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/lit/ - Literature

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2707333 No.2707333 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, i'm going to write something and publish it on Kindle to be downloaded for free.

Which of these undeveloped ideas sounds good?

>Three boys visit the forest
>Not seen again
>Their journals are found and collected years later
>The story is made up of journal extracts, not in order to focus on the emotion of the experience
>One boy runs off
>One is killed by the other two
>The other one stays at the campsite and is found dead with the journals

Any twists you can suggest?

>A whole short story as a suicide note
>Reveals why, how, who, when
>Either they are trapped in a cave and don't know how to get out,
>Paranoid they will die anyway
>have just committed murder
>or are a regular husband with a daughter and just before the end the narrative shifts to third person and the daughter enters the room to see her father shoot himself

>A boy living with his family
>Describes his daily life
>Goes on and on
>Police officer knocks on the door
>boy invites him in and talks to him
>Police officer is just checking on him (why? we don't know)
>Later Police come to house and take the boy away, boy struggles
>His family are dead and he had just set up a series of tape recordings of their voices to play. He eats, sleeps, and does everything else with these giant mannequins.

Would you read them?

>> No.2707334

I would read 3

idk about the others

>> No.2707340

3 sounded cool at first but then I realized you'd have to stretch this out into a whole narrative and that could be difficult. If you think you're a sweet writer do it.

2 sounds stupid tbh

1 could be cool, at the least you'd have all of /x/ as a fanbase

>> No.2707342


Number 2 might be interesting if the 'suicide note' is the daughter's journal entries coming to grips with her father's death; the final entry sounding like his suicide note in that she finally understands his justifications. The narrative possibly working back to her discovering her father's body and wondering his reasons.

>> No.2707351

This is some gimmicky, amateur shit. I wouldn't read any of it.

>> No.2707352

im sorry to be the one who tells you this but they canceled the twilight zone years ago man