /lit/.

>> No.2708301

>95% of you guys really don't know much about literature.
At least some of them probably actually ENJOY literature.

>> No.2708303


lol So you read some poststructualists and now you think you know how the world goes arround and everybody else just doesn't get it- right?
Sounds alot like the religous bullshit to me that you just complained about.

>> No.2708307

This board is the reason I no longer want a history board

But seriously OP, you're not helping.

>> No.2708309


What is literature to you OP? Something you can claim to have ultimate knowledge to feel better about yourself? That's a pretty small-minded and reductive way to "enjoy" books.

>> No.2708311

We had one recently on female authors and also african literature.

if you only come here once a week, its not /lit/s fault

OP you are retard. You said you want to leave, then fucking leave.

Youre basically complaining how shitty this board is and how there are no "real" literature discussion. Guess what, you are now part of the cancer.

fucking idiot.

>> No.2708317

thanks for bumping one more lit-related thread off the the front page, op.

>> No.2708318

OP here.

Oh okay. The zionist american pigs have come out in force. Probably you're trying to assert that the author isn't dead, that there is meaning in the text. Ha ha.

I'll leave you to your simple little worlds. Enjoy Charles Dickens. Enjoy your Robert Frost poems. Enjoy reading your capitalist newspapers and your society's Christian morality.

>> No.2708322

>African-American literature?

>The only black people who write books are african-Americans!

>> No.2708324

you all need to calm the fuck down.

I'm off listening to arcade fire

rococo rococo rococo rococo

OP is a faggot. as usual.

>> No.2708326

Hey Faggots,

OP here, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are lazy, uneducated, plebeians who spend every second of their day talking about stupid-ass books. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever understood rhyme royal? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because you haven't read every single piece of classic literature, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than making threads about 1984
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was valedictorian, and winner of every essay contest I've ever entered. What trash do you write, other than "Post-structural dissections of Hamlet in a post-queer era”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot research assistant (He just critiqued my analysis of Chaucer; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.2708327

b-but blacks and women are intellectually inferior...

>> No.2708333

I read Toni Morrison once. Shit sucked bro. They probably only gave her the Nobel prize for Literature because she's a woman and black. Now I only read White male authors, because fuck it.

>> No.2708347

Sweet. Then I shall as well.

>> No.2708351


>My well-informed opinion on one book by one author is enough to decide that all authors of the same ethnicity are equally bad.


>> No.2708376

"I'm only just completing my freshman year"

That explains alot. Remember this moment and ten years from now think about it again and where your attitude has taken you in life.
Take some advice from an old fuck like me - I used to have your attitude, did me no good in the long run.
Which brings me to the question why do you read at all?
If it is because you wan't to broaden your horizon or learn about the reality we live in I suggest you stop hanging on the lips of foolish daydreamers like Derida and Faucault and fucus your intelectual potential heavily on science - especialy Neurosciences and theoretical physics. Or you stop reading alltogether and travel the world to live with poor folks.

That Sir is how you get openminded. As long as you feel superior to even the lowest ignorant dumbfuck on earth you have not understood anything.

>> No.2708382

Op here, ppl keep pretending to be the op here. That's okay though, because the word needs to spread. You are all need to get off your high horse and lrn to take a little criticism. And at least r9k has real feels, not these fake literary feels.

>> No.2708417

lyk dis if u cry evrityme

>> No.2708424

real op here, ppl keep pretending to be the op, but that's really make. Like i've been saying all this time, a time in which a growing number of people have also chimed in, this board needs to realize its shit and move on. Cure yourself and get better

>> No.2708430

real real op here.

fuck bitches and get money.

I dont even literature lol

>> No.2708436

>y-y-you're all just a bunch of p-posers!

guess what? Measuring literature by the authenticity of its authors is bumfuck retarded

>> No.2708450


Fuck all of you, this is the real OP. Seriously. I'm done with this board, if you all want to talk about books without having done the research necessary to be an intelligent human being, then go right ahead. I, for one, will never be coming here again. Dipshits who enjoy literature without having read all the classics don't know what literature really is. Go cry if you disagree

>> No.2708467
File: 50 KB, 413x413, Crying-Baby-Natural-High-for-Some-Moms[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm done with this board, really guys
>guys really, I'm done with this board
>okay, now I'm really really done with this shitty board
>really, guys ... hey guys
>I'm done with this board, right now. really. I only pretended before
>hey guys I'm done with /lit/
>1 ... 2 ... 3 ... okay NOW I'm done with this board
>I will never come back
>never never ever really really guys

please just stop OP, its not even funny anymore.

>> No.2708472


That's not me, faggot. But he has a point. You're all retarded, as exemplified by your post, plebeian trash.

Later, faggots. OP, signing off

>> No.2708484
File: 1018 KB, 193x211, teach me teach me how to dougie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


REAL OP here, guys. You can't fuck with my dougie.

>> No.2708488

Last post, this thread went from a concerned first post to a defile, corupent falstaff of a troll. My final point, and what i've been meaning to hit on the entire time is this:

>>To appreciate literature you need to understand what you are reading.

That's essentially the first principle. This board seems to take literary theory for granted, and although formalism has fallen a little off of sorts -- formalist understanding is essential in creating lasting, and not just an ephemeral love of a piece of lit. You can love a book cuz it promoted a certain feel, a pathos, but without the proper education you can't put that experience into words. An adequete level of reduction is required to really reach that next level of understanding in what you are reading. If you don't know that a sonnet is written in iambic pentametre as opposed to trochaic tetrametre, you are missing out on a whole backgrounded logic. These metres do different things, and failing to pick them up through concerted understanding is a failure of interpretation. Literature isn't all subjective, there's a lot objective reading involved.

So casualfags need not apply, and if you do, at leats brand yourself as such.

>> No.2708492
File: 139 KB, 600x796, jimmies universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>still not understanding the amount of trolls pretending to be op.
>>still not convincing me to stay here

But I'm aspie for taking a stance. Pic related

>> No.2708495

real op is 3rd yr eng spec btw, uoft canadian fag. By no means a master, but I at least get it.

>> No.2708499

Dude, it's not me man...Honest.

>> No.2708503


Even though I agree with you

>>>If you don't know that a sonnet is written in iambic pentametre as opposed to trochaic tetrametre, you are missing out on a whole backgrounded logic. These metres do different things, and failing to pick them up through concerted understanding is a failure of interpretation. Literature isn't all subjective, there's a lot objective reading involved.

is far too vague to be a persuasive argument.

>> No.2708514


So what you are saying is that you need a masters in engineering to apretiate a fast car?

Thats not how it works. And btw the board's named Literature. Not Literature Theory.


>> No.2708515
File: 37 KB, 425x507, ice-tea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the heat is getting to everybody.

Now let's stop the fussin and have ourselves a nice cool glass of ice tea!

>> No.2708516

>So what you are saying is that you need a masters in engineering to apretiate a fast car?

Hm, I wouldn't say that, but you can never appreciate a lamborghini like an engineer can.

>> No.2708518

>you can never appreciate a lamborghini like an engineer can.

Utilitarian detected.

>> No.2708526


>Iced tea
>Not Thai tea

You fucking casual plebian prole, get out of here and NEVER come back, you understand me?

real OP here, I was kidding when I wrote the OP, but not about this.

>> No.2708527
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Hmm sounds like a good idea.

>> No.2708529

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.2708531

lolno, try again.

>> No.2708545
File: 7 KB, 378x272, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, this thread feels like an intervention about /lit/'s own ineptitude to actually talk about literature.

First stage is denial.

/lit/, we love you, we only want to help you.

>> No.2708568

this. the first paragrap was a solid 7/10 though

>> No.2708577

Really getting tired of see people attach "MFW" to sentences for no reason and misusing the quote function

>> No.2708581


>> No.2708582

"misusing" the quote function? greentexting is as valid a use for the > feature as quoting dickface

>> No.2708897
File: 29 KB, 360x516, cheerleader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump by Op. Now that /lit/ is starting to admit -- well admit it least in part -- the healing can begin. The first order of business is to tell me what three literary schemes the following is an example of:

>>Lacking /lit/ gaining greatness.

Come on /lit/ I believe in you. Bonus points if someone names a device I missed.

>> No.2708903


OP here - ignore this faggot. I could give a shit about whether or not you plebs know anything

>> No.2708907
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>mfw it's your first day on 4chan

lurk moar, fagot

>> No.2708919

You could, huh? I'm glad you have such confidence.

>> No.2708931

Answer the fucking question.

That goes for all of you...

>> No.2708939


irony, hyperbole, oxymoron

(shot in the dark, I dropped out of college)

>> No.2708943

op demandz moar guesses then he reveals his hand

>> No.2708949

Leave, then. No sweat off my back. Might make /lit/ a better place with your absence.

>> No.2708952

Alliteration, assonance, and asshole.

>> No.2708978

Op here, all the time I have folks. Answers I got
>>Anthithesis: bunch of shit that's a binary.
>>Chiasmus: criss-crossing grammar parallelism x y y x or x y x y
>>Alliteration: begin sounds da same

Night folks, i tried

>> No.2708988


alliteration, assonance, and syntactical parallelism of the inverse sort

>> No.2708995


totally not chiasmus, dude. You're just wrong.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

That's chiasmus. It's a reversal of word order, not meaning.

>> No.2709005

>complain about /lit/, a board which has poor discussion as a result of having little discussion in general (hardly surprising given that the focus of the board can not be properly enjoyed whilst browsing, unlike sports on /sp/)
>Want an even more elitist sect of posters than the twats which currently plague this place
>have a crap taste in porn
Oh please leave (and by the way using your fancy white boy words like charging only works if you can make it through a post without using a tl;dr at the end because you can't conclude)

>> No.2709007

You're the one who used "literary schemes." There are rhetorical schemes, and literary devices. People guessed both kinds because you didn't even use the right phrase.
Just popping into this thread to point out you're a douchebag making fun of lesser educated people instead of educating them. You didn't even give them the answer, you sneering douchebag.

>> No.2709017

OP here

Chiasmus is the reversal of grammatical structures. Therefore: lacking (adjective), lit (noun), gaining (adjective) greatness (noun). So it is.

Oh comon. Schemes and tropes is an obvious division in of itself. Trust me, after smoking 1.5g of purple kush its a good enough distinction.

Oh and Op here is alright with the world. Op just had something to say. Sneering douchebag a little harsh dontchathink.
>>jimmies rustled

>> No.2709019

>Oh comon
Oh c'mon, nothing, you're being a dick and you didn't even use the right terminology.

>> No.2709021

The distinction is actually rhetorical schemes versus rhetorical tropes. CHill. Oh and schemes get put into even smaller sub-categories

>> No.2709029

Give them the answers. Do something positive with your point.
Anyone can criticize, and anyone can be criticized.

>> No.2709037


Is my answer way off? OP didn't even respond

>> No.2709040

I know what the distinction is. My point is that many of the people here are younger and their point of entry to criticism at this point is only _literary devices_ hence the one person's confusion when they mentioned alliteration, which you chided. Which is why I'm now here.
^ what rhetorical scheme did I use in this last sentence?

>> No.2709042

Okay thread got too real for op. He's realized that he does love /lit/ so much as he loves the pedestal he put /lit/ on. Too you loving /lit/, i say good bye...

>> No.2709060

He said chiasmus, anthithesis, and alliteration.
Alliteration (consonance - WH) and epanelepsis on which.

Plz let op go to sleep or he dies. DIs waz oppeee

>> No.2709061

Yes, your answer was way off. You listed literary/poetic devices, not rhetorical schemes. Some poetic devices are technically rhetorical schemes, but they're simplistic versions with less emphasis on the manipulation of meaning.
The guy who guessed chiasmus was closer than you, but still wrong.

The funny part is I'm vaguely familiar with rhetorical schemes (not a student of theory, I'm a STEM guy who enjoys poetry and some of the classics) and I don't see which ones he used anyhow in "Lacking /lit/ gaining greatness."

>> No.2709074

Samefag, I see the antithesis and alliteration, chiasmus seems a little off.

>> No.2709075
File: 44 KB, 409x393, 1338351792766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try coming to /lit/ while being a philosophy professor.

>> No.2709085
File: 13 KB, 480x360, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't like modernism

>> No.2709094

Not samefagging bro, ez on that smoking gun
>>You supported my example of chiasmus, which was a very specific, very constrained version.
>> It's just the paralleled inversion of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and etc all respectively.

Thats what losing lit gaining greatest does in 4 words, as already explained. Admitedly, this kind of close, syntaxical analysis isn't my comfort zone, but don't see how you can argue with what im saying.

>> No.2709097

I just don't understand why you'd come here and not bother to at least once in awhile impart some of what you know. Do you just get shit on by the retards when you try, or are you tired/bored/apathetic so you make half-hearted, snide attempts, or what?
Are you just letting it be your sick amusement, like those sadistic, rancorous professors that browbeat kids instead of teaching them, or what?

>> No.2709099


not everybody is an upper-middle class bourgeois with a useless masters in english lit or philosophy that their parents paid for.

Did you ever consider this might be a board for people who enjoy reading to discuss books? Obviously not many people are interested in having bullshit academic discussions because they read for a reason other than nurturing their colossal egos.

>> No.2709104

No, I was saying I'm the one samefagging. Don't know why I even mentioned it, to be honest.
Anyhow, yeah, the chiasmus just seems a little off, it's a little too tight. I think of "But many that are first / shall be last / and the last / shall be first," most often as a pointer for myself. I don't see the inversion in yours.

>> No.2709112

>I just don't understand why you'd come here and not bother to at least once in awhile impart some of what you know.

I've tried before, not just here, but elsewhere on the internet too, and it pretty much always ends up like this:
>Do you just get shit on by the retards when you try

I usually get told that I don't know what I'm talking about, because I'm disagreeing with their rubbish interpretations of some philosopher or other. Or they misunderstand what I'm saying, that's quite common too. Most people on the internet have pretty poor critical thinking skills and can't see important distinctions.

Sometimes it's hard to give a proper answer to an issue that isn't hundreds of words long too.

>> No.2709117


I agree. To have chiasmus, you have to have some of the same words repeated so you can reverse their order. OP's example did not have that. Antithesis, yes, chiasmus no...

>> No.2709120

It's the most basic example possible by the perametres of the definition, being: the reversal of grammatical structures. These things can be fudged much more, but then you have to argue it. DOn't see the problem.

It's a joke -- writing a philosophy paper and english are totally different. The vagueness of rhetoric, oftentimes where devices are used on a broad scale of slightly differing meanings is untrustworthy for philosophers. They don't like metaphor etc...

Rustled. And /lit/ is alrdy elitist and insufferable, just ironically so as this thread has stated in first paragraph by me already. At least do that whole shick right.

>> No.2709123

/lit/, op again plix let meh sleep but also get last word in.

>> No.2709124

>/lit/ is alrdy elitist and insufferable, just ironically

as opposed to you who are genuinely elitist and insufferable

>> No.2709131

Fuck the phonies, phony. (That's anidiplosis, and polytoton.

>> No.2709132

I can relate somewhat, being a biology student, when I try to argue with stormfront fags about the difference between "race" and ethnicity as phenotype being hereditary, and their racism having absolutely no genetic basis. There was a guy here that broke it down really well into simple points, but I get tired of it easily.

>the reversal of grammatical structures.
Eh, ok, I thought there was supposed to be an inversion for chiasmus. I'll take your word for it because I'm a fish out of water if I'm trying to argue it. It just seemed off, that's all.

>> No.2709153
File: 37 KB, 500x197, rogation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or a theologian that lectures on logic

>> No.2709163

How the hell did you even find this place, man? I've seen you on /r9k/, too.

>> No.2709167


I'm teaching symbolic logic next semester actually. Logicfist.

>> No.2709173


It's also shit battle rappers, who represent a demographic bereft of degrees in English or philosophy, write on a daily basis.

It's not complicated just because you're using obfuscating terminology. Maybe you could contribute to the board and discuss books instead of starting meta-threads that don't serve to address the board's problems?

>> No.2709175

My main job is IT-related, I spend a LOT of time on the internet for work, do a lot of work-travel and sit in hotels at night.

I loved my symbolic logic coursework - kudos to you, sir. I only do the occasional intro level course when they need an evening or Summer term course covered.

>> No.2709181

Good point; it is obviously possible to recognize and appreciate complex literary techniques without knowing the academic name for them.

>> No.2709182

Im trying to cut off the head of the snake, being the stupidity, so the rest of the lit/ body isn't so retarded with retarded posts.

Fo realz sleeping nao, night.

>> No.2709191


>> No.2709192
File: 24 KB, 455x322, tumblr_llpzcfQIq91qgyzjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP.

>> No.2709193

u mad

>> No.2709206

The internet is where you go to be a better/more interesting version of yourself or antagonize those who do that. I'm having trouble understanding what's hard to understand about that as it applies to 4chan.

>> No.2709219

And yet, I love this board.

>> No.2709274

my jimmies are rustled, gtfo. there are vastly fewer contributions to literature from blacks and females than white males, so they should be discussed proportionately less. they are discussed, just less often.

>> No.2709279


Thanks for the link, man. Clearly I have a lot to learn.

>> No.2709714

Bump for gr8 justice; Op is willing to teach more -- just ask me :).